Do NOT give to the us airways united way campaign


Feb 15, 2006
Do NOT give to the us airways united way campaign

Please read and distribute .

Us airways is an international corporation and one of Arizona’s biggest employers ,however they are also a company that contributes to some of the very ills that the united way seeks to cure .

As many of you know this merger has been a mess , while executives and CEO’S are making million dollar bonuses , some of this companies workers are struggling just to survive .I am speaking of the working poor , many of us airways workers are pulling MORE than 40 hours a week just to feed and clothe their children , and I have no doubt that the united way is probably providing aid to some of our employees .

These employees give their all day in and day out , yet this company gives nothing to them , unless it absolutely has to . I find it ironic and insulting that this company can post pictures of disadvantaged children in the break rooms of some of it’s lowest paid workers and expect them to contribute to this campaign .I would like to take a moment to say that this company has a great trend of having the lowest paid workers across the aviation spectrum .

I urge this companies leadership to address it’s own internal ills , and the persistent poverty of some of its own workers ,before attempting to fix others problems .

In closing I also URGE everyone who reads this to give to charities , because there is no better feeling than knowing that you have done something to help another person . There are many other charities besides the united way that you can contribute to , such as the Red Cross , the Salvation Army or even your local church or food bank . Us Airways management seems to take a particular pleasure and pride in it’s annual United way campagin , please help send a message that this year , it needs to start taking care of it’s workers .

Thank you .
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When I say that the workers are poor I mean the workers are POOR , some of our west fleet service agents have been working here for 5 years and aren’t even making ten dollars an hour . If you would like to see some of their anguish feel free to logo onto compass and check out the last PHX fleet service town hall with doug parker , please watch the AM meeting .
Poverty Wages esp at p/t hrs.
I Never have nor will EVER contribute to UW>

some of this companies workers are struggling just to survive .I am speaking of the working poor , many of us airways workers are pulling MORE than 40 hours a week just to feed and clothe their children ...

You mean like cutting the part timers to 4 hours a day and not letting them work 4 day weeks so they can at least save on gas to come in to work?

Never have given to the United Way since I dont agree with some of the things they spend their money on, but have no problem giving what I can to the charities of choice.
So it is cool to screw a national charity just because 'yall voted to reduce your wages and benefits?

You guys are screwed up.............

I don't agree with all the ways UW spends their monies and I personally elected to give to the listed charities I support.And if

I can't do this through the company...I personally provide a check to the charity I support.
So it is cool to screw a national charity just because 'yall voted to reduce your wages and benefits?

No, but it IS cool to screw a fake scam pretending to be a national charity. If anyone doubts what a scam the United Way really is look back in news archives from as recently as just a few years going back almost 20 years. Yeah, there's a charity I'd want my company associaited with.


Questions Arise on Accounting at United Way :down:

Ex-United Way officer guilty of embezzling :down:

Central District of Illinois :down:

Ex-Buffalo United Way Head Convicted of Taking Money :down:

:down: I would donate to The Taliban before I ever would donate to the United Way. :down:
I would donate to The Taliban before I ever would donate to the United Way.
Wow... You can never be surprised on this board.
The more I edit this post the more angry I get. I was in a restaurant this evening with some young Marines at the next table. You could catch some of the conversation between our talk of trans-atlantic service differences and you heard talk of "the three bullets that just missed me" and you get a quick reality check. Many speak cavalierly on this board but to compare a charity(love them or hate them) to some group that is trying to kill our young is beyond the pale.
When I say that the workers are poor I mean the workers are POOR , some of our west fleet service agents have been working here for 5 years and aren’t even making ten dollars an hour . If you would like to see some of their anguish feel free to logo onto compass and check out the last PHX fleet service town hall with doug parker , please watch the AM meeting .


What is the website address to log on to compass?
You do realize that you can contribute to a specific charity and not to the United Way? For example you can direct all of your money to the local shelter, or the local cancer society, thus bypassing the United Way directly if you do not want to donate to them. Either way, things are not as bad as you make it out to be, you are a lot luckier than you think, and any amount of money is worth it. Do not be foolish and selfish and try to stand on some warped sense of principle against your management.
Without taking the time to look it up & maybe the above post has links to some of the "issues" surrounding United Way, the UW has been under question for 20-30 years for accounting & what it does with its funds.

The last I knew it was 1 of the lowest ranking charities based on cost to operate & funds distributed. I believe it was something like 70% of monies donated go to operating costs!

I gave up on UW many years ago, when a co-worker had a child born that was severely handicapped. Appeals to the UW for help went completely ignored.

As for the working poor donating, study after study has shown that the lower income earners are far more likely to donate to charity and do so at nearly 4X the rate of their higher income counterparts. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Even disregarding all of the scandals that have plagued the fat-cat leaders of United Way, it always puzzled me why anyone would give to charity in that manner. Why put a middleman in the flow of your charity dollar to the area of need? United Way merely takes a cut for themselves and their fat compensation packages, then sends the remainder on to other individual charities (of their choosing, not yours) where further administrative fees are taken before anyone in need sees anything.

Skip the United Way campaign and choose your own charities. Send YOUR charities the money directly and it will go further than if the United Way grabbed a share of it first.
I have several charities that I annualy donate to, but I do that on an indivual basis. I refuse to get the company or even the union for that matter the credit of satisfaction for the donation.
Many speak cavalierly on this board but to compare a charity(love them or hate them) to some group that is trying to kill our young is beyond the pale.

Maybe, and if thats how you took it I apologize both to you and the brave young men defending my right to dine on shoe leather. My point was to show just how little regard I hold United Way in. I would assume we agree on the level of evil represented by the Taliban and yet I place United Way in exactly that class.

"Do not be foolish and selfish and try to stand on some warped sense of principle against your management." Didn't you mean to say ...stand on some sence of principle against your warped management..." :rolleyes:
