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Failed drug test termination fleet service please help.

I don't know delldude.... that seems sketchy to me. It seems like the company is trying to manipulate you into policing the crew which of course is THEIR responsibility. I saw that a lot in my 12 years, management trying to manipulate the crew (and crew chief) to do their job.
Was company policy. It didn't motivate me or any others one way or another. You think I should drug test and counsel everyone on my crew then? It was one of those 'that's bullshit' moments in aviation.
Yes you should.
But again, I would never take a position where I was drug tested because of others mistakes or problems. Now if I caused an accident or problem then I would full well supply a sample if asked to do so, but never if someone else's faults caused an inquiry.

If you're supervising someone else's work, you're responsible and accountable for what they do. Testing their immediate supervisor rules out any chance of the employee blame-shifting their actions onto the supervisor and the company.

IIRC, anyone supervising a safety sensitive position is subject to random testing. In practice, that went up to the director level at legacy AA. Not sure if it still does.
If you're supervising someone else's work, you're responsible and accountable for what they do. Testing their immediate supervisor rules out any chance of the employee blame-shifting their actions onto the supervisor and the company.

IIRC, anyone supervising a safety sensitive position is subject to random testing. In practice, that went up to the director level at legacy AA. Not sure if it still does.
Not where I work.
Now, say, 4 guys are moving aircraft, strike a hangar, all 4 are sent for testing, however, the Lead and Sup sitting in their offices catching up and auditing the packages do not get sent, only the people involved.
I do understand it very well may be that way at other placed and even in other industries. I still would NOT take a position where I would be drug tested for someone's stupidity, accident, etc. unless I was directly involved with the incident, a cause of said incident, or a factor of an incident. It would be different in my mind though if a lead instructed mechanics to do something in an unsafe manner or danger to employees, customers, and property damage ect...
If you're not using, you shouldn't need to worry about being tested... especially if you're already subject to randoms.
If you're not using, you shouldn't need to worry about being tested... especially if you're already subject to randoms.
Of course I'm not using. And yes I have given a plenty of randoms in my career.
The less times the better to not get samples crossed at labs, transportation, delivery etc... YES it does happen and has happened. My reasoning was posted a while back, I have family members that do DOT drug testing for a living, and I hear many of stories from that side of the spector. It only takes one time, one mistake on their end and your done. So i simply "prefer" to limit my exposures to drug testing as much as possible. I even scringe when called for a random because of the stories I have heard. Not afraid of passing, afraid of mishandling, cross ups, and mistakes on their end. Here's my post from before:

Don't get me wrong, I agree. But I am not a fan of taking drug test even though I am 100% clean. The problem I have is this. I have a family member that is a drug tester for the DOT. The tester sends all test off to second parties to be tested. There are too many handoffs of the samples and can easily get crossed with another person's sample. I have also been told of samples freely sitting out "unattended" for minutes and even hours sometimes. If you ever get your sample crossed up with a dirty sample you would "NEVER" be able to prove it. They would simply draw a second amount for the second test after getting the first positive reading out of the very same crossed up sample and say, "sorry, it's confirmed positive again", and report that to the company, which in turn calls you to tell ya your fired for a positive drug test. Bingo your screwed. Hence I would never take a job where I would be drug tested for one of my workers accident or damage reports, no way in hell. Too many more chances of a screw up and the % are much higher in those cases. Don't think this does not happen as it does.
Any updates , hoping for a favorable decision!

Hopefully a good one. I think AA has a second chance policy. But, I have recently read where an F/A was just hit with a random and hit a positive. This was his/her second positive hit at AA. The F/A is claiming a Keno Diet as the culprit to his positive and says he has Dr's written statements etc... Curious to how this one will turn out as well. In this case he was hit couple years back and given a second chance under AA's policy of second chances. However, I do believe and read that AA has an absolute "0" tolerance under the second chance rules on a second positive hit, so not even sure if this F/A will even be able to get his job back.
Welcome to my world dude... good luck to you and if you get another chance.. first off.. admit to a using. 2nd.. dont take a controlled substance without a script.. and God help you if you mess with illegal dot controlled stuff..

Go ahead... ride those brakes...

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