Family Stunned By Us Airways' Refund Response


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
Family Stunned By US Airways' Refund Response
Parents Want $3,000 Back For Canceled Vacation

POSTED: 1:25 pm EDT September 17, 2004
UPDATED: 6:40 pm EDT September 17, 2004

A Northeast Philadelphia family already dealing with devastating news now is pleading with US Airways for some compassion.

Click Here for Story
Not sure of the legalese on this one, but it may very well be true that since the tickets were purchased previous to the Chapter 11 filing, it is pre-petition and cannot be refunded unless the court authorizes it. Good to see some private citizens step up to the plate on this one, though. The spirit of philanthropy is alive and well in the US and shows why we don't need the government for everything.
you know what if every remaining UAIR employee donated 1.00 and sent it to this family, it would once again say that the EMPLOYEES of USAIRWAYS are very sorry for your situation, and yes we have feelings too. count me in. set it up i am ready to donate. why? because folks, it is the right thing to do, bankrupcty no bankrupcty, we have suffered tremendous downturn in both our industry and company but nothing compares to having a sick child much less one with a very serious illness. my thoughts and prayers are with this family.
700UW said:
Family Stunned By US Airways' Refund Response
Parents Want $3,000 Back For Canceled Vacation

POSTED: 1:25 pm EDT September 17, 2004
UPDATED: 6:40 pm EDT September 17, 2004

A Northeast Philadelphia family already dealing with devastating news now is pleading with US Airways for some compassion.

Click Here for Story

Another nail in the coffin of this already dead airline, dead because you can't have a heart that beats and do this.
Awesome idea, Javaboy! Count me in for my contribution. And to the family, my prayers are with you.

javaboy said:
you know what if every remaining UAIR employee donated 1.00 and sent it to this family, it would once again say that the EMPLOYEES of USAIRWAYS are very sorry for your situation, and yes we have feelings too. count me in. set it up i am ready to donate. why? because folks, it is the right thing to do, bankrupcty no bankrupcty, we have suffered tremendous downturn in both our industry and company but nothing compares to having a sick child much less one with a very serious illness. my thoughts and prayers are with this family.
Javaboy- If someone could just post some address that a donation could be
sent to. That would be a great help. Maybe the news reporter could supply a address? I am sure that the family would get a great response from the employees. Suggest active employees set-up something at their work place also. I'm sure this would give a great positive "spin" for the employees of U to the public.
i was shocked that the company had the nerve to tell the family that if one of the three travelling family member dies, then the whole 3000 can be refunded. how can these inept mgmt sleep at night after telling the family that. that is down right outrageous. i would be one to donate. jsut tell me where and i will donate. thank god for hte real people to come thru as this airline is very heartless and no brains
as usual. i'm devastated to hear of this young boy's life and it hits home to me because i have a 2 yr old boy.
PineyBob said:
Hypocracy of the posters on here notwithstanding this appears to be a black & white issue regarding fare rules. Bottom line is they bought cheap tickets that are now worthless. BK law now plays a part.

Now that my rant is over the question remains, What should the response be from employees, posters on US Aviation, FlyerTalk and perhaps even FFOCUS? I am definately willing to help from a financial perspective and perhaps from a miles perspective if they want to have a vacation again.

Let's for one day put aside the differences and "Do the right thing" Personally I DO NOT want to be responsible for collecting the money. At FFOCUS we have an avenue for processing credit cards and such. I'm sure we would be willing to help. But let's do this or don't OK? If I'm involved I'd like to get rolling on this NOW.

Count me in....
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Give them the extra money, sounds like they could use it at the moment.
PineyBob said:
Will you rally the troops in CLT 700UW? Lot's of good folks down there. I know they'll pitch in. We need point persons in the hubs and focus cities. I'm getting the roaches going as you read this.
Count me in Bob. Let us know how/where to send the money.
javaboy said:
you know what if every remaining UAIR employee donated 1.00 and sent it to this family, it would once again say that the EMPLOYEES of USAIRWAYS are very sorry for your situation, and yes we have feelings too. count me in. set it up i am ready to donate. why? because folks, it is the right thing to do, bankrupcty no bankrupcty, we have suffered tremendous downturn in both our industry and company but nothing compares to having a sick child much less one with a very serious illness. my thoughts and prayers are with this family.

I am no longer an employee, but please count me in.
:( This ladies and gentlemen illustrates exactly what kind of people are running(ruining) this company! :(
Sad. Lakefield hasn't figured out that he's riding a dead horse and no amount of spurring is going to do anything. My advice is that he dismount.
usjacket said:
:( This ladies and gentlemen illustrates exactly what kind of people are running(ruining) this company! :(

more correctly it illustrates exactly what kind of people are WORKING for this company.

well done to all. as i expected you collectivly rise to the occasion.
thank you.
pineybob, wqill you tell us where and how to send money. i do work in a mainline express and i would like to donate a little something to help the family out

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