F/a's Receive Company Counterproposal

700UW said:
From Thomas Jefferson:

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned -- this is the sum of good government.

Absolutely correct. They why does the government give the union the right to negotiate such items as closed shop provisions? Is that not the union taking from the mouth of labor in the guise of government? Why is it that dues objectors can not fairly attend meetings and vote on union leadership (who decides who negotiates the contract afterall), just because they do not agree where the money above and beyond what is germane to the contract is going? Should union meetings and elections be considered germane to the contract?
They are not considered germane that is why they dont have the right to attend and it was the Federal Courts System who decided that.
So if it went to the Supreme Court and the Court ruled that participating in both union meetings and elections were germane (after all, they are if you look at it from the perspective of it matters because it decided who will negotiate and what will be negotiated on in the next contract) you would look it at so kindly?

By the way you cannot call me a Republican. If you want to call me conservative, a constructionist, or one who narrowly interprets the law as it is written, fine.
700 , YOU ARE SO CLUELESS< and you actually do give an "insite" on how your union thinks..... This union is is serious serious trouble as well as cwa and afa, if they continue to play politics as usual. Theres a terrible lesson a comin is all i have to say! PITBULL was right, the unions are being broken, but in my book, they are doing more harm to them selves than they are to our company!

You don't know me nor who I am nor what I do.

Let me just say I am very involved on what is going on with the IAM.
Rico said:
I think a lot of you are missing the point here,
This is it... Endgame.

Reality is that time is running out, and the company will just simply cease to exist here in a short while. So compare these proposals to that looming eventuality, not "what was".

I beleive everyone here gets the point.....there is no difference between what the company offers and the endgame. Endgame is preferred for myself and a large majority of my co-workers. IF THE company ceases to exist it will be the end of a MORALLY BANKRUPT MANAGEMENT!!!! :shock: :shock:
Rico said:
I realize who my audience very well, and for me to be fuzzy about my motives is a sure way to lose credibility. I understand quite well the situation CSA's endure, I married one.
Time is running out.

Good Luck Rico. Many don't feel like you do and it sure looks like you will be going through familiar history since you are in the minority party.
Well...There will be a NO vote from me and MANY of my freinds!! This Company is PATHETIC!!!! :down:
Has anyone done the math on this "proposal?" $150 million in concessions from 5200 flight attendants comes to $28,846.15 per flight attendant.

How the heck are they suppose to get to that number when the company also proposes a top of scale of $24.75/hr. which on an 85 hour month comes to $25, 245/yr? Obviously, the company wants the flight attendants to reject this offer. What other choice do they have? Each flight attendant will owe the company $3601.15 at the end of the first year!!!

And, that assumes that all 5200 of you stay. If anyone leaves, the rest of you will have to pick up the slack. I suggest a well-paying 2nd job. :rolleyes:
Rico and A320:

The CWA is so reckless with strike talk and must pay. Did Bronners liquidation talk help our bookings? Should he have to pay?
USA320Pilot said:
I respect the right for each union to make their own choice, but even more painful "imposition" is only a few weeks away,



Do you really? Prove it. Shut up and let it happen!
700, Great to hear your "in the know" Then you know the days of your present job are limited. You also know, your not gonna have a win win here. Iam and my union AFA should have talked earlier, now the member pays an even heavier price.... but you already know that dont you?
USA320Pilot said:
I suspect the same thing will occur to the CWA and IAM, via a consensual or imposed deal, which will be worse than if new labor accords were reached before Labor Day. It's sad to see what has happened, but union leadership was warned this would occur and now the rank-and-file members will have to pay for failed union leadership.



Hey sweetheat hate to break the news but the strike vote is out for the CWA and the yes votes are pooring in ....Sad to say this may be the end wether you like it or not.......

By the way I'm glad and I hope it happens sooner than later....unemployment for longer period and 3000.00 towards traing ....NO BRAINER...


PITBull or 320Pilot-

Would someone please tell me where USAir is going to get oh say $16 Million to fund an $8,000 payout if 2,000 F/A's apply? (and I think 2,000 is a conservative number)

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