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The new "ETHICS" HOTLINE--here we go.......

I don't believe that USAviation is cooperating with the company. What I do think is happening is that the company moles are mining these posts for snippets of intelligence. If you post that you crewed yesterday's noon flight from CLT to PHX, the company has just identified you as one of 5 or 6 crew members. They make a little note, then wait a few weeks for you to say something about your overnight in TPA last night. Then they check to see who was in TPA and cross reference that info with the previous and GOTCHA!
I know first-hand that the company is tyring to intimidate and pressure employees who post on here to stop. Reporting for a trip two weeks ago, I was hauled into the office and asked to write and sign an "affidavit" rejecting everything that I had posted on this site. :lol: :lol:
Apparently something I said hit a nerve with someone in the SandCastle. :up:

This kind of thing is happening to several employees who post here. And this, coupled with the fact that they are touting the "ethics" hotline on the front page of THE HUB all indicates to me that they spending a lot of time and resources trying to threaten, intimidate and make their workforce feel like we are being "watched" at all times.

Seriously, shouldn't they spend more time actually trying to run the airline......there have got to be more ways they can "ala carte" our customers away from US.

And to necigrad: your "we don't hate you" implies that you work at HQ. Are you the one who investigated and tracked me down? If so---give my best to Shambles and the rest!!! Tell them my attorney CAN'T WAIT to meet them someday..... 🙄

About the employees who post here...
I'm just guessing that many sign something when they are employeed that states that there are things that cannot be shared with the general public about the industry as a whole and an airline in particular. Yet I know what I feel I shouldn't know. Guess who told me?

I've heard it before that I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to the Holy Airlines 🙄 so what's one more?

People are posting from THE HUB, which makes it easily traceable btw, and have a bad case of diarreah of the mouth...or fingers. And you want me to blame management from guarding their interests???

From outside the box, legal action seems futile...especially if you signed something upon employment.
Here's the deal Sig:

We aren't being "spoken to" about the posting of classified or security-sensitive information. Clearly, things like that would be grounds for termination. What they are doing is WASTING their time INVESTIGATING employees who have the nerve to disagree with them or their policies and aren't afraid to say so publically. They then try to intimidate them and pressure them into signing statements that COULD lead to their termination at some point......and this is all because they are so INSECURE about their decisions, their policies and their positions.

So we aren't talking about "company classified material" or "security sensitive" information--we are talking about a management group trying to keep its employees from airing their views in a public forum....period.

And the fact that they are SOOOOO concerned about it---really makes me worry.....
You mean you can access this site from the Hub? On company computers? Sheesh!

No I mean that people are posting what is at the HUB here at aviation. If they use company computers they are truly stupid. Using your own computer to post what is on the hub makes it easy to trace. Happened to me at another site.
No I mean that people are posting what is at the HUB here at aviation. If they use company computers they are truly stupid. Using your own computer to post what is on the hub makes it easy to trace. Happened to me at another site.
Could very well be true. There are these great little things called "cookies", and they are put on your computer to help your browser to remember things when you come back frequently to certain websites. One thing you could do is, before you ever log into any US Airways website that requires a login, in Internet Explorer, do "Tools, Delete browsing history, delete all".

If they are crafty, they can look through your cookies when you log in, and see where you've been. They probably can't tell "who" you are on US Aviation, but they can tell that you come here.

Of course, this could just be overly paranoid thinking...
Here's the deal Sig:

We aren't being "spoken to" about the posting of classified or security-sensitive information. Clearly, things like that would be grounds for termination. What they are doing is WASTING their time INVESTIGATING employees who have the nerve to disagree with them or their policies and aren't afraid to say so publically. They then try to intimidate them and pressure them into signing statements that COULD lead to their termination at some point......and this is all because they are so INSECURE about their decisions, their policies and their positions.

So we aren't talking about "company classified material" or "security sensitive" information--we are talking about a management group trying to keep its employees from airing their views in a public forum....period.

And the fact that they are SOOOOO concerned about it---really makes me worry.....

BINGO!!!! Your post is SPOT-ON.
And the fact that they are SOOOOO concerned about it---really makes me worry.....

Yep just what you said.Its turned into a little leftist socialist airline.Trying to ban free speech on the internet.Weve become as hated as talk radio. :up: ....this is great.

If you post here from a company computer your asking for it,but your own PC,they can pound sand.As for our wonderful IT team,I dont think there intelligent enough to track anyone.As for the company I think instead of trying to monitor the internet they should fix the airline.

Like I said before its not what you say here,its what you could say that makes them nervous.
This is a public forum,if they dont like something let the one who has the guts to do it say it here.I love pubic debate.But the roaches will never come out of the dark.

heres this mornings top news.

Now whats wrong with this picture.Seems sort of backwards to me. :down:
I love pubic debate.But the roaches will never come out of the dark.

I didn't know this was a pubic debate? You have roaches there? You should get that checked. I told you they don't wipe down those seats and you know how some of these skanky girls fly with no underwear and short skirts these days. tsk, tsk....

Love you anyway! :up:
I didn't know this was a pubic debate? You have roaches there? You should get that checked. I told you they don't wipe down those seats and you know how some of these skanky girls fly with no underwear and short skirts these days. tsk, tsk....

Love you anyway! :up:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ROFL!!!!! :up:
Once again Shannon, you made my day.........
I didn't know this was a pubic debate? You have roaches there? You should get that checked. I told you they don't wipe down those seats and you know how some of these skanky girls fly with no underwear and short skirts these days. tsk, tsk....

Love you anyway! :up:

Ya I guess puplic is the wrong word,but you get my jest.
Heres a new cost saving plan I just found havnt started a new thread with it though.

Love you too.....them desert bugs are baddd news...


Im not pumping the union Shannon,but I gotta give em credit for this one. :up: :up: :up:

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