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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I 100% agree with you.
Tree has to do his part to spread libtard propaganda.
If you don't like/believe in same sex relationships the solution is very simple. Don't enter into a relationship with a person of the same sex.
Same for Abortion. Don't believe in them, DON'T HAVE ONE!
As long as there is no initiation of force why would anyone care what another perspn does?
SparrowHawk said:
If you don't like/believe in same sex relationships the solution is very simple. Don't enter into a relationship with a person of the same sex.
It is proven that MSM relationships spread disease at an extremely high rate. That is a PUBLIC health concern. 
In 2010 gay and bisexual men accounted for 63% of all newly diagnosed HIV cases
In 2013 it was 81%.
That is straight from the CDC. Look it up.
SparrowHawk said:
Same for Abortion. Don't believe in them, DON'T HAVE ONE!
I find it funny that people will scream at the top of their lungs for animal rights yet are totally cool with abortion.
How about instead of snuffing out a human life because it is "inconvenient" people start having sex in a RESPONSIBLE way. I know libtards hate to take personal responsibility for ANYTHING but it is time to grow up.
SparrowHawk said:
As long as there is no initiation of force why would anyone care what another perspn does?
The very act of abortion is forceful and destructive by nature against another entity. 
SparrowHawk said:
Spoken like a true anarchist. 
Rape is an act that takes place in nature regularly, maybe that should be legal too.
MCI transplant said:
Same sex marriage may be "natural" in your book! ------- Not mine!!!
Then don't get married to a same sex partner. I don't smoke pot but it's not my business to tell someone they can't because it has nothing to do with me.
SparrowHawk said:
According to the Declaration those rights are conferred to us by our Creator. Whomever or whatever you deem that to be.
DoI was written by man. They might have gotten it wrong.
SparrowHawk said:
Thus the sit ins at the lunch counter. Civil Disobedience and all of that. Freedom Riders and others of good will sympathetic to the view that all are created equal. Each risked their personal safety so that others may live as they choose.
I get the idea of natural rights. There are certain rights everyone should have. How ever as a practical matter rights are limited and granted by man. The CRA mandates that people do not need to fight or beg for equal treatment. Equality is guaranteed by law. Is it perfect? Probably not but I think it beats the alternative. I am not a believer in the idea that equality should be something left to the whim of the general populace. I know that in some cases the people are ahead of the law as in gay rights but in other cases the populace lags behind as in desegregation and race equality.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It is proven that MSM relationships spread disease at an extremely high rate. That is a PUBLIC health concern. 
In 2010 gay and bisexual men accounted for 63% of all newly diagnosed HIV cases
In 2013 it was 81%.
That is straight from the CDC. Look it up.

I find it funny that people will scream at the top of their lungs for animal rights yet are totally cool with abortion.
How about instead of snuffing out a human life because it is "inconvenient" people start having sex in a RESPONSIBLE way. I know libtards hate to take personal responsibility for ANYTHING but it is time to grow up.

The very act of abortion is forceful and destructive by nature against another entity. 

Spoken like a true anarchist.
So? Alcohol and cigaretts kill more by an overwhelming number but I don't see anyone clamoring to ban them out right. The cost on society is massive as well.

What does animal rights have to do with it? I had to bring a feral cat in to be spayed and she was pregnant. They aborted the fetuses. Animal rights folks such as my self are concerned with the treatment of animals when they are alive, not the unborn unless it has to do with a species that is endangered.
Ms Tree said:
Then don't get married to a same sex partner. I don't smoke pot but it's not my business to tell someone they can't because it has nothing to do with me.
So what exactly are "natural laws"Tree? And who, or what, wrote these laws that you are referring to? And who gave them the authority to do so? ------ So these "natural laws" are nothing but what you feel they should be! Nothing more! And how does this have anything to do with same sex marriages? ------Come on Tree, your the one who brought this up in the first place!
Ms Tree said:
I know that in some cases the people are ahead of the law as in gay rights but in other cases the populace lags behind as in desegregation and race equality.
Not supporting gay marriage does not mean people are lagging. It just means they refuse to support a government endorsement of sexual deviant, unnatural behavior.
MCI transplant said:
So what exactly are "natural laws"? And who, or what, wrote these laws that you are referring to? And how does this have anything to do with same sex marriages?
Sparrow is the one you should be asking as he is the one who brings them up but as I understand it there are certain rights, mainly having to with self determination.  People have the right to lead their lives as they see fit without intervention from others so long as their rights do not infringe upon the rights of others.  
Who someone else marries is their business.  It does not affect you so you have no say in how someone else lives = natural law.
That's my take on it.
MCI transplant said:
So what exactly are "natural laws"Tree? And who, or what, wrote these laws that you are referring to? And who gave them the authority to do so? ------ So these "natural laws" are nothing but what you feel they should be! Nothing more! And how does this have anything to do with same sex marriages? ------Come on Tree, your the one who brought this up in the first place!
It has NOTHING to do with same sex marriage. This is just another example of the libtards lying and twisting anything they can to push their agenda.
Rights are won not given. Our rights in this country were paid for in American blood. Ms Tree thinks people are born with them at no cost. This should tell you what a warped sense of reality Ms Tree has. 

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