Overspeed said:
Kind if odd that the TWU is being sued by the TWU local? Kind of like that girl who sued her parents because they didn't pay her credit card bills after she told them to f off. She ended up back home doing what mom and dad said in the first place. I am sure once the International cuts a deal with them the lawsuit will go away.
Most of the 591 officers are never on the floor. The top officers are too busy hiding out in their off field clubhouses. On the floor the rumors are in high gear and AMFA organizers are filling the void. The time is coming when the 591 officers will have to pick a side and show some back bone. Are they TWU or AMFA? Will they go out and campaign for the TWU or support AMFA while playing both sides and collecting their fat 591 salaries they wrote themselves in the bylaws (that were not voted on by the membership). I used to receive emails from JR distributing IBT info yet he was a TWU officer.
We need officers that are concerned about their members. Spending time building better dues tracking, getting local 591 credit cards for officers, suing the International, pushing on getting bylaws with fat salaries through, and recreating the Baker letter for UBP is not helping the membership. It's helping Bob and his gang of scammers.
No we are working, we aren't having drinks and taking selfies and posting them on facebook when we should be working like at least one of Dons lackeys reportedly used to do . A good portion of my time is documented in Quickbooks as it has an activity Log. If you want to see how many hours I put in Quickbooks get with your VP and we can arrange it, keep in mind that's just the paying bills stuff, not all the other stuff such as checkoff, UBC, writing letters over and over again to state agencies informing them that Locals 561, 562, 563, 564 and 565 no longer exist and clearing up any tax issues that remain, and other tasks that go with the job.
You are correct, as soon as the International cuts a deal the lawsuit will go away, but unlike you its not a job in the International we seek. We seek to put it in stone that what happened in 2012 will never happen again. Six out of seven A&P mechanics in that room voted against bringing that deal back, we were overruled by a roll call which used numbers established in 2007 and Fleet Service clerks voted on our deal. From 2007 to 2012 Tulsa shrunk a lot and the line numbers were climbing, especially Dallas. Videtich cut a deal with Tulsa and those representing Title II and even though in reality their numbers were less than Line and AFW combined the old numbers kept Dons team higher. At the Convention Lombardo offered Peterson an International position, Peterson told him he wasn't looking for that, he was looking to have our broken system fixed, a system that has Union dues paying members earning less than their non-union peers by a wide margin with less vacation, Hoildays, sick time, IOD time, etc etc. The one A&P that voted for it remains President even though all the A&Ps in his Local are part of 591, so I guess you can say he cut a deal but for some reason you dont.
We have picked a side, that side is the members, because unlike you we expect that one day we will return to the floor. Last time I said that I got removed. We know whose side you are on-Overspins side, and American Airlines, you only like the TWU because they have always given AA whatever they wanted, you don't like us because you know we wont.
"Most of the 591 officers are never on the Floor? " really? Because eight of the 12 are on the floor pretty much five days a week. Mishaks office is on AA property, all you need to do is go there.Besides how would you know if you are a CC on nights in DFW how often the guys on days see Jerry, in MIA see Eddie Suarez, in LAX see Flip or the guys in JFK see Gukelberger? As far as myself your buddies wrote it into the bylaws that the Treasurer would be full time Union Business, we didn't add that. You also leave out the fact that the top four officers conduct quarterly membership meetings in the five hub stations.
How often did we see Vanderloo, Oryano (who went directly into management by the way) or Videtich on the floor? How often did they even make membership meetings?