yes, it is possible that the decision to base the 717s in NYC is the end of the possibility of them being in LAX or SEA.
unless they back track(very possible) or add more 717s(also possible) then its pretty much done. They told pilots at the start that they only wanted three 717 bases. It starts to get harder to stretch the fleet out over much more than that.
What is clear is that LGA after the slot deal became a heavily large RJ hub; the 717s are now taking over some of the Shuttle flights but are also being used for off-season NYC (LGA and JFK) to Florida flights.
and more to come.....
Off peak season to Florida is relatively short so those planes will be moved off of those routes and I predict they will free up large RJs. Given the number of large RJs in the system is limited by the pilot contract, large RJs that are freed up have to be deployed elsewhere. It could be at the hubs or it could be to add flights in the western US.
Delta still has room to add large RJs. ~30 of them. No shortage of 76-seaters right now.
And in the west, unless DL pulls a merger or asset acquisition out of somewhere, it will need to start upgrading existing large RJ flights at both SEA and LAX to mainline... and it is highly likely they will do it. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think there is a 320/19 base on the west coast but is at SLC. It is possible that DL will use 319s and 320s and use SLC pilots but the ability to grow the west coast depends on upgrading. The 717 is the smallest mainline aircraft but perhaps there are enough flights that can far beyond the 717 in capacity. LAX-SEA is up to 4 mainline - 2 757s and 2 738s, SEALAS has a couple 738s, and SEASAN for the summer was 3 738s/320s per day.
Delta has asked the port of Seattle for more than 30 gates in SEA. LAx they are pretty much locked out outside of a few small increases (possible adding of gates to T5, more space in T6, remote parking)
however that doesn't mean they are going to start reducing frequency. To do so would be crazy. While some flights might see some increases, for now they are just going to try to use the space they have to the best they can. Once they are out of space they are out of space.
so, yes, maybe the 717 won't go west but if it doesn't there either will be a lot more 737 west coast flying from LAX and/or a 320 base (which also allows use of the smaller 319). The 717s shorter range does make it a better aircraft for the shorter eastern US flights.
Not completely true. See the issue with the 717 is the closest base to LAX or SEA is DTW, with the 320 Delta has large 320 bases at SLC and MSP. It makes it a little easier to working flying in. Also because basically all the hub(other than SEA/LAX) have a 320 base(only NYC and CVG don't) it makes it easier to bridge in crews. Because of the limited range on the 717 it makes that hard.
For example, to bridge in a 320 to LAX Delta can fly MSP/SLC/ATL/DTW to basically any place LAX has a flight to. With the 717 it would have to be the Texas flying as it can't reach most of the other flying LAX has. That limits Delta to only AUS/SAT/DFW. DFW is basically out because they don't want to cut frequency. 5 flights a day between AUS/SAT isn't a lot. Now we have to dead head which increases cost etc. etc. etc.
for now they are going to focus the 717 on the east. I do expect LAX or SEA to end up with a 320 base once the 321s start to show up.
Either way, DL is not thru growing either LAX or SEA and as next summer's schedule is firmed up, it will become more and more indicative of DL's staffing needs on the west coast.
OTOH, DL might be reworking its fleet plan and network depending on what happens with AF this week. I have a feeling it is going to get really nasty.