Koolcat said:
Once again , for all the (knuckleheads) the market dictates wages and benefits. The more non-union MRO's are popping up the more wages will be suppress and work contracted out. Members do not decide the market does.
What you are saying is just plain common sense.
What I am trying to point out is that when the last contract was established, an "Industry Comparable Pay Adjustment" for Title 1 AMT's was contractually agreed to, as seen in the TWU Title 1 contract book under Article 4 Compensation page 35, whereby on a given date a Wage Adjustment would be applied to replace the standard 3% increase with a formulated method for compensation. My point is the Airlines selected to participate, which were United, Delta and USAir.
Why would the TWU allow for a non union airline to be used within this formula. Why are we as unionized mechanic's being averaged with a non union airline?
While the wages might be a possible reason, Delta's 50% outsourcing is a throat cutting factor that is probably being discussed in Association negotiation at this very moment.
I believe Doug Parker has said that to obtain the wages that the work rules would have to change.
My query has nothing to do with the MRO's but only this Formula within the TWU contract book.
I understand that in a larger picture that MRO's are a major factor.
I also understand that the mechanic membership does not decide, under the TWU they never have.
As for the Market, this Local membership does believe that if the economy falls, the opportunity for a substantial wage and benefit increase will fade.