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East Flight Attendant Furloughs Coming

My reliable source says:

No current furloughs

No December recalls

The emb-190 is NOT a replacement a/c.......it is a expansion a/c......no plans to further shrink the fleet.

Possible base consolidation, which would lead to displacements, and f/a's quitting.
Hard to furlough and shrink when you make profit, and have a value higher than AA.
Probably THE MOST LIKELY scenario. There is no need to recall any additional F/A's and If/When more displacements occur or a base closes it will be referred to as attrition.
So if the company can't get the deal it wants it can chose which work group to furlough from? Y or N?
Ok how did I do?

Actually Bob, IIRC the answer to this one is Y and N. (According the Rule of Maximum Inconvenience.) If they don't get a common contract, I think it goes to arbitration first under the RLA.
If you're 18 or 21, it's a lifetime.
🙄 🙄 if ur 18 or 21 in today's economy u should be looking to get a better education and then find a job that isn't dependent on the whim of mergers, fuel prices and union busting. Come on now, its 2006, not 1966!!
🙄 🙄 if ur 18 or 21 in today's economy u should be looking to get a better education and then find a job that isn't dependent on the whim of mergers, fuel prices and union busting. Come on now, its 2006, not 1966!!
Ha Ha Ha
I assume that you thought I was talking about myself.
I've been with USAir half of my life.
Operational intergration is set to occur in May of 07. If their will be any furloughs then it will be West only cause every on on the East has at least 5 years! So IWANOUT I'd go ahead and get that Resume' ready!

Operational intergration is set to occur in May of 07. If their will be any furloughs then it will be West only cause every on on the East has at least 5 years! So IWANOUT I'd go ahead and get that Resume' ready!

From DP's own mouth during Town Halls and Crew News,
B-737 will probably stay. As each 737 lease comes up for renewal(about 10 in 2007)a decision will have to be made. DP said if he were a betting man he would bet they would stay.Money has already been allocated to fix long term(lap joints)problems on the 737. Of course this is all subject to change if another 9/11 event comes along,etc,etc,etc.The 190's give him the needed flexibility/leverage to negotiate 737 leases in his favor. Total aircraft count excludes 190's per TA. His hands are tied after Sept 06 to predetermined A/C amount which would not allow parking all 737 fleet. All this information(exceptTA) is available to everyone on the Hub. And no, I will not go back into the Hub to verify or give references for the naysayers,you will have to do a little work on your own.

If you just use a little common sense you would have to realize parking the entire 737 fleet is crazy!
The paper cited the unnamed sources as saying Parker believes a merger is attractive as the fact Delta is under bankruptcy protection means it will be easier to cut staff salary costs and restructure its fleet.
that means roughly 102 airplanes will be removed (of course what about the urge to merge (see WSJ report of DP "feeling out" DAL for merger) 102 airplanes x 13 pilots per would mean about 1300 excess pilots.

then add your deliveries in call it 11 thru 2007 11x = 143 back on or just under 1160 excess (thru 2007) minus age 60 retirements call it 200 still leaving 900 plus excess soley based on guidance from company in latest release.


357 not 257 IS the correct number I withdraw the above post. sorry for any confusion as i only went on posted number (did not have the edgar link...thanks)
🙄 🙄 if ur 18 or 21 in today's economy u should be looking to get a better education and then find a job that isn't dependent on the whim of mergers, fuel prices and union busting. Come on now, its 2006, not 1966!!

Very true!
US Airways told investors last week in the analyst conference call that the year-end mainline fleet count will be 360 aircraft, which will include 3 EMB-190 aircraft.

In addition, during the employee state of the airline webcast management said there would be pilot recalls before the end of the year.

A colleague of mine recently contacted US Airways to obtain a B737 new livery paint schedule. According to Rick Oehmne, US Airways’ (West) Vice president of Maintenance, “The first line of (west) B737's will start getting painted the end of August in Miami, FL at a place called Avborne. The second line will start the middle of October. Both lines should be done by the middle of 2007. As for the (east) B737's, we are still working on a plan to get them painted, however, the likely start-up will be early next year following the 757 and 767's.â€￾

In addition, I understand the Board has authorized funding for the B737 lap joint work.


I am trying to follow all of this--what is the bottom line about the furloughs? And if you are still on INVOL furlough, what is the latest? Are they going to recall them or not and if yes, does anyone have a guess as to when? (I am evidently way out of the loop.) :unsure:

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