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Do Crew

Breath_of_Fresh_USAirways said:
God, I'm tired of this "us" and "them" attitude!  Even when it comes to doing volunteer work outside the company on your own time!  😛

It's beginning to appear that instead of doing whatever it takes to get the job done and keep the customers, that this is becoming an EXCUSE to as little as possible.  Do you want the merged airline to succeed?  If so, you haven't proven it by your attitude (and I bet your actions haven't indicated any differently, either.)  :shock: If you don't want it (you) to succeed then don't let the door hit you in the a$$.  :rant:

We need to get all this energy re-directed to crushing the competition -- not each other!  :up:

:rant: Thanks.  That felt good.  😉
rb11 said:
For you that are worried about poor tudes. Donot worry those are a very few percent of the people at USAIRWAYS, a very, very small percentage!
rb11 said:
For you that are worried about poor tudes. Donot worry those are a very few percent of the people at USAIRWAYS, a very, very small percentage!

what do you call what happend last december
rb11 said:
For you that are worried about poor tudes. Donot worry those are a very few percent of the people at USAIRWAYS, a very, very small percentage!
Thanks, RB11. You're right. And I fell right into the trap that "bad apples" want me to -- acknowledging their lousy attitudes and wasting my time and energy complaining about them. :down:

But, I have to admit, it still felt good to vent! :censored:

THAT SAID -- I am SO looking forward to working with all the WONDERFUL people from the old USAirways that REALLY want to work hard, do what it takes, teach and learn, and have this NEW airline to succeed as much as I do!!! 😀
B737 MECHANIC said:
piss poor management maybe but you guys got an attitude and did what you did

Thats right all 30000 of us left got an attitude on Xmas and did what we did. Thats why I agreed to work for 2 people on Xmas day and ended up with just 3 of us scheduled on the floor that night at the gate because the MANAGER didnt staff anyone (thats LESS THAN 1 agent per flight, ok). No sick calls, just no staffing. Also worked Express gate alone, in the rain, first part of the shift with NO RAMP AGENTS SCHEDULED for 2 flights. Ooops, dont usually have those and no one bothered to check the schedule for ADEQUATE STAFFING on a holiday. Luckily I found one of my buds willing to come out and load the 2 flights for me (did I mention in the rain) so we could get them out. Why all the days and days of lost bags? No one was asked to go to baggage to help out. The baggage agents were actually p-oed at us thinking we were refusing to go. Someone asked the manager if they could come in overnight in civvies and work. Said no. Ended up the manager and THE SECRETARY were working thru the night doing ???? to help. If you havent lived it, I know you might be skeptical, but many of the things posted here do/have happened. I'm actually surprised that more people havent gotten a 'tude dealing with some of the winners we've had here.
(Might also help to read the IG report....)
Statement from Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta Regarding the Inspector General's Report on Christmas 2004 Holiday Disruptions

“The Inspector General’s report on Christmas 2004 holiday travel disruptions provides a factual look at the causes of delayed or cancelled flights and lost baggage experienced by more than 800 thousand US Airways and Comair passengers. The report makes clear that Comair’s troubles were caused by an ice storm that was greater than anticipated and limitations in its crew scheduling computer that it was unaware existed.

“By contrast, US Airways’ troubles were the result of staffing shortfalls at its Philadelphia hub. The Inspector General found that while these shortfalls were anticipated by US Airways’ management, their plans to address them did not succeed. I am troubled that the report also indicates that US Airways lacked certain data concerning the disruptions, such as the number of lost baggage or whether persons with disabilities and unaccompanied minors were properly accommodated.

Oops- Sorry to get off topic. Anyone know when the Do Crew is going to be implemented on the US East side? I'd be willing to volunteer some time if its constructive and for a worthy cause.
It seems that many comment about single and personal experience as some indication of the entire airline. That is wrong ! Dont do it ! And dont be drawn into it! The majority of us are good! And we will be Great! Forget the rest!
Not only is there a Do Crew but also Cactus Club which gives employees a chance to do things together. Many of us go to dinner and a show at the casinos in Reno. Or to football games at UNR. Hey you guys could go to a Steeler game and have the company pay for part of the tickets--or at least the Cactus club--not the company. We all put in $1.00 per pay check and use it to do things. If ya'll decide to join you'll have a local rep and they will send in requests for funding for fun things for you. If anyone does this and goes to a pro game please let me know. I'll bring the Terrible Towel
drifterreno said:
Not only is there a Do Crew but also Cactus Club which gives employees a chance to do things together. Many of us go to dinner and a show at the casinos in Reno. Or to football games at UNR. Hey you guys could go to a Steeler game and have the company pay for part of the tickets--or at least the Cactus club--not the company. We all put in $1.00 per pay check and use it to do things. If ya'll decide to join you'll have a local rep and they will send in requests for funding for fun things for you. If anyone does this and goes to a pro game please let me know. I'll bring the Terrible Towel
Someone with influence suggested renaming the Cactus Club, the CactU•S Club -- get it?

And yes, the Do Crew is looking for volunteer opportunities in the East. They're very excited to have a whole new group of volunteers. We've only been 1 airline for 8 days now, give them a little more time. I'm sure they'll have things lined up for the holidays, if not sooner. That's one thing about US Airways West -- they're very good at communicating to and with the employees.
Here is some background on the Do Crew and some up and coming events:

Do Crew
The Do Crew, America West's employee volunteer corps, began in Phoenix in 1997 with just a handful of people who wanted to get together to give something back to the community, and have fun at the same time. That simple purpose has stood the test of time, as more than 2,000 employees in Phoenix, Las Vegas and Reno are now Do Crew members.

The Do Crew allows America West employees, their family members and friends an opportunity to get involved in the community. Do Crew members can volunteer with nonprofit organizations in the arts and culture, health and human services, education and civic sectors. Do Crew members are proud to say they "do" get involved, "do" have a lot of fun and "do" make new friends at America West and in the community.

You can now sign up to receive automatic Do Crew updates and the latest volunteer opportunities directly through your e-mail account. Employees are encouraged to utilize the new Do Crew e-mail address to volunteer for upcoming events, submit questions and receive the latest Do Crew calendar. If you are interested in joining this distribution list, please send your name and badge number via e-mail to Do.Crew@americawest.com.

The entire month of November is Do Crew Recruitment Month.* For each
> scheduled Do Crew event that you sign up for and bring an employee that
> has never volunteered with the Do Crew, you and the new Do Crew member
> will both receive double the Do Crew hours!
> Sweet Delights Take Flight - New Event!
> Cookie Distributors
> Date: Wednesday, Nov. 9
> Time: 9:45 a.m. - noon
> Location: Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center
> 650 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
> Dress Code: New US Airways Do Crew t-shirts with black or khaki pants.
> Volunteers Needed: 25
> Age Requirement: At least 13 years or older
> Sweet Delights Take Flight is a Veterans Day promotion and partnership
> with Cookies From Home that honors active military and veterans.
> Volunteers will distribute individual boxes of chocolate chip cookies to
> Veterans at the Carl T. Hayden VA Hospital. To sign up for this special Do
> Crew event, send your badge number, phone number, co-mail address and
> t-shirt size to Do.Crew@usairways.com <mailto😀o.Crew@usairways.com>
> please contact Community Relations in Phoenix at ext. 3652.
> 2005 Veteran's Day Parade Presented by US Airways
> Float Decorators
> Date: Tuesday, Nov. 8
> Time: 5:30 - 9 a.m.
> Location: Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center
> 650 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
> Dress Code: New US Airways Do Crew T-shirt with jeans and closed-toe
> shoes.
> Volunteers Needed:
> Age Requirement: At least 12 years or older
> For this event, volunteers are also needed to dress as Corporate
> Characters Larry Luggage and Carry On!
> Grand Marshal's for the 2005 Veteran's Day Parade are the World War II
> Veterans. This is a great opportunity to show your support for our
> Veterans and service men and women.
> To volunteer, please send your badge number, phone number, co-mail address
> and t-shirt size to Do.Crew@usairways.com <mailto😀o.Crew@usairways.com>
> or call Community Relations at 480-693-3652.
> 2005 Veteran's Day Parade Presented by US Airways
> Parade Walkers
> Date: Friday, Nov. 11, 2005
> Time: 9:45 a.m. - noon
> Location: Begins at Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center
> 650 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
> Dress Code: New US Airways Do Crew T-shirt with jeans and closed-toe
> shoes.
> Volunteers Needed: Unlimited
> Age Requirement: None
> For this event, volunteers are also needed to dress as Corporate
> Characters Larry Luggage and Carry On!
> Walkers will receive Do Crew hours and are welcome to stay and watch the
> remainder of the parade. To sign-up, please send you badge number, phone
> number, co-mail address and t-shirt size to Do.Crew@usairways.com
> <mailto😀o.Crew@usairways.com> or call Community Relations at
> 480-693-3652.
I also spoke to the Do Crew Coordinator at the listed phone number. She informed me we have groups in Phx, Vegas....and somewhere else I can't remember....I think she said Reno. Anyway, to join...just show up at an event on the Do Crew calendar of events and your automatically part of the Do Crew roster. She also was very exicted about opening new groups in the East coast hubs. She did mention that folks actually non-rev for Do Crew events....something to consider. She had a very positive attitude. I've actually met her once and she is as nice in person as she was on the phone.
I have worked with the Do Crew people in Phx and they are a great bunch of people. They volunteer time for Canine Companions for Independence (www.cci.org). I would recommend everyone get involved with this group.
For you that are worried about poor tudes. Donot worry those are a very few percent of the people at USAIRWAYS, a very, very small percentage!
boy talk about being off base..........you're going to be in for a suprise.....
so bad on the east coast they have what's known as the doo-doo crew,based in PHL.

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