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Dont be mad at LLCers !

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Aug 20, 2002
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Why are so many AAers angry with TWAers ? We are not the ones who made the decision to be taken over by AA. We are just trying to survive here. If you want to be angry with someone, take it out on the management team that made this deal, not us please. We dont want to be here anymore than you want us here but we had no vote in this decision. I [we] understand why your angry but please, we now have to work together so get over it and stop treating us like the enemy. ITS NOT OUR FAULT!!!!! Thanks.
The assest buy out was not your fault. The lawsuit, IAM and LLC people have filed against AA and APFA is.

This is a chicken v. egg discussion.

Refer to:
Topic: American's Unfair Treatment of TWA Family
On 8/21/2002 9:54:22 AM

The assest buy out was not your fault. The lawsuit, IAM and LLC people have filed against AA and APFA is.

Mikey, read article I of your own contract and tell me what APFA would do if AA were sold and didn't like the terms. It isn't personal. The IAM filed the lawsuits as much for itself as for us, since they have to at least put up the appearance that they're looking out for our interests. If they didn't, they'd have a hard time convincing any other airline group that they should represent them.

I, for one, am still glad the acquisition took place and think it's the best thing that could have happened to TWA. 9/11 and subsequent events were not orchestrated deliberately to get rid of TWA people. We'll get over this and some day both sides will be glad it happened.

APFA should and would fight for us. My point from the begining as you know, is that IAM signed off on the seniority, and now wants to fight it after the fact. Having your cake and eating too, so to speak. Had they not signed off on it. I wouldn't say a thing about the lawsuit. But they did.
The LLC people that are spinning lawsuits and general trouble for Amercian employee groups deserve all the animosity they get. As for the rest of LLCers, there's a lot of them who tacitly approve with their silence.

"Don't be mad at LLCer's" has a disengenuously hollow ring to it.
Laxman, most AAers, myself included are not angry/mad/upset, insert whatever word you like, with LLc/TWA people, remember that there are people who will complain if you hung them with a new rope and these are the same people who will complain if the company told them to stay home and we'll mail you a check ever 2 weeks, they'd want it fed-exd, I personally welcomed any TWAers I met/meet, just remember that not all AAers are hot heads so please don't lump all the good in with the bad. [🙂]
On 8/21/2002 1:26:47 PM

TOOLS wrote:

There was no atmosphere of cooperation then as now. Just greed, anger and pettyness.
You've just described 20,000 TWA employees that were bought up through bankruptcy.

The sign off by the IAM was the result of necessity. The company was ether going to get what they wanted in contract changes or they were going to seek to abrogate (do away with)the contract in the bankrupcy.Any logical person can see that this is not much of a choice.Only one course of action left the door open for future negotiation thats the one the IAM chose. The fear and collusion with the company by the respective unions is why the IAM had to take the stand it did. There was no atmosphere of cooperation then as now. Just greed, anger and pettyness.
You've just described 20,000 TWA employees...

There are only 10,696 of them left on the property; that is before the impending furlough of 550 pilots and as many as 950 flight attendants, which will bring the count down closer to 9,000.

Source: AMR Corp. About Our Employees
On 8/21/2002 1:31:02 PM

On 8/21/2002 1:26:47 PM

TOOLS wrote:

There was no atmosphere of cooperation then as now. Just greed, anger and pettyness.
You've just described 20,000 TWA employees that were bought up through bankruptcy.



WOW is right. You lump everyone into one basket based upon nothing more than their employer. I now see why you have never posted anything positive. You previously angered others with your attack on AA and now you rankle the former TWA people. You provide nothing useful in any of your post.

Moderators; Time for another thread to go bye bye.
On 8/21/2002 12:27:15 PM

Laxman, most AAers, myself included are not angry/mad/upset, insert whatever word you like, with LLc/TWA people, remember that there are people who will complain if you hung them with a new rope and these are the same people who will complain if the company told them to stay home and we'll mail you a check ever 2 weeks, they'd want it fed-exd, I personally welcomed any TWAers I met/meet, just remember that not all AAers are hot heads so please don't lump all the good in with the bad. [🙂]

I know what you say is true. I have been welcomed by many many AAers both mangement and non-management. I have nothing but good things to say about my experiences with both. I understand why some say the things they do on this board as it envolves survival. But then there are the self proclaimed non-employees that love jumping in a fight that isn't theirs (WnaP)and stir the pot of ill will and discontent solely for their personal entertainment. So I hope the lumping of entire groups stops from both sides of this issue because to continue it only erodes their credibility.
On 8/21/2002 6:22:13 PM

TWAnr wrote:

You've just described 20,000 TWA employees...

Well when you snip it that way.... my original statement was: You've just described 20,000 TWA employees that were bought up through bankruptcy

I believe at the time of the acquisition, the figure was closer to 20K.[😛raise:]
On 8/21/2002 11:16:30 PM

Yes you are right, I dislike WingNaPrayer. But if you'll notice, I've been ignoring him. Even when I feel like responding, I just move on. Not that he will ever go away, but then there are many on this board that wishes I would go away. I wish I could, but I'm addicted. Is there a support group with a 12 step program for this addiction?
Back on topic, the only LLCer's anyone is mad at are the ones who have support the lawsuits, and constantly whine about having a job with AA.

I read alot about "lawsuits". What lawsuits ? I dont know anything about them. Who has filed them and what do they want ??
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