With the exception of 2 posters, one of whom told me to fly domestic, and another that actually got my point, I have no interest in the opinions of non flight attendants. You wouldn't last two seconds with a planeload of Italians or French who don't understand that an airplane with an economy section the size it is on the A330 that if they are in row 6, they will see me once and then not again for another hour because it takes that long to get through the cabin, and that isn't including the 60 video resets, the restock in the middle of the cabin, and actually trying to smile and do a proper job.
The point is, AWA wants me to do a service that required 14 flight attendants with 9. If you accept that kind of work environment, without complaint, that's your choice. There is such a thing as a reasonable working environment, and I resent getting beat to hell in 9 hours. PHX flyer, Your egregious lack of knowledge is humourous. An A330 is a negative stimulation nightmare. The call bells never stop and in the economy section, and the galley was designed by a sadist. A flight attendant can't sit on a jumpseat because it's a futile exercise. The bathroom doors open two inches from it, and you have to get up to let someone in and out. Throw in that you are on at minimum a 13 day and it tends to be tiring. If I read a newspaper on that plane it's because we're delayed. I could explain a bit more, but your intellect isn't worth the effort.
As for the comment to work domestic, I'll let that slide as a reserve that hardly ever flys, and therefore knows nothing of 5 international trips. As it happens, I do have a choice not to work the A330, most of the time. For those too dim to get it, I was pointing out that all of the service procedures in the world do not make for a happy, therefore pleasant to be around, crew. And, for those not yet acquainted with Envoy training, the point was endlessly made that the surveys indicated that a large part of whether or not a person had a good flight was the attitude of the crew.
Can we agree that you get what you pay for? US f/as are paid abysmally.
Now, if you are a flight attendant and enjoy doing 5 beverages and two juice and waters, answering endless call bells and doing at minimum 60-80 video re-sets with a minimum crew and think that I should, fire away. Otherwise, you're irrelevant.