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Dont be mad at LLCers !

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I dont see it as a slam on former TW people at all. All of what Winglet said is fact.
"There are only 10,696 of them left on the property; that is before the impending furlough of 550 pilots and as many as 950 flight attendants, which will bring the count down closer to 9,000."

Why not look at the bright side? That's 9000 jobs saved. My dad worked for Eastern and he would have loved to be in the former TWA employee's position.
No matter what you give the LLC'ers, it won't be good enough.
On 8/21/2002 3:13:58 AM

Why are so many AAers angry with TWAers ? We are not the ones who made the decision to be taken over by AA. We are just trying to survive here. If you want to be angry with someone, take it out on the management team that made this deal, not us please. We dont want to be here anymore than you want us here but we had no vote in this decision. I [we] understand why your angry but please, we now have to work together so get over it and stop treating us like the enemy. ITS NOT OUR FAULT!!!!! Thanks.
When attempting to rationalize or appease the angry and shortsighted people who shall remain anonymous,it should be obvious that this forum exists to futher perpetuate their diatried.

You see they know its not our fault, but thats not the issue. And remember they don't hate us they Just don't want us drinking at their water fountain. Its kind of like Old George Wallace said "segregation now segregation tomorrow and segregation forever". I mean we ought to be happy with what we have even if it is substandard because after all we are not as good as them anyhow!!! [:halo:]
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