An interesting, yet unmentioned till this point, fact is that, at least in CS, according to our local management, WHQ sent down a directive 2weeks ago, since we were leading up to our annual vacation bid process, that summer and holiday vacation would be reduced. IE less lines offered on those weeks, and much of the extra capacity was pushed to Jan thru Mar. This will cause an effect where, if a higher percentage of your employees are forced to take vacations in the 1st quarter, and they are all giving up 4days of pay, it will create a rather large cash bubble. At least, that's what I think. I'm not sure if they did the same thing to maint or not, but, otoh, their numbers in comparison wouldn't have the impact that forcing 800 csr's into 1Q vaca's would have. That is 25,600 hours of payroll off the books..... just in DEN, just in CS. Think about it.