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Failed drug test termination fleet service please help.

He said he was in an accident on the job, and that’s usually an automatic tap.
I get it E, but what I'm saying is the poster is most likely a drug abuser looking for a way out. That would be my guess..

Hes full of **** saying he took one pill.. takes more then that to ring the bell.

And luleloo, thanks for your long winded opinions, I'm sure the addict is really taking them to heart. Jerkoff....
I get it E, but what I'm saying is the poster is most likely a drug abuser looking for a way out. That would be my guess..

Hes full of **** saying he took one pill.. takes more then that to ring the bell.

And luleloo, thanks for your long winded opinions, I'm sure the addict is really taking them to heart. Jerkoff....
Hey 1986Mekanic, do the words F U mean anything to you? Stop being such a grumpy confrontational b*st*rd.

Maybe you are right... in fact logic dictates you probably are correct. However I don't like to jump to conclusions when it comes to someones livelihood and future. Do I think he should be drug tested for an extended period of time? Absolutely. Do I think he should lose his job? No.

Do you think people taking left over pain pills from medicine that was prescribed to them at an earlier date is uncommon? I have news for you, it happens all the time.

I mean you have to appreciate the hypocrisy. You have DUI Doug who has been arrested several times for drinking and driving as the CEO of the company and then this individual who had one incident and is possibly facing the end of his career.
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Micificent28- Sorry this happened to you. Check the drug test paperwork and look at the chain of custody info. The collector probably used FedEx to send the urine to a lab. There should be a tracking number on your copy of the drug test form. Go to FedEx’s website and look up the shipping info. Did the collector give the urine to FedEx within 24 hours of your test? On one of my tests, the collector shipped my urine 2 days after the test. My test came back negative, so I didn’t make an issue of it. But, the sloppiness angered me. I would lose my job if the test was a false positive. That being the case, I expect the procedure to be followed. What a convenient way for the company to get rid of an employee who spoke up on a safety issue. If someone tampered with the urine, who would know? So, check the time that your urine was shipped.

This is from 49 CFR part 40:
The collector or collection site must ensure that each specimen collected is shipped to a laboratory as quickly as possible, but in any case within 24 hours or during the next business day.
I would lose my job if the test was a false positive.

No such thing as a false positive. They don't test for the target drug, they test for the metabolites that the the body breaks the drug into. If the sample test positive during screening test, they will run a confirmation test with GC/MS or LC-MS/MS. This test will confirm the exact drug abused.
This is what happened. No random test. It's weird because I had a former grievance guy yell me he had been in 3 accidents where he was hit and not 1 drug test.
I hope u will get ur job back. Ive know some agents whove tested positive n they kept their jobs. Have u talked to an AGC as that contact wld most likely handle ur grievance?
Nobody takes 1 pill and rings the bell on a random. I say to the original poster, you should think about being accountable to yourself and your family. Then and only then, can you restart your life in whatever direction it goes..
From what was revealed, codeine was the drug and it is fat soluble taking a month or more to leave your system.....and dependent upon the prior frequency using them.
He said he was in an accident on the job, and that’s usually an automatic tap.
When I was a Lead Mech, anyone under my watch that got hurt would have me tested also....even if I was doing something else when it happened.
When I was a Lead Mech, anyone under my watch that got hurt would have me tested also....even if I was doing something else when it happened.
Well, that suks!! For that reason alone I wouldn't be a lead at your co. That's ridiculous in my opinion.
If you're legit, no problem, just another job responsibility.
Don't get me wrong, I agree. But I am not a fan of taking drug test even though I am 100% clean. The problem I have is this. I have a family member that is a drug tester for the DOT. The tester sends all test off to second parties to be tested. There are too many handoffs of the samples and can easily get crossed with another person's sample. I have also been told of samples freely sitting out "unattended" for minutes and even hours sometimes. If you ever get your sample crossed up with a dirty sample you would "NEVER" be able to prove it. They would simply draw a second amount for the second test after getting the first positive reading out of the very same crossed up sample and say, "sorry, it's confirmed positive again", and report that to the company, which in turn calls you to tell ya your fired for a positive drug test. Bingo your screwed. Hence I would never take a job where I would be drug tested for one of my workers accident or damage reports, no way in hell. Too many more chances of a screw up and the % are much higher in those cases. Don't think this does not happen as it does.
Don't get me wrong, I agree. But I am not a fan of taking drug test even though I am 100% clean. The problem I have is this. I have a family member that is a drug tester for the DOT. The tester sends all test off to second parties to be tested. There are too many handoffs of the samples and can easily get crossed with another person's sample. I have also been told of samples freely sitting out "unattended" for minutes and even hours sometimes. If you ever get your sample crossed up with a dirty sample you would "NEVER" be able to prove it. They would simply draw a second amount for the second test after getting the first positive reading out of the very same crossed up sample and say, "sorry, it's confirmed positive again", and report that to the company, which in turn calls you to tell ya your fired for a positive drug test. Bingo your screwed. Hence I would never take a job where I would be drug tested for one of my workers accident or damage reports, no way in hell. Too many more chances of a screw up and the % are much higher in those cases. Don't think this does not happen as it does.

Samples shouldn't be "crossed-up", as I have worked in the field (in a prior life) and to prevent mistakes, the tech MUST immediately place the individual's name and identification number label upon the container after collection. No batching, but one patient, one label, one sample collected. Yes, it was a constant battle prevent tech shortcuts, and we fired a few for those things too. However, if anything, workers should be advised of GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) before a drug test to verify their sample has been handled properly.

Personally, I would support more random testing. We are handling heavy equipment around other people, and moving expensive aircraft loaded with hundreds of passengers. I know more than few people are questionable on any given day, especially as the waft of marijuana or scent of booze follows them through much of their shifts.
Don't get me wrong, I agree. But I am not a fan of taking drug test even though I am 100% clean. The problem I have is this. I have a family member that is a drug tester for the DOT. The tester sends all test off to second parties to be tested. There are too many handoffs of the samples and can easily get crossed with another person's sample. I have also been told of samples freely sitting out "unattended" for minutes and even hours sometimes. If you ever get your sample crossed up with a dirty sample you would "NEVER" be able to prove it. They would simply draw a second amount for the second test after getting the first positive reading out of the very same crossed up sample and say, "sorry, it's confirmed positive again", and report that to the company, which in turn calls you to tell ya your fired for a positive drug test. Bingo your screwed. Hence I would never take a job where I would be drug tested for one of my workers accident or damage reports, no way in hell. Too many more chances of a screw up and the % are much higher in those cases. Don't think this does not happen as it does.
We always chose the 'split sample' option, for that reason.
We always chose the 'split sample' option, for that reason.
Yes you should.
But again, I would never take a position where I was drug tested because of others mistakes or problems. Now if I caused an accident or problem then I would full well supply a sample if asked to do so, but never if someone else's faults caused an inquiry.
If you're legit, no problem, just another job responsibility.
I don't know delldude.... that seems sketchy to me. It seems like the company is trying to manipulate you into policing the crew which of course is THEIR responsibility. I saw that a lot in my 12 years, management trying to manipulate the crew (and crew chief) to do their job.

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