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DL Pilots as for 40% raise

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
THANK  GOD  for the ' BIG  RED ' people !
I hope and pray that DALPA's MEC is controlled entirely by NW Pilots !
By the way. Anyone know the pedigree of the current DALPA MEC ?  In other words is the President DL or ex NW, and so on, down the line ?
Your "big red" is DEAD
Only alive here on the Internet where the miserable can commiserate about
Days gone by
Delta is a new company run by the best of both.
It amazes me how as the years go by the better NW was. Funny how that is.
Your "big red" is DEAD
Only alive here on the Internet where the miserable can commiserate about
Days gone by
Delta is a new company run by the best of both.
It amazes me how as the years go by the better NW was. Funny how that is.
NW is very much alive as part of the DNA of today's DL- as are PA, WA, NE (and any other antecedent carrier I might be missing) and we are collectively better because of it.

To deny that is to ignore the trajectory we're currently on as a carrier. To paint Red Tailers as some miserabke lot is just as inaccurate as it would be to paint all PMDL people as "kool aid drinkers."

P.S. NW was f'ing awesome. That's my opinion. It's just as valid as someone that thinks WA, PA, or even original DL was great, too. No shame in being proud of where you grew up...
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Eric,   " TOUGH ('you know what ') " ! !
You'd think by now that Anderson, Despite his abhorrence of UNIONS would WAKE UP to the Fact that his lone UNION is his pilots, which are Now (Thank God) half ex NW guys, and this lone UNION is capable of bringing-him-to-his-knees, despite his mindset that  DENIAL is a river-in-egypt !
Should this (hypothetically) mean LAY OFFS for Non Union people, well I've got two answers for that.
1. Let each work group WAKE UP and Organize.
2. ' Last in, FIRST OUT '  !!  (Then again, with No UNIONS, Anderson wouldn't have to honor seniority)
WAKE UP ...DL people.  You can PAY NOW,...or PAY LATER  !
Have yet to witness DL NOT honor seniority.
700UW said:
They didn't with the Pan Am folks.
Way to twist it to fit your agenda, now ask those same Pan Am folks, who might still be here, since the merger, has there been a seniority issue!
You do know there was a law enacted after DL screwed the PA employees that when an airline aquires a certain amount of assets that they must take employees from the selling airline to the buying airline.
700UW said:
You do know there was a law enacted after DL screwed the PA employees that when an airline aquires a certain amount of assets that they must take employees from the selling airline to the buying airline.
Are you really unable to get your facts right? The Law was changed because of the AA TWA merger. ( hence the name Bond-McKaskell..sorry if I misspelled her name...two senators from Missouri home of TWA ). It had nothing to do with DL. Nice try. Get your facts right I know it's hard for you!
Nope, not talking TW/AA with Mcaskill-Bond, at all.

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