Don't get me wrong, I agree. But I am not a fan of taking drug test even though I am 100% clean. The problem I have is this. I have a family member that is a drug tester for the DOT. The tester sends all test off to second parties to be tested. There are too many handoffs of the samples and can easily get crossed with another person's sample. I have also been told of samples freely sitting out "unattended" for minutes and even hours sometimes. If you ever get your sample crossed up with a dirty sample you would "NEVER" be able to prove it. They would simply draw a second amount for the second test after getting the first positive reading out of the very same crossed up sample and say, "sorry, it's confirmed positive again", and report that to the company, which in turn calls you to tell ya your fired for a positive drug test. Bingo your screwed. Hence I would never take a job where I would be drug tested for one of my workers accident or damage reports, no way in hell. Too many more chances of a screw up and the % are much higher in those cases. Don't think this does not happen as it does.