That is correct. Yet those of us that claim to be opposed to a political position, yet we contribute to on a monthly basis.
Those that claim to represent us, are taking a stand for only a small portion of the membership. An early out, for those at the end of the work span of their lives to go onto a life of ease, while those at a station that is being shutdown are given little or no assistance to continue theirs. I believe that the company should be able to assist in the moving expenses of these employees that could take the place of the retirees., however the TWU International should use their vast "Buffet" bank to provide an equal distribution to its members. After all are we the membership their to work for the common good of all the members. It seems that the TWU has lost the first round to protect those that the company has stated that will be outsourced, yet in the style of industrial unionism the remaining classifications will be clumped together into a structure that ignores the market rates, that has placed the membership and the company in the dire straits that we are in today.
I look at an Airline...... having the same sickness as America the country......there are way to many parrallels......its almost one in the same,...... with bad leadership, getting to big to fast and over spending in good times....... now the machine is to big to sustain itself as is our government, the fat cats ceo's are policed by their own and make lucrative agreements and payscales......not unlike congress voting on their on pay raises......the Unions are not unlike government lobbyists.....quick to take favors for their own agenda and not necessarily for the masses they represent.......its the me , me , me generation with no loyalty to country or company.....