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EAST saves West's BUTT today!

the company had the resources to resolve it

And therein lies the potential problem - we're in that shadowy area where we're "one company" is some respects but operationally we're still two separate companys. Why do you think we codeshare instead of just having one combined schedule?

Like I said above, as long as this is a once or twice "operational necessity" type thing and the crews are pay protected I see it as "no harm no foul".

However, if one looks at the "big picture" then making the blanket statement that East substituting for West (or vice versa) is acceptable is saying that it's ok to downsize one side of the operation while the other grows to compensate. After all, it's all the same company - right? So under that thinking there's nothing wrong with East taking over West flying until there's no West left (or vice versa).

And therein lies the potential problem - we're in that shadowy area where we're "one company" is some respects but operationally we're still two separate companys. Why do you think we codeshare instead of just having one combined schedule?

Like I said above, as long as this is a once or twice "operational necessity" type thing and the crews are pay protected I see it as "no harm no foul".

However, if one looks at the "big picture" then making the blanket statement that East substituting for West (or vice versa) is acceptable is saying that it's ok to downsize one side of the operation while the other grows to compensate. After all, it's all the same company - right? So under that thinking there's nothing wrong with East taking over West flying until there's no West left (or vice versa).

Here here... To do this in limited cases to keep customers from further hassles is great for the company. As long as the crews are compensated.. This is there job, for most passengers buisness/travel they are not going to loose pay because of a missed flight.
The "team" is still under two different CBAs and two different pay scales. SCOPE was violated. If there is no protest, former AWA management will do it all the time and more west crews will make no money as they will be sitting on the ground. It also applies to east crews. Would there be an outcry if an HP plane with HP crew in PHL was suddenly used to fly a US flight to LAX? -_-
You have a point, East AFA would probably roll it on up to the front door at 111 W. Rio Salado and let'em have it. LOL!! Seriously though we are all together in this now and I could care less who is flying who (after all the money is all going in to the same pot (pocket haha) but the crews that were supposed to work it should at least get paid.
I know I will be lynched for this but here is my viewpoint:

A plane broke in PHX so a US (east, to be politically correct) plane was used as a substitute. US (east) crews were used to fly this route. Well, they flew this route and were paid to fly this route. Meanwhile, HP crews went nowhere and, thusly, were not paid as they were not flying. Because the aircraft was broken and there were no spares, flight crews were not able to fly and make money which they need to feed themselves and pay rent or mortgage. It is not the fault of the HP crews that the aircraft was broken and there were no spares. This is a SCOPE violation and the crews should be paid for missed time. This is cut and dry and as clear as the nose on your face. -_-
I also will join you in getting "lynched"...lol....I agree...
So can US/West customer service agents by brought to PHL to fill in for a sick calls?

Can a US/West mechanic by brought to CLT to help out on a C check becuse they're working a little short?

They should temporarily bring out US/West men and equipment to work PHL during Christmas then, instead of hiring the proper staff.
So can US/West customer service agents by brought to PHL to fill in for a sick calls?

Can a US/West mechanic by brought to CLT to help out on a C check becuse they're working a little short?

They should temporarily bring out US/West men and equipment to work PHL during Christmas then, instead of hiring the proper staff.

Excellent points. You know, that is where things would go if AFA didn't cry foul. Test test test push push push is how it works.
A US/West Mechanic cannot help out on a c-check in CLT.

And to Jim AKA BoeingBoy, once again you are a voice of reason.

And to all those union haters, what would you do if say your mortgage company who you signed a legal and binding contract just came in and took your house or doubled your interest because they said to the hell with your contract?

And you all seem to forget if it was not for the US employees the company would have been out of business a long time ago.
I'm a USeast f/a who worked all through last years holiday debacle, and I'm just happy to hear our passengers are getting to their destinations this year. I really don't care who's planes or crews work it, after all we are all going to be one soon.

We can't afford another holiday breakdown or embarrassment. If the company has the resources to run a smooth operation, they would be crazy not to use them. Could you imagine if we once again ended up on the front page of all the newspapers for canceling holiday flights, when we have all kinds of planes and crews sitting around on the east coast?
Yes let them replace you with Mesa's FAs on US mainline flights to save money too and see how fast your tone changes.

You people amaze me, grow a backbone and stand up for yourself.
Yes let them replace you with Mesa's FAs on US mainline flights to save money too and see how fast your tone changes.

You people amaze me, grow a backbone and stand up for yourself.

Honey, they have been doing that for some time now.

I'm just saying we can't afford to screw up this year. The public takes real offense to having their holidays messed with.
Guess you forgot the DOT's report put the blame on management, not the employees.

You have a CBA and if the company violates it must be grieved so it does not happen again.
Guess you forgot the DOT's report put the blame on management, not the employees.

You have a CBA and if the company violates it must be grieved so it does not happen again.

My point exactly, if management didn't add the USeast flights to make up for USwest cancelled flights we once again would have passengers stranded through the holidays. So maybe this time they made the right call?
You have a point, East AFA would probably roll it on up to the front door at 111 W. Rio Salado and let'em have it.

Please don't! There isn't enough room out there! And besides, then we'd have to go down and tug, and deboard, and bus pax in from PHX and reboard and then we'd have a serious scope problems on our hands! 😀
It is never the right call when they violate a legal and binding contract that they have agreed too.
All this union vs. union bickering is a great example of why so many of the nay-sayers still believe this merger is doomed to failure.

You might have LCC as your stock ticker, but it's pretty clear that the majority of the employees around here won't ever have the LCC mindset that makes WN successful.