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I'd be willing to bet that DL's left more markets in a single season than WN's abandoned in its history.
WorldTraveler said:
I know 3 year olds who have the maturity to know that throwing someone else under the bus is not the way to win friends and influence people.

I acknowledged that Jim started the train of thought regarding WN being so good at leaving markets.

you are the one who chimed in by saying that WN showed the industry how to leave markets which is about as stupid of a remark as can be made, regardless of who made it. the fact that you repeated it is supposed to make you look better, even if someone else made it?
Another flat out lie by you.  Refer to post by you on 11 Nov 2014 @ 4:08pm.  You outright claim that I am the one that took it off topic.  Maturity has nothing to do with it, it is impossible to maintain when dealing with your type.  And when one always acts as an idiot he will then be called an idiot.  You bring it all on yourself, don't blame us...
I'd be willing to bet that DL's left more markets in a single season than WN's abandoned in its history.
good thing you didn't put any money on that bet because you would be wrong.

over the past 3 years, which includes both the WN/FL merger and the pulldown of the CVG and MEM hubs, the percentage of markets that have been cancelled compared to total markets in DL's network over the same period is 18.5%.

For DL, the percentage is 15.6%.

So, no, DL has exited a smaller percentage of markets than WN has.
eolesen said:
I'd be willing to bet that DL's left more markets in a single season than WN's abandoned in its history.
I am sure you will be provided with a comprehensive, data driven response refuting your assertion.

Of course it wil be fully supported by links to the source. It will also include all the metrics, not just cherry picked portions of delusional DL grandeur.

Naw, never mind.
E has access to schedule software.

he has repeatedly cited schedule statistics in the past.

maybe he doesn't any more.

and if he doesn't have access to any kind of data to make his point, then his statement is unverifiable hot air.

over the past 3 years, which includes pulldowns of MEM and CVG and the FL/WN merger, DL has cancelled a smaller percentage of its network than WN.
WorldTraveler said:
good thing you didn't put any money on that bet because you would be wrong.

over the past 3 years, which includes both the WN/FL merger and the pulldown of the CVG and MEM hubs, the percentage of markets that have been cancelled compared to total markets in DL's network over the same period is 18.5%.

For DL, the percentage is 15.6%.

So, no, DL has exited a smaller percentage of markets than WN has.
Once again you prove your an idiot.  Enough said...
Once again you prove your an idiot.  Enough said...
oh the irony

another statistic that you can't argue with but since you don't like, you denigrate the person who provides the information

yes, WN cut a higher percentage of its routes over the past 3 years than DL did.
WorldTraveler said:
For DL, the percentage is 15.6%.

So, no, DL has exited a smaller percentage of markets than WN has.
Where is this data viewable at??
eolesen said:
I'd be willing to bet that DL's left more markets in a single season than WN's abandoned in its history.
WorldTraveler said:
over the past 3 years, which includes both the WN/FL merger and the pulldown of the CVG and MEM hubs, the percentage of markets that have been cancelled compared to total markets in DL's network over the same period is 18.5%.

For DL, the percentage is 15.6%.

So, no, DL has exited a smaller percentage of markets than WN has.
WorldTraveler said:
over the past 3 years, which includes pulldowns of MEM and CVG and the FL/WN merger, DL has cancelled a smaller percentage of its network than WN.
It's posts/comments like those above by WT which not only make him look like a bafoon but also shred any credibility he may have ever had.  It's fascinating that first of all he focuses only on 3 years, and then does the percentage calculation instead of the actual number. But naturally, this method fits the DL uber alles narrative.
LD3 said:
Where is this data viewable at??
As usual, he won't tell you either the source of his numbers or post them.
But he definitely will make grandiose statements and conclusions about DL superiority over every airline.
So E posted this:
eolesen said:
I'd be willing to bet that DL's left more markets in a single season than WN's abandoned in its history.
And we got this in response:
WorldTraveler said:
over the past 3 years, which includes both the WN/FL merger and the pulldown of the CVG and MEM hubs, the percentage of markets that have been cancelled compared to total markets in DL's network over the same period is 18.5%.

For DL, the percentage is 15.6%.

So, no, DL has exited a smaller percentage of markets than WN has.
And this:
WorldTraveler said:
over the past 3 years, which includes pulldowns of MEM and CVG and the FL/WN merger, DL has cancelled a smaller percentage of its network than WN.
WorldTraveler said:
oh the irony

another statistic that you can't argue with but since you don't like, you denigrate the person who provides the information

yes, WN cut a higher percentage of its routes over the past 3 years than DL did.
Why argue with it, when it wasn't what was asked?

E posted about total number of markets, not a percentage of anything.

So, how 'bout it? How many total cities (markets) has WN left over the course of it's history? Not a percentage, not a portion that involves overlapping networks; just a total number.

FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
It's posts/comments like those above by WT which not only make him look like a bafoon but also shred any credibility he may have ever had.  It's fascinating that first of all he focuses only on 3 years, and then does the percentage calculation instead of the actual number. But naturally, this method fits the DL uber alles narrative.
Nah, he's clever as a fox, substituting percentages for raw numbers whenever it suits...
DL has without question withdrawn from more markets in a single season than WN has in its entirety.  All you have to do is look at the CVG, MEM, and DFW pulldowns.
In DFW alone, they had 77 markets which were served in early 2004, 66 by the fall, and after the pulldown in January, it was under 10.
Now we can look forward to WT arguing over the definition of season.  To me, 66 destinations in the Summer, 3-5 in the Winter, that's a season.  You can argue about Fall being its own season, but that's just more hair splitting.
not only is that one helluva pull down  but all the folks that are affected too    
Justified entirely by the fact that it was in the economic best interests of the Company...

In reality, it was about 220 flights, and a lot of them on DL* instead of mainline metal, but there was still a huge impact... if I recall, over 2000 people were laid off from the express carriers alone, and that may have only been the local DFW impact. Not sure what the layoffs were in other locations which didn't keep service to ATL, MEM, or CVG.
thanks E for the info   its just incredible how that dl preacher keeps downing all the airlines with the exception of the wiget

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