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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Not supporting gay marriage does not mean people are lagging. It just means they refuse to support a government endorsement of sexual deviant, unnatural behavior.
Ms Tree is so twisted that he thinks pushing a cultural change on a society that does not want it is "progress". 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Not supporting gay marriage does not mean people are lagging. It just means they refuse to support a government endorsement of sexual deviant, unnatural behavior.
You changed your post while I was typing so I'll address what you had posted
Yes, the populace did lag behind when it came to civil rights.  The CRA was passed in 1964.  Do you think that minorities should have waited longer for equality?  Do you think they should have been granted equality earlier?  I believe they should have been treated as equals from day one.  So yes, the populace does lag behind.
No it means people like you think it is OK to dictate what others may or may not do.  You have no more right to tell someone who they may marry than you have the right to say what they can drink or wear.  
If you do not like same sex marriage, then don't get get married to a same sex partner.  
Ms Tree said:
I get the idea of natural rights. There are certain rights everyone should have. How ever as a practical matter rights are limited and granted by man. The CRA mandates that people do not need to fight or beg for equal treatment. Equality is guaranteed by law. Is it perfect? Probably not but I think it beats the alternative. I am not a believer in the idea that equality should be something left to the whim of the general populace. I know that in some cases the people are ahead of the law as in gay rights but in other cases the populace lags behind as in desegregation and race equality.
Tree, you are a dreamer! ------- Who is to judge what constitutes "equality"? You? Me?  Ever hear the phrase " Life isn't fair!?" There can be more truth to that than we like to admit! It never was! And never will be!
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It has NOTHING to do with same sex marriage. This is just another example of the libtards lying and twisting anything they can to push their agenda.
Rights are won not given. Our rights in this country were paid for in American blood. Ms Tree thinks people are born with them at no cost. This should tell you what a warped sense of reality Ms Tree has. 
The idea of natural law has been around since the 15th century.  The US Constitution is in large part based on natural law.  Read some of the Federalist papers.  
Let it be known that the British liberties are not the grants of princes of parliaments, but original rights, conditions of original contracts, coequal with prerogative, and coeval with government. That many of our rights are inherent and essential, agreed on as maxims and established as preliminaries even before a parliament existed. - John Adams
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Ms Tree is so twisted that he thinks pushing a cultural change on a society that does not want it is "progress". 
Yea, you must be right.  The CRA should never have been passed and forced on America.  Minorities, specifically blacks, should have waited till the majority of whites wanted to treat them as equals.
MCI transplant said:
Tree, you are a dreamer! ------- Who is to judge what constitutes "equality"? You? Me?  Ever hear the phrase " Life isn't fair!?" There can be more truth to that than we like to admit! It never was! And never will be!
No life is not fair, but according to the COTUS, the law is fair.  According to the 14th, laws must apply equally to all.  
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It has NOTHING to do with same sex marriage. This is just another example of the libtards lying and twisting anything they can to push their agenda.
Rights are won not given. Our rights in this country were paid for in American blood. Ms Tree thinks people are born with them at no cost. This should tell you what a warped sense of reality Ms Tree has. 
Try reading the posts made.  All of this has been addressed.  
Ms Tree said:
Making up definitions of words again?http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/rape.html
Take note of the middle of the second paragraph. Intent is required for rape to occur. Animals cannot have intent.
Making up your own interpretation of words again that fit your agenda?

Bottom line if you read your own link is rape is a forceable sexual act on a victim that doesnt want it. Spin it however you want to, I know you have 10 different ways to tell people the sky isnt blue either.
Black Magic said:
Making up your own interpretation of words again that fit your agenda?

Bottom line if you read your own link is rape is a forceable sexual act on a victim that doesnt want it. Spin it however you want to, I know you have 10 different ways to tell people the sky isnt blue either.
Not my interpretation, not my agenda.  Not anything of mine.  It is an explanation on Findlaw.com
I meat to write consent, not intent.
The victim's lack of consent is the crucial element 
Ms Tree said:
Yea, you must be right.  The CRA should never have been passed and forced on America.  Minorities, specifically blacks, should have waited till the majority of whites wanted to treat them as equals.
I do not think being black and being a homosexual are comparable.
Are you implying being black and being a sexual deviant are comparable?
I think you try to present it that way to push your flawed agenda.
Black Magic said:
Making up your own interpretation of words again that fit your agenda?
All Tree knows is how to manipulate and lie.
Ms Tree said:
Yea, you must be right.  The CRA should never have been passed and forced on America.  Minorities, specifically blacks, should have waited till the majority of whites wanted to treat them as equals.
Good thing it was passed, otherwise race pimps like Sharpton/Jackson would be out of a job.
And this President and his administration has done more damage to race relations than any other in recent history, so when looking to blame, look in your own back yard!
Ms Tree said:
No life is not fair, but according to the COTUS, the law is fair.  According to the 14th, laws must apply equally to all.  
Ho! Now your quoting the Constitution! It's covenant when your using it to prop up your arguments on equality, but nothing is said when "His Majesty" Burock the First, tramples it on a daily bases! And, there is one point that you have failed to mention. In the history of segregation, the worst offenders came from the Southern regions of our country. Those regions at the height of the inequality were dominated by the Democratic Party! ------- Oh my!!!   
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I do not think being black and being a homosexual are comparable.
Are you implying being black and being a sexual deviant are comparable?
I think you try to present it that way to push your flawed agenda.

All Tree knows is how to manipulate and lie.
You said cultural changes should not be forced on society. Now you want to change the rules.of your own game to justify your bias. Presumably because you think homosexuality is a choce even though there is not a single shred of medical evidence to support that.

Even it were a choice, what business is it of yours what people do with their lives?

And yes I do think that being black and being gay is the same in terms of the institutional prejudices.

I also think polygamy should be legal as well.
MCI transplant said:
Ho! Now your quoting the Constitution! It's covenant when your using it to prop up your arguments on equality, but nothing is said when "His Majesty" Burock the First, tramples it on a daily bases! And, there is one point that you have failed to mention. In the history of segregation, the worst offenders came from the Southern regions of our country. Those regions at the height of the  inequality were dominated by the Democratic Party! ------- Oh my!!!
If the president has violated the COTUS so many times how come there are not a plethora of cases? I know of three. The recess appointment which was ruled, and two ACA cases one of which was ruled on and the other which is pending.

The Dem from the pre-1960 Is not Dem party of today. Just look at the racial/gender make up of the elected officials in the parties for proof of that.
Ms Tree said:
If the president has violated the COTUS so many times how come there are not a plethora of cases? I know of three. The recess appointment which was ruled, and two ACA cases one of which was ruled on and the other which is pending.

The Dem from the pre-1960 Is not Dem party of today. Just look at the racial/gender make up of the elected officials in the parties for proof of that.
You are absolutely correct! The Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party it once was! But it was you who invoked the subject of inequality of the past, so you have to compare apples to apples!  The Democratic party of today is in truth what we called the Socialist Party of yesteryear! And in some ways the Communist Party!

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