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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

Ms Tree said:
You said cultural changes should not be forced on society. Now you want to change the rules.of your own game to justify your bias. Presumably because you think homosexuality is a choce even though there is not a single shred of medical evidence to support that.

Even it were a choice, what business is it of yours what people do with their lives?

And yes I do think that being black and being gay is the same in terms of the institutional prejudices.

I also think polygamy should be legal as well.
Wow you definitely try to cover your wishy-washy conclusion. It is not a choice, but if it is...

You are truly a fool and your denial blinds you to the obvious.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
That is a fair question eolesen.
In 2013, in the United States, gay and bisexual men accounted for 81% (30,689) of the 37,887 estimated HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 years and older and 65% of the 47,352 estimated diagnoses among all persons receiving an HIV diagnosis that year.
In 2013, gay and bisexual men accounted for 55% of the estimated number of persons diagnosed with AIDS among all adults and adolescents in the United States.
So globally about 2% of the population is responsible for 65% of new infections among ALL persons. I am sure Tree will be along shortly to tell you how natural and healthy homosexual relationships are.
Nope.  Just going to point out that 88,000 people a year die due to alcohol.  Then there are a little less than 500,000 people a year who die from cigarettes.  
Marriage equality has nothing to do with HIV.  Sex occurs out of wedlock.  Same sex marriage has been illegal in this country.  Only in the last 2 years or so have states started to legalize it.
Your feigned out rage at the HIV rate in the country and your silence about the over half a million people who die from legal drugs is a bit disingenuous to say the least.
What ever health risks that homosexuals or anyone else wish to take is up to them.
Ms Tree said:
Nope.  Just going to point out that 88,000 people a year die due to alcohol.  Then there are a little less than 500,000 people a year who die from cigarettes. 
Well Tree the minute a drunk infects someone with alcoholism or a smoker infects someone with tobacco addiction let me know.
This is a fine example of a stupid liberal using a ridiculous comparison to argue something he can't defend. Good job.
Ms Tree said:
Marriage equality has nothing to do with HIV.  Sex occurs out of wedlock.  Same sex marriage has been illegal in this country.  Only in the last 2 years or so have states started to legalize it.
Homosexual acts most definitely have something to do with HIV. 2% of the population responsible for 65% of all new infections is pretty telling.
Gays are trying to push gay marriage for the sole purpose of having the government legitimize homosexual relationships and behavior. There is your link.
The fact the infection rate is so high also suggest casual sex with multiple partners. This..... from the same people supposedly fighting for marriage equality. 
Ms Tree said:
Your feigned out rage at the HIV rate in the country and your silence about the over half a million people who die from legal drugs is a bit disingenuous to say the least. 
When you smoke or drink you KNOW you are smoking or drinking. There is no surprise there. You made a choice to consume the product. How many people with HIV made the choice to be infected?
Ms Tree said:
What ever health risks that homosexuals or anyone else wish to take is up to them.
That is a good point.
That does not mean the government has to endorse it.
Come back when you actually have something to say.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Well Tree the minute a drunk infects someone with alcoholism or a smoker infects someone with tobacco addiction let me know.
This is a fine example of a stupid liberal using a ridiculous comparison to argue something he can't defend. Good job.

Homosexual acts most definitely have something to do with HIV. 2% of the population responsible for 65% of all new infections is pretty telling.
Gays are trying to push gay marriage for the sole purpose of having the government legitimize homosexual relationships and behavior. There is your link.
The fact the infection rate is so high also suggest casual sex with multiple partners. This..... from the same people supposedly fighting for marriage equality. 

When you smoke or drink you KNOW you are smoking or drinking. There is no surprise there. You made a choice to consume the product. How many people with HIV made the choice to be infected?

That is a good point.
That does not mean the government has to endorse it.
Come back when you actually have something to say.
Second hand smoke. Look it up.your self. Alcoholics don't just kill them.selves. ask doctors how many babies they see who are sick due to alcoholism.

I would think you would be happy that homosexuals are getting HIV and killing themselves.

I have not found a single gay person who says that. Every gay person I know what's to get married because they love their partner and want to have the same rights as my wife and I do.

This a valid point. People don't know they will be infected with anything. That is why STDs spread so much. They make condoms for a reason and if people going to have sex with strangers.... oh well. Sucks to be them.

This absolutely nothing to do with government endorsement. Do you think the Fed endorses the KKK because their free speech is protected? No. The KKK has the same rights as anyone else. That is all this is a about. Equal rights. You don't have to agree with people for them to have equal rights. I sure as heck don't agree with the KKK or the idiots from Westbrough church and I assume you don't either. Do you want to deny them their rights?
Ms Tree said:
I would think you would be happy that homosexuals are getting HIV and killing themselves.
That is because you are a warped person.
Ms Tree said:
This absolutely nothing to do with government endorsement.
That's right Ms Tree. Keep telling yourself that.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
That is because you are a warped person.
That's right Ms Tree. Keep telling yourself that.

Are you arguing that allowing the KKK freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the freedom to adopt a highway is a government endorsement of their beliefs?
Ms Tree said:
Are you arguing that allowing the KKK freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the freedom to adopt a highway is a government endorsement of their beliefs?
Tree you would argue with your own echo. You don't have anything valid to say; you just want someone to argue with. That is not going to be me.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Tree you would argue with your own echo. You don't have anything valid to say; you just want someone to argue with. That is not going to be me.
How is it not a valid question.  You have said that for the Fed to allow equal marriage that would be an endorsement of it.  I am asking how that is any different from the examples I gave above?  If you do not have an answer I understand.  I do not have one either.
Tree, maybe you can answer this from a libtards prospective.
Why all the love for BaRack, when he announced his candidacy and the hoopla about him being African-American and now, all the hate for Cruz and them overlooking the fact he's the first "LATINO-American" to run? Any double standards here or is the Libtard party racist against Latinos?
The reason the left slams Ted Cruz is because they don't want the Latino population to see a successful Latino Republican.
southwind said:
Tree, maybe you can answer this from a libtards prospective.
Why all the love for BaRack, when he announced his candidacy and the hoopla about him being African-American and now, all the hate for Cruz and them overlooking the fact he's the first "LATINO-American" to run? Any double standards here or is the Libtard party racist against Latinos?
Because race was only one factor. Cruz's position on multiple issues is crazy to the point that many main stream republicans don't like him.

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