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DL to start LAX-LHR, VS to start ATL-LHR

UA is indeed being "chased" from two sides but any new flights into any market injects impact to all of the players.

obviously UA's entire LAX operation is part of the issue. They have dual hubs in both the NE and on the west coast and they cannot sustain that level of duplication in its route system, esp. since all of their hubs are heavily dependent on 50 seat RJs which other carriers can top with larger RJs and mainline.

Still, this is the only route (unless you can think of another) that AA, DL, and UA will all directly compete to LHR.

based on DL's performance into LHR from other markets and based on DL's performance to TYO from LAX, DL should be capable of holding its own in one of the top markets from LAX.
yoyodyne said:
Because AIRBUS...
737823 said:
Sorry, I know that you are a valued costumer, and thanks for flying Delta, but I really dislike Airbii. Then again, in my younger days, I wasn't the 757 Master for nothing.  That is my favorite plane.  I even once had the privilege of having to do a manual weight and balance on that bird.  Anyway, joystick flight controls belong on MS Flight Simulator...
No worries I like Boeing myself but the 332 is a very versatile aircraft that serves and important role in the DL fleet.  
what was your fav before the 75 yoyo?  personally  I always love the 727.    as for LAX-LHR  I did not know that NZ does that route unless it is a continuation of flight from AKL      What aircraft will DL use.... 772 or 773
robbedagain said:
what was your fav before the 75 yoyo?  personally  I always love the 727.    as for LAX-LHR  I did not know that NZ does that route unless it is a continuation of flight from AKL      What aircraft will DL use.... 772 or 773
Robbed the new flight will be a 767-300ER
DL only operates 777-200LR and 777-200ER
So in a market where product is more important and Virgin Atlantic is well known, Delta is going to bring a subpar product (and it is incredibly subpar compared to VX/AA/BA - those  seats are narrow, uncomfortable and Delta literally must have chosen the cheapest off the rack surface materials and trimmings) (and yes, I realize AA uses the same seats, they are still subpar).
And in a market where the audience is captured and are going to fly Delta regardless, Virgin Atlantic comes along instead of utilizing it's resources in competitive, product-sensitive markets.
So smart!!!
you do realize that DL uses its "subpar" 767s to compete from JFK-LHR on AA's 777s and has since it entered the market and still is within 5% of AA's average fares?

You do also realize that DL gets higher average fares on LAX-HND arriving and departing in the middle of the night using a subpar 767 and more onboard revenue than AA gets on either of its two LAX transpac flights which are on 777s?

Of course you fail to recognize those realities.

with two LHR flights launching on DL metal from the west coast to LHR, DL has clearly thought it out.

BTW, congrats on your 3 new LAX-SFO flights on CR9s from the remote terminal. DL will continue to board all LAX-SFO flights as a Shuttle from the main terminal on an hourly basis.

I suspect that AA is trying to throw a few more flights into the market precisely because they see the market is shifting to DL.
MAH4546 said:
So in a market where product is more important and Virgin Atlantic is well known, Delta is going to bring a subpar product (and it is incredibly subpar compared to VX/AA/BA - those  seats are narrow, uncomfortable and Delta literally must have chosen the cheapest off the rack surface materials and trimmings) (and yes, I realize AA uses the same seats, they are still subpar).
And in a market where the audience is captured and are going to fly Delta regardless, Virgin Atlantic comes along instead of utilizing it's resources in competitive, product-sensitive markets.
So smart!!!
Subpar...give me a break.  Do you ever fly DL to know how good their product really is?  All I ever see you post is how good AA is, and how the rest of the industry is no good.  Oh well.....
Yes, subpar. The 767 seats are subpar on Delta, just like they are on AA, Austrian and every other airline that uses them. It's a poor product, especially compared to Virgin's seats or AA's 77W. It's not as important on a quick hop like JFK-LHR.  
this probably would not be a good time to have to tell MAH that based on schedules which have been loaded for this summer, DL will become the largest int'l carrier at LAX and that was calculated before this new flight was loaded.

oh - and DL is throwing in DFW-LAX for good measure and throwing in a little love up in SEA too with YYC and GEG.

It should be obvious to most but DL is deadly serious about building out its presence in the west.

and based on the fact that DL operates the world's largest fleet of 767s and still manages to get a revenue premium to other carriers, including in markets where DL uses the 767 directly against other carriers' larger aircraft, there is nothing subpar about DL's revenue premiums to the industry.
good... DL is doing it whether you care or not.

swallow hard and say that DL will be the largest int'l carrier at LAX by this summer... and they have even more tricks up their sleeve for next year.
What does that have to do with the seats being sub-par? I too don't understand why they would use that aircraft on that important of a route.

Why not use a 777 or 330 with a nicer cabin.
Aeroflot was the largest airline in the world once.

Pan Am was once the largest international carrier.

Whole lot of good it did them...

The DFW-LAX add is interesting, but seems to be more retaliatory against VX than it is a desire to grow LAX.