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Doogie gets arrested

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Gee .096, over the limit, what do you koolaide drinkers have to say now?
Wanna bet the press release is a direct result of the thread?

Thread runs wild...1:01pm a release..... :lol:
Well, it appears that "three beers" was truly a load os BS. The fact that he refused the breathalizer alluded to his realization that he was intoxicated and illegal.
Interesting, In the police report he refused the breathalizer. Then when they took him down to DUI processing, he asked to use the phone to call his attorney (which happened to be one of the passengers in the car) and after referring to him, he agreed to the blood test.

Ya think, most rational people that know they aren't drunk, and "only had 2-3 beers" would submit to the breathalizer. Yet he refused. Yet he claims in his letter, he only had a couple....Uh huh....

Any other employee would probably be left out in the wind......
It is no secret that the local DUI taskforce is out in force in the NE part of the Valley during this event. That taskforce draws officers from all around the Valley for events such as this, the Christmas party season, New Years, etc. Enforcement opportunities are higher because it is a target rich environment.

If, in fact, it is no secret, then erring on the side of caution and having a car and driver would have been the wisest and most prudent decision, and the one that wouldn't have broken the law or put him under the corporate microscope.
Certainly our thoughts and prayers go out to Doug and his family. The .08, and even .1 are way too low. .2 would be a much more legitimate BAC for a DUI arrest. Simply another indication of big brother and liberal organizations such as MADD taking control over our lives.

He was also speeding 20 miles above the limit which is reckless.

Nonetheless, f/as have had these levels and in certain states a DUI is a DUI, and can be a felony which will cost them their jobs.

I think Doug should do the right thing and go into rehab. B)
I only drink two beers a night. The First and the Last, the Ones in-between are extensions of the 1st beer.

Now in all seriousness, if it was three beers in two hours, he'd be close to the limit. It does not give him the right to drive home. How many of us had a few beers over the holidays at a friends or a relative then drove afterwards? If he was over the limit, then he should get charged, if not, then it should be gone. As for slurred speach, a cop can say that cause there is NO evidence that can support it or deny it. It just sways the cops way. The only way he could prove it was that it was recorded, but then legality stuff steps in. I wouldn't trust a cop on stating a person slurred. I seen it happen way to often where a cop entices a situation too. But I seen it the other way too if someone would just keep quiet, but couldn't. Things will come out, his Blood Alcohol Level. if it is over the limit then he deserves to be charged. But by the way that it took awhile to become exposed, I would think that he fully co-operated and didn't make any problems. WE all are not perfect, we all make mistakes. The most important thing here is, that there was no injuries or fatalities. It's a mistake that we can forgive him for and we can all pray that he has learned from his mistake.

If Dougie would have taken the breathlizer when the cop asked him to, the cop may have let him go. His lawyer was in the car with him ,according to one of the articles and of course, he wasn't driving. My suspicion is he refused because his level could have been higher. He wanted to stall for time. I had a f/a get terminated for what the company perceived as stalling when asked to take breathilizer.
Well, apparently, US catered the event and Doug complained that the food was horrible so he drank on an empty stomach. Word has it, he even refused the snack basket, saying that "I am sick and tired of Cape Cods...Where are the XOXO's?" He started making a scene, so they gave him coffee (the same served on the planes), but he refused to drink it saying it had a foul taste. He was offered powdered creamer to make it taste better, but he responded, "You expect me to use this crap? You can light the stuff on fire."
Well, it appears that "three beers" was truly a load os BS. The fact that he refused the breathalizer alluded to his realization that he was intoxicated and illegal.

With very few exceptions every dui I arrested had "2 beers" it;s the standard answer.
Also where I was 20mph or higher over the speed limit was an automatic reckless driving.
Hey all,

We all have more important things to be concerned with around here--I can't believe this is up to 6 pages already.....

We're all human, and sometimes we make mistakes....it happens.

Time to move on already.......
Art this will go to 15 or more pages, Only on USAirways, even a simple topic like
Coke or Pepsi go for that many pages.
Way to many people with to much time on their hands.
Just look at the amount of Topics and Posts Airways has. And compare with all Airlines.
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