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Delta gains new LHR service


Corn Field
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
Delta has obtained EU and US DOT approval to begin new nonstop flights from BOS and MIA to LHR. The new flights are possible because of slot divestiture requirements as part of the AA/BA/IB anti-trust immunity and joint venture.


Delta previously had asked for 3 flights - 2 to BOS and 1 to MIA. All LHR flights will be operated as part of the DL/AF/KL joint venture.

Based on the most recent DOT data, DL is obtaining average fares on par or superior to other carriers serving LHR, although Skyteam is currently about 1/3 the size of Star between the US and LHR and obviously much smaller than oneworld.

BOS and MIA will be new gateways to LHR for DL complementing DL's existing 7 existing flights to ATL, DTW, JFK, and MSP including a recently added 2nd daily flight that is split between ATL and DTW using slots obtained from OK.