Maybe you should follow your own advice first. Contrary to your previous post, you never had a report date of 8-1-07, because as you have mentioned over and over on here, you never got the transfer. You are too upset to see that you are the one that made the mistake and started something before it was complete. This whole thread is you rambling on and on about how you didn't read the procedures for a mutual lateral transfer. It sucks that the other person changed their mind, but no one did anything wrong. Well, except you starting to move before you got a transfer that is. Better luck next time.
Maybe you should follow your own advice first. Contrary to your previous post, you never had a report date of 8-1-07, because as you have mentioned over and over on here, you never got the transfer. You are too upset to see that you are the one that made the mistake and started something before it was complete. This whole thread is you rambling on and on about how you didn't read the procedures for a mutual lateral transfer. It sucks that the other person changed their mind, but no one did anything wrong. Well, except you starting to move before you got a transfer that is. Better luck next time.