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Early Out Package

I brought up the statement because you seem have a habit on this board of bringing the rich to their knees because you do not care for their method of earning an income. It appears that you are playing the role of the poor under compensated Occupy Wall Streeters. I believe that your 20 years speaks for itself and you do not require the rich on either side of the political arena to make your way. I do not really believe you are one of the have nots. If you do not like the current form of revenue generation by the government then do what you can to change it. I favor the "Fair Tax"

The uber rich have the way and means to suddenly become non-us citizens.....most if not all own property outside of the US.....you force them out of the country with a ridiculus tax rate they are gone. ....who is going to pay the taxes?......who gets hurt the worse?......how many more American jobs they take with them?.....what country do they now invest in? Have heard Donald Trump say this numerous times in interviews......believe it!
Ok got it how much you want. $500,000 tax free?
Yeah, that would be nice 😀

I'm just saying that there are some that will see that $75,000 and not realize that it will be heavily taxed.
How did our wonderful union come up with that figure anyway?
The uber rich have the way and means to suddenly become non-us citizens.....most if not all own property outside of the US.....you force them out of the country with a ridiculus tax rate they are gone. ....who is going to pay the taxes?......who gets hurt the worse?......how many more American jobs they take with them?.....what country do they now invest in? Have heard Donald Trump say this numerous times in interviews......believe it!
When a guy like Warren Buffet says he should at least pay the same tax rate as his secretary,I don't think he means they pay to much.Stop watching Fox Noise and get the FACTS.
Maybe you should write Warren Buffet, ask him to buy AMR, and give you your early out package.

(Just trying to get this a little more back on topic....)
Maybe you should write Warren Buffet, ask him to buy AMR, and give you your early out package.

(Just trying to get this a little more back on topic....)
I think Crandal already told him Airlines are bad Investments !!!
I think Crandal already told him Airlines are bad Investments !!!
Buffet learned that lesson first-hand in the 1990s when he loaned USAir a few hundred million dollars via some preferred stock.
When a guy like Warren Buffet says he should at least pay the same tax rate as his secretary,I don't think he means they pay to much.
When a guy like Warren Buffet sends the government a check every year to pay what he considers his "fair share" you'll know that he means it. It's funny when people like that claim that they should pay more but never send that check. Could it be because they can afford the advisers and loopholes needed to pay less than what they claim is fair for others?


Where is the TWU window of opportunity as seen in the FA early out proposal?

The incentive, $75K, is a separate deal from the TWU pension? FA site clarifies that, TWU does not.

Go to flight attendants web site to view it.
When a guy like Warren Buffet sends the government a check every year to pay what he considers his "fair share" you'll know that he means it. It's funny when people like that claim that they should pay more but never send that check. Could it be because they can afford the advisers and loopholes needed to pay less than what they claim is fair for others?

He plays by the rules in place today and he's not the only wealthy person with those sentiments,Bob Crandal has said pretty much the same thing.
Mark Cuban said it best",what a great problem to have"when your rich and get that tax bill.

Good way for the Co. to save money.

example: Lots of empl. take the early out offer. now too many AMT gone out the door?

The Co. will now have new- hire OSM to work in MRO hangar. Viola! Cost Savings are here.

Now lets go make a bar chart, and do a new powerpoint presentation.

Then we can formulate a new bonus plan for mgmt., and

put everyone on 7 day coverage!

All empl. to get GPS tracking device implants. so we can be tracked on a LCD display in managers office.

this will eliminate requirement for bird-dogging... .

Then we can celebrate in the breakroom with really thick greasy white icing cake that makes your blood sugar reach new heights!!!

Now rumors of job openings for Dietary Health Consultants?
He plays by the rules in place today and he's not the only wealthy person with those sentiments
Exactly my point - he supposedly laments that his tax bill isn't higher, but he could pay more taxes any time he wants - no law says that he has to take advantage of every rule to reduce his taxes. The only logical conclusion is that he doesn't want to pay more taxes unless every other "rich" person does what he says they should do.

There is not a single rule saying that he and those wealthy individual with similar sentiments can't pay more taxes if that's what they truly want to do. In other words, watch what they do, not what they say.


I doubt anyone at HQ will waste time with this "response" from TWU, and look forward to the day some months into our future when we say to the TWU . . .

When a guy like Warren Buffet says he should at least pay the same tax rate as his secretary,I don't think he means they pay to much.Stop watching Fox Noise and get the FACTS.

The facts in this world today is you do whats best for your bottom line.....just like what American is doing......just like the uber rich will do if unfairly taxed....not that I agree with it.....American and brand loyalty is dead.....this is the me and mine era.....the rich will leave in droves out of this country.... not unlike corporate America....it will leave middleclass America having to pay the bill......just like American and us the employess footing the bill......America as a country needs to file chapter 11....stop the spending.....streamline.....flat tax......can the IRS.....etc.etc. Trying to spend our way out of this mess is insanity (national health care ect.).....trying to gleam more money from the rich to pay for more government is insanity.....they wont....we will.
The facts in this world today is you do whats best for your bottom line.....just like what American is doing......just like the uber rich will do if unfairly taxed....not that I agree with it.....American and brand loyalty is dead.....this is the me and mine era.....the rich will leave in droves out of this country.... not unlike corporate America....it will leave middleclass America having to pay the bill......just like American and us the employess footing the bill......America as a country needs to file chapter 11....stop the spending.....streamline.....flat tax......can the IRS.....etc.etc. Trying to spend our way out of this mess is insanity (national health care ect.).....trying to gleam more money from the rich to pay for more government is insanity.....they wont....we will.
That is correct. Yet those of us that claim to be opposed to a political position, yet we contribute to on a monthly basis.

Those that claim to represent us, are taking a stand for only a small portion of the membership. An early out, for those at the end of the work span of their lives to go onto a life of ease, while those at a station that is being shutdown are given little or no assistance to continue theirs. I believe that the company should be able to assist in the moving expenses of these employees that could take the place of the retirees., however the TWU International should use their vast "Buffet" bank to provide an equal distribution to its members. After all are we the membership their to work for the common good of all the members. It seems that the TWU has lost the first round to protect those that the company has stated that will be outsourced, yet in the style of industrial unionism the remaining classifications will be clumped together into a structure that ignores the market rates, that has placed the membership and the company in the dire straits that we are in today.

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