F/a Recalls..will They Happen?

Flyboy4u said:
I know of one f/a who has 11 years seniority and is on reserve at LGA domestic for October. Talk about crazy!!!

That is just awful.

Why don't you ask for sympathy from the former TWA LLC flight attendants who were pushed back on reserve, in the last few months that they were employed, with thirty or more years of seniority.

I remember the APFA fans' response to the TWAers complaints on this and many other issues: "You should be happy you have a job." Not to mention Don Carty's famous quote at the St. Louis town hall meeting over which he presided: "Get over it."

Kirkpatrick, didn't you have to fly on reserve, with thirty one years on the line, before your furlough?
There's an ice storm or two just about every year at DFW so that yearly drama will occur again in January/February...and the same idiots will still be spinning out on Central Expressway or I-35. :huh:

I fly intl out of DFW and many senior f/a's are out using their sick time until it's gone and they can retire. Any allegiance that these original "stewardesses" had for AA is now just about all gone..so say these 35 and 40+ yr. ladies. My FRA trip last week included one who has been flying since 1965 and she's so angry and upset at what has happened to AA that I thought she was going to go into an epileptic fit. Many of her friends are out sick and won't return and some, like herself, are mulling it over as well. IDF reserve is already about 20 years and the rumor is that come December, the reserve numbers could go upwards of 25-30+ years.
A rumor I heard just recently from an EPT instructor at The Learning Center (FU now..go figure) was that call backs for the furloughees would happen within a year.

Does anyone really think flight attendant recalls will help morale and the ever growing sick list. Flight Attendants hated management when the company was making money and they hate management now. They have to be the most disgruntled work group I have ever come across. There is one thing I do not understand. This to all the flight attendants getting re assigned. Why dont you take out your frustyrations on the sick time abusers who force crew sched to re assign. It is truly unfortunate that the APFA and AMR protect the worst of all work groups. It is the good flight attendant that shows to work every day that gets screwed in the long run. That is why we hate to re assign.
Just my two cents....................wouldn't it be better for EVERYONE, F/A's and Mgmt, if All flight attendants were current on ALL aircraft AA flys? And what is with seperate Int'l and Domestic reserves? Lump all reserves into one big pool. Not necessary to reassign a domestic lineholder when you have an international reserve sitting around. It would probably increase the morale too, less reassignments.
I agree....I hope that happens ...Having every flight attendant qualified on every aircraft would alleviate alot of re assignments. Do you think making everyone a purser would help also. I do but I dont think that would ever happen
Garfield1966 said:
Man, it really must suck to get sick over the holidays year after year.

OH yea, I forgot..... you guys did not read that part of the contract when you signed on. I guess that excuses your behavior.

What a bunch of pathetic losers.

Your calling in sick has nothing to do with the work conditions. If it did there would be no variation in the sick list between Jun 20th or Dec 25th. I guess it is lucky for you folks that AA has no way of enforcing the sick policy.
Pathetic, is a word used to describe a person who continually makes ridiculous statements about a group as large as 20,000 plus. As if everyone was a sick, every Christmas, New Years and Columbus Day. All coming from someone who believes they can control when and where they will be sick. If you believes a flight attendant should be flying unless bed ridden you are the biggest fool. Who want to fly an airline where the puser is sniffling and blowing there nose in constantly, in plain view. Who want to fly an airline where the coach f/a is sneezing while holding your glass or with an ice drawer partially open. Sorry there is no where to go at times. When I am getting ill, and cannot fight it off. The entire plane is getting a first hand view. Every germ from my sneeze and cough, and those of the other sick people gets circulated through the airplane time and time again. The person who sits shoulder to shoulder to me during take off landing turbulence gets a close up view and an easy shot of getting what I have. We don't get a constant supply of fresh clean air onboard. We get recalculated the same air and germs through out the flight, with a tiny mix of fresh added to the mix. while the holier than thou believe the worst thing in the world to actually get sick on a holiday. Doesn't happen much in the ranks of management and office staff. They all have the holiday off. Many other work groups are paid exorbitantly, on said days and still get to be home. There is a difference.

It says NO where in, my contract that I have to work every holiday. I don't remember being allowed or asked, to read it prior to being hired.

You might also try learn that there is a big difference between the June cold and flu season and the November, December one.
When thousands call in sick around the holidays, it's pretty obvious what is going on. B)
Flyboy4u said:
I would think that if someone has put in over 11- 12 years of service to this airline then they do deserve to get the holidays off. It's really sad what has gone on with this airline. Yes, I am furloughed, and yes I agreed to fly the holidays. However, their should come a point in time when those holiday days off are earned. Instead, this company has gone back in time forcing those 11+ years to work the holidays again. I can tell you this...If I am recalled I will work the holidays but alot of my colleagues will also be on the sick list if they are recalled. We know what will happen to us if recalled. We will work the holidays to be furloughed again come January when traffic slows down. If these policys AA practices are allowed to continue, I can't imagine the kind of people AA will be hiring in the future. Nobody will want this job. By the way, many of my friends on the line right now are still saying AA is really low on F/A's. Thanks to Hurricane Isabelle many crew bases are out of reserves. That's really sad since this company has had over 2 weeks to plan for this possible situation . It will be interesting to see what this winter brings when weather hits ORD,LGA and "God forbid" and ice storm at DFW. :shock:
True ramblings of someone very young, or very foolish. In this job holidays off is dictated by seniority. If you have enough, you get it off, don't, you don't. It is possible to have a holiday off and nearly any seniority. I did my first few years here. Creative bidding trip trading and scheduling. Now I just work them since I live so far from my family.

Flyboy wait till you hear what AA scheduling has planned for this holiday. People who haven't seen reserve in 10 years will soon see there name on the list. It will look not quite as ridiculous as the IDF bid sheet for November of 93. When the reserve list started at seniority number 1.

The hurricane through a wrench through the system. I doubt they are out of reserves. But I do know anyone with a trip through DC or the NE is going to be low on time. With the holidays approaching. Its time to make sure you are working a full schedule.

I dont think garfield is fed up with people calling in sick when they are sick. I think he is fed up with the ones with a blatant disregard for the job they hold and their on co workers and the undue stress they are putting on everyone when those certain ones call in sick holiday after holiday after holiday. How come the company alloows such abuse top happen. How come the APFA allows this to happen. Why anyone would want an employee such as that is beyond me. And when you applied for the Flight Attendant job it said you may be required to work on weekends and holidays. Or was that the department I am in
I think he is. I think he may be the jerk who gave me such an attitude last December when I called in sick. To put your dirty little minds at ease I was able to clear after 3 days and did work over Christmas. So long as there is finger pointed squarely and only at the 20,000 plus flight attendants at AA. Acting as though it is only a problem here and in this work group. I do and will take offense. There are some, there always will be. There are also people in scheduling and management would and who do the same. Call in sick when they are not.
Hasn't this "sick" topic been beaten to death in another thread...what do they say Must...Beat... Dead...Horse, (or nearly dead flight attendant)
There is nothing AA management can do if you call in sick. Yeah, they can write you up, but they can't fire you! It's against the law to fire or demote an employee due to being out sick. If you have a doctor's note then AA is hung out to dry! This is just the way we can get back at management. They think they own us and run our lives. My life doesn't revolve around American Airlines. The sick list is currently at 1400 plus. Yes, it will go up dramatically during the holiday season. Even when we had holiday pay, the sick list was still high. AA management thought if they gave us holiday pay in our 2001 contract, it would eliminate sick calls during the holidays. It backfired on them and so they took it away. Every airline has a problem with sick calls during the holidays, it's part of life. ;)
TWAnr said:

Kirkpatrick, didn't you have to fly on reserve, with thirty one years on the line, before your furlough?

Yes. And since I live in NY, I had to get hotels at my own expense for a week at a time. Wasn't pleasant, but I'll trade places with the 11-yr LGA reserve tomorrow, if they're willing.

Yes. And since I live in NY, I had to get hotels at my own expense for a week at a time. Wasn't pleasant, but I'll trade places with the 11-yr LGA reserve tomorrow, if they're willing.


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