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Family Stunned By Us Airways' Refund Response

Perhaps someone in PHL could setup a benevalence (spelling) fund at a local bank or savings and loan in the families name and let us know where we can contribute.
what an airline, count me in too, its the RIGHT THING TO DO!.......
Question for the group. What do we do with the money if we collect like $10,000? give it to the family?

Yes, we should give them every dime that's collected. I'm sure they have financial issues with such a serious illness in their midst.
Agree, should go to the family. Just let us know where to send the money.
I'm sure there are plenty of us retirees willing to donate. Seems like with my 34 years with U, whenever something like this came up, the employees were right there to help! That's U's employees for ya!
Cant refund 3K to a dying kids family, but can give themselves a bunch of fat raises...

I finally understand the full pay to the last day mentality now.

F Uair
javaboy said:
more correctly it illustrates exactly what kind of people are WORKING for this company.
well done to all. as i expected you collectivly rise to the occasion.
thank you.
I agree! :up:
Post the address to where we can send money. Count me in also.....

May God be with this family in these trying times..........
usjacket said:
🙁 This ladies and gentlemen illustrates exactly what kind of people are running(ruining) this company! 🙁
Hey, I'm in.. let me know the when and how... My thoughts are with this family also.
Ive got $10 from the first person I asked and matched his $10. Just let us know where to send the donations 😀
Let us know if we obtain an address to send the monies to, we can post it on the bulletin board in the reservations center, I'm sure even in these trying times US co workers would help out...it makes you realize how blessed we all are. My thoughts and prayers are are with the family.

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