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Orange Ribbon For F/a

I think this talk of seniority needs to stop. I think we all can agree that we will never totally agree. I don't see any point in destroying any unity over the "S" word.

Let us all work toward a common goal.
I'm at a loss trying to find "what" APFA ever "promised" TWA F/A's. Pretty sure promises were never made. All this talk of Orange ribbons is funny. Nobody on the line has ever metioned this around me. Sounds like the original posters own personal idea they were trying to start on here. By the way, we are not the laughing stock of anything, except for allowing a large group of disgruntalled furloughed employees run our officer elections. Nothing else. Most other airline employees will privately say they wish they could do the same if they bought another company out of bancruptcy as well. The ones on here are by no means an accurate sampling of company or idustry wide opinions!
"By the way, we are not the laughing stock of anything, except for allowing a large group of disgruntalled furloughed employees run our officer elections."

Oh yeah we are so large and powerful...what.. less than 3,000 of us voted in the elections. Dont be pissed at us "union" sister, be pissed at your apathetic "union" brothers and sisters. wAAAAAAAAA wAAAAAAAA
IORFA - If anyone is disgruntled - your post indicates you are. Mad because TWA peope voted. Come on - take a class on unionism!
Since they have so much effect on elections, the "disgruntelled" f/as should vote themselves DOH...

As for APFA promises, seniority forever at JFK and STL and no staple. As for AA promises, benefits (including seniority) equal to similarly situated AA F/As plus the promise of a facilitator and that AA agreed to follow whatever process the facilitator recommended for seniority integration. All these promises, most written, broken. Remember most of these promises were made as a condition of purchase, the AA promises made before Congress as a means to expedite the purchase and to convince the TWAers to give up their insistence on Allegheny-Mohawk seniority integration. Remember that at the time APFA did not and could not represent the TWA F/As for they were represented by IAM and did not work for AA but instead TWA LLC. Are these promises enforceable in Federal court? We shall see. It does not matter what we think or how wound up we want to get about this issue, if the promises are enforceable, the TWAers are entitled to very large damages from APFA and AA. If the promises are not enforceable, that will be the way it will be.

One further note, THB says discovery is going to put APFA in a financial bind. She does not mention that discovery is largely complete in the SIA suit but has a long way to go in the RPA suits. In fact at this point it appears that the 4 RPA lawsuits can damage APFA far more than the SIA cost wise.
extwacaptain said:
Thank you, Bear,

You have been not only the STRONGEST union man on this board, but also the most fair-minded regarding the integration of our two work-forces. It is my belief that your "RATIO" formula would have eliminated much of the division between our two groups of employees and you, SIR, have consistantly supported that position.

Please know that this has been respected and appreciated,

A friend 🙂


Captain Randy Kramer, Sir;

I am extremely humbled by your kind words. They take on an even MORE special meaning, coming from(IMHO) THE most respected airline employee on these boards!!!!!

Folks, since I submitted my "2 cents" on this controversial subject, I am now respectfully asking that you allow me "2 more cent's worth"
Which is,
Lets STOP any more animosity RIGHT NOW, about this subject !!!!

As hard as it may be to believe this, the F/a seniority issue HAS begun to show signs of slow healing, and I suggest to you that FURTHER healing will help all of you good folks(f/a's) concerned.

L1011 Ret-

When did APFA " promise " no staple or senority forever at STL AND JFK? If I recall correctly, the BOD resolution was a framework to get an agreement with AA. APFA can't just tell AA what to do. Although, I wish they could.
IOR you will also notice that the people who seem to back the idea of integration are very junior or furloughed. They don't have a lot to lose in a seniority battle. You are right about this not being the general feelings of anyone on line. I have not seen or heard of anyone wearing a orange ribbon.
IOR, long before 9/11 and long before the SIA was agreed to. These statements were made before the single carrier ruling and long before APFA represented the TWA F/As.

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