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F/a Recalls..will They Happen?

Fly said:
wouldn't it be better for EVERYONE, F/A's and Mgmt, if All flight attendants were current on ALL aircraft AA flys? And what is with seperate Int'l and Domestic reserves? Lump all reserves into one big pool. Not necessary to reassign a domestic lineholder when you have an international reserve sitting around.
The company's answer would be that training costs would be prohibitive. Thousands would have to be cycled through DFW and then kept current every year.

As far as cross-utilization of domestic and international is concerned, we at TWA resisted that, but when Icahn forced it on us in 1986 most of us actually got to like it. And it would be much more efficient. But once again, the company would have to train thousands who are not currently international qualified and then incur the costs of keeping them current. Notice the company hasn't even suggested cross-utilization in previous contract talks. And it would take a contract change to effect such proposals.


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