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We Want Our Local Back.

[SIZE=10.5pt]OverSpeed; Bob is one person. Just because he does not agree with the TWU does not mean he can single handedly enact the changes he supports. All he can really do is communicate his stance on issues, educate the membership, and ask for support. I have found nothing wrong with anything Bob has said or done. You claim Bob plays both sides of the fence, I CLAIM you are a TWU cheerleader. I CLAIM that you do nothing constructive. All I ever see out of you is stagnation and negativity.  You are a one trick pony and frankly your show is getting old. [/SIZE]
Overspeed said:
You do know that AMFA has only negotiated(?) 3% raises since they took over from the IBT don't you? That was in exchnage for increasing the amount of outsourcing beyond all engine overhaul, most component overhaul, and all but three lines of airframe overhaul. AA would love AMFA "tough" negotiating skills.
Again your looking outside of our backyard. Explain how the TWU has improved the AMT's lifestyle over the yesars? Oh better yet don't.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
OverSpeed; Bob is one person. Just because he does not agree with the TWU does not mean he can single handedly enact the changes he supports. All he can really do is communicate his stance on issues, educate the membership, and ask for support. I have found nothing wrong with anything Bob has said or done. You claim Bob plays both sides of the fence, I CLAIM you are a TWU cheerleader. I CLAIM that you do nothing constructive. All I ever see out of you is stagnation and negativity.  You are a one trick pony and frankly your show is getting old. 
Agree Bob is one person but he has multiple personalities. He's an AMFA supporter but collects a salary from the TWU. Pick a side for once. At least Chuck finally picked a side.
You don't have to claim that I am a TWU supporter, I freely admit I am.
So you are okay with a person who lies about denying the membership from voting on bylaw changes they wrote that benefitted him financially? You are okay with him and his cohorts getting paid by AA (UBP) that he was very vocal about he was against when he wasn't getting it? You are okay with him saying if AA wouldn't agree to give us CO/UA wages in BK the company should liqudate and now he denies it? See the pattern? He lies to further his argument of the moment. He's a politician nothing more, nothing less.
1AA said:
Again your looking outside of our backyard. Explain how the TWU has improved the AMT's lifestyle over the yesars? Oh better yet don't.
Easy, losing all of overhaul at AS resulted in a pay and benefit reduction of 100%. Thanks AMFA. Keeping your job and continuing to get your pension funded for another nine years...thanks TWU.
Overspeed said:
Easy, losing all of overhaul at AS resulted in a pay and benefit reduction of 100%. Thanks AMFA. Keeping your job and continuing to get your pension funded for another nine years...thanks TWU.
The company made the offer to give up almost every benefit we had to keep the pension. The twu just sold the deal to us under threat.  Half the mechanic n related are gone now verses 2003.  More if u use the false numbers that the twu claim was in M&R back then.  Now we have no pension and retiree med and all the benefits the twu gave away back then to keep it,  are still gone!  
COMICAL!!!  This is great. The one and only Overspeed is back.  Keep posting OS your doing great for the TWU, LMFAO,  Just gotta LUV this stuff, it is entertaining...
The TWU is like Gov. Perry said, "Texas has created the most jobs in the Nation"...
...albeit minimum wage jobs!
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
I think it sad as Hell that you dont seem to get it. I have been in a leadership role so I try to give you guys a chance. But all you keep doing is saying that YOU think this is whats best. . I am asking what happened to the Motion. You just keep telling me to do a petition. You and Me both know what will be done with a petition. Why didn't the Board do a petition to do all the stuff that you guys have done. 
I have asked 3 times what happened to our Motion. You in return tell me 4 other station also made the same motion. So why are you Guys scared to let the people decide what the people what. NOT WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST. That makes you JUST like Jim and Don. Sorry to put it that way but that is a FACT. I will not WAIST my time asking you  anymore. I backed you guys up from the start. Not anymore. 
I guess maybe its time to join all the rest of the guys that think the Local 591 board is just a bunch of guys that is in it for themselves. All you keep telling me is what you think. Not what the people on the floor think. I am sorry if I am coming across ass pissed but I am . The people that voted for you put you there to do what the morjority of them whats. You guys have not let 1 person other than yourself vote for any of these changes. That is wrong.
I wrote twice it was brought to the International and we were told it would not be entertained. Guess you only see what you want to see. Maybe if you had actually attended the next meeting you would have known that. I believe its also in the minutes that you can look at online. Did you expect someone to personally seek you out and find you? 
What changes? The changes to the way you used to do things under 561 or the changes in the way the bylaws that Overspeeds buddies imposed on us? Do I think we know better than Thom McDaniels , and the other International staff who crafted the Bylaws? Yes, can the members make changes to what we put in? Yes, subject to approval by the International like its always been.  Like I said we were tasked with getting this thing functioning, there are things I dont like as well. If the members want changes they can make them. They blew up the five Locals, revoked all the charters issued a new one with Bylaws that they crafted and said now go clean up the mess we made. If the members want to break the Local up into smaller Locals that has to go through the International, you should know that since you were an officer. 
Overspeed said:
Kind if odd that the TWU is being sued by the TWU local? Kind of like that girl who sued her parents because they didn't pay her credit card bills after she told them to f off. She ended up back home doing what mom and dad said in the first place. I am sure once the International cuts a deal with them the lawsuit will go away.
Most of the 591 officers are never on the floor. The top officers are too busy hiding out in their off field clubhouses. On the floor the rumors are in high gear and AMFA organizers are filling the void. The time is coming when the 591 officers will have to pick a side and show some back bone. Are they TWU or AMFA? Will they go out and campaign for the TWU or support AMFA while playing both sides and collecting their fat 591 salaries they wrote themselves in the bylaws (that were not voted on by the membership). I used to receive emails from JR distributing IBT info yet he was a TWU officer.
We need officers that are concerned about their members. Spending time building better dues tracking, getting local 591 credit cards for officers, suing the International, pushing on getting bylaws with fat salaries through, and recreating the Baker letter for UBP is not helping the membership. It's helping Bob and his gang of scammers.
No we are working, we aren't having drinks and taking selfies and posting them on facebook when we should be working like at least one of Dons lackeys reportedly used to do . A good portion of my time is documented in Quickbooks as it has an activity Log. If you want to see how many hours I put in Quickbooks get with your VP and we can arrange it, keep in mind that's just the paying bills stuff, not all the other stuff such as checkoff, UBC, writing letters over and over again to state agencies informing them that Locals 561, 562, 563, 564 and 565 no longer exist and clearing up any tax issues that remain, and other tasks that go with the job. 
You are correct, as soon as the International cuts a deal the lawsuit will go away, but unlike you its not a job in the International we seek. We seek to put it in stone that what happened in 2012 will never happen again. Six out of seven A&P mechanics in that room voted against bringing that deal back, we were overruled by a roll call which used numbers established in 2007 and Fleet Service clerks voted on our deal. From 2007 to 2012 Tulsa shrunk a lot and the line numbers were climbing, especially Dallas. Videtich cut a deal with Tulsa and those representing Title II and even though in reality their numbers were less than Line and AFW combined the old numbers kept Dons team higher. At the Convention Lombardo offered Peterson an International position, Peterson told him he wasn't looking for that, he was looking to have our broken system fixed, a system that has Union dues paying members earning less than their non-union peers by a wide margin with less vacation, Hoildays, sick time, IOD time, etc etc. The one A&P that voted for it remains President even though all the A&Ps in his Local are part of 591, so I guess you can say he cut a deal but for some reason you dont. 
We have picked a side, that side is the members, because unlike you we expect that one day we will return to the floor. Last time I said that I got removed. We know whose side you are on-Overspins side, and American Airlines, you only like the TWU because they have always given AA whatever they wanted, you don't like us because you know we wont. 
"Most of the 591 officers are never on the Floor? " really? Because eight of the 12 are on the floor pretty much five days a week. Mishaks office is on AA property, all you need to do is go there.Besides how would you know if you are a CC on nights in DFW how often the guys on days see Jerry, in MIA see Eddie Suarez,  in LAX see Flip or the guys in JFK see Gukelberger?  As far as myself your buddies wrote it into the bylaws that the Treasurer would be full time Union Business, we didn't add that. You also leave out the fact that the top four officers conduct quarterly membership meetings in the five hub stations. 
How often did we see Vanderloo, Oryano (who went directly into management by the way) or Videtich on the floor? How often did they even make membership meetings? 
I named my self  The Truth Will Set U Free , because that is how I always conducted myself when I was in office . If I did something that people questioned me about I just told the truth. I didn't blame it on someone else.
I love the way every time the Local 591 Board does something wrong. The 1st thing out of your mouth is the international did it.
You guy game yourself a nice raise and instead of just saying Hey we like money. You blame it on the inter nation. Also anytime you dont want to do something you tell the people that we have to take it to the international. 
I am going to tell the people the TRUTH how this works. Maybe you dont even know.The International is going to do what ever you guys ask. If its to say no to something they say NO. If its to say yes to something they say yes. The all you have to do it blame them. It has always been that way. That is why you can't remove them. Also the way they are elected is also a joke. You go to Vegas and get whined and dined and then do what ever they tell you to do.The only time there is a challenge there it has come from Local 100. You me both know that all of this is the truth. 
Before you got elected to this Board I was told that you are a STAND up guy and I think you may still be, But this new power that you guys have now has messed up you guys big time. Stop blaming the international for everything. I know for a FACT that is how it works and I told everyone in Miami what I learn when I was Temp President. You  now that is a FACT.
Bob Owens said:
No we are working, we aren't having drinks and taking selfies and posting them on facebook when we should be working like at least one of Dons lackeys reportedly used to do . A good portion of my time is documented in Quickbooks as it has an activity Log. If you want to see how many hours I put in Quickbooks get with your VP and we can arrange it, keep in mind that's just the paying bills stuff, not all the other stuff such as checkoff, UBC, writing letters over and over again to state agencies informing them that Locals 561, 562, 563, 564 and 565 no longer exist and clearing up any tax issues that remain, and other tasks that go with the job. 
The one A&P that voted for it remains President even though all the A&Ps in his Local are part of 591, so I guess you can say he cut a deal but for some reason you dont. 
"Most of the 591 officers are never on the Floor? " really? Because eight of the 12 are on the floor pretty much five days a week. Mishaks office is on AA property, all you need to do is go there.Besides how would you know if you are a CC on nights in DFW how often the guys on days see Jerry, in MIA see Eddie Suarez,  in LAX see Flip or the guys in JFK see Gukelberger?  As far as myself your buddies wrote it into the bylaws that the Treasurer would be full time Union Business, we didn't add that. You also leave out the fact that the top four officers conduct quarterly membership meetings in the five hub stations. 
How often did we see Vanderloo, Oryano (who went directly into management by the way) or Videtich on the floor? How often did they even make membership meetings? 
When mechanics say they never see officers from local 591 they mean The Top 5.
"YES" it depends on your region if you see the regional VP. The Title 1 reps and the rest of the Local 591 officers working your way down the list. How often do YOU get to the floor? What about  GP, GS, JR, ? you may have a deal which allows you to stay away on UBP but a visit to the floor at the station you are assigned answering a few question goes long way. Having the answers is what most want.
When mechanics say they never see officers from local 591 they mean The Top 5.
"YES" it depends on your region if you see the regional VP. The Title 1 reps and the rest of the Local 591 officers working your way down the list. How often do YOU get to the floor? What about  GP, GS, JR, ? you may have a deal which allows you to stay away on UBP but a visit to the floor at the station you are assigned answering a few question goes long way. Having the answers is what most want.
I admit I haven't been to LGA in a while, or EWR, but I was recently up in BOS, every couple of weeks make to JFK .
I would prefer to go more often as I enjoy hearing what the guys have to say, keeps me grounded and without a doubt that made it easier in the past to withstand all the threats and abuse I got from International officials and the people that wanted positions from them, and I will do more floor visits as I get more and more stuff streamlined as we continue to recover from the way the International formed this Local. 
I expect to be in MIA on April 28th, in ORD on the 30 and DFW on May 1.  I know that GP and GS have been hitting a few class II stations every month and the four of us hit the five hubs quarterly (I missed the last MIA and ORD due to weather at home) , we have 22 stations so it takes a while. I don't expect you to know this but this is a pretty big undertaking, on the one hand we hear where guys want everything up and running instantaneously but this takes time, we started from scratch, granted we started with more scratch than when we got the seperate Locals but this is even more work because we had to clean that up as well, when we started the locals last time the only legacy issues we inherited was the docket. On top of that and you want to see us on the floor as well. Eventually you will probably see more of the guys from your region but understand Jorge, Gary, Gary, Flip, Eddie, Mike and myself are not there specifically for any one station or region, you have guys for that.  JR is busy with the website and recording secretary duties, he will be at the quarterly meetings as well. Things are slowly getting there, that's why you see more of me here, before I simply didn't have the time, at least now I'm able to take my days off. 

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