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DL Pilots as for 40% raise

townpete said:
Yeah no kidding. Biggest degenerate mudslinger triplezero...
So you call the guy a degenerate (without actually knowing him I'm sure) and you wonder why he might get steamed and go after people sometimes?

About 90% of the time I think he wins the debates personally.
WeAAsles said:
So you call the guy a degenerate (without actually knowing him I'm sure) and you wonder why he might get steamed and go after people sometimes?

About 90% of the time I think he wins the debates personally.
Pilots got 20% from 6/12-12/14 non Union got 2%-4% and got their profit sharing cut by 33%.
700UW said:
Is it true when the pilots got their 20% raise in June of 2012 till the end of 2014, did you all in ACS get 20% in the same time frame?
Also when the Pilots agreed to a 33% drop in Profit Sharing, did the company impose those terms on the non-union employees?
We are at will employees. Everything is "imposed."
metopower said:
My pay is gauged against Other Airlines Pilot Pay
Your pay is gauged against Other Airlines Ramp Pay
f/a, mechanic etc etc.

Now ask a former DL employee or your buddy 700 who has all the numbers to find an example where a DL employee took a pay cut to finance a PILOTS pay raise.

I have no idea what or if alpo will get any part of that 40% . It has been infected by the northwest mentality of us vs them .
That's a great non-answer, but I'd still like to know what sort of "ask" a 40% boost in pilot pay comes out to.
eolesen said:
All the comments still beg the question of where that 40% pay raise is coming from. It might not come out of Kev's pockets directly, but that's not something you can make up with a fare hike (especially if the other carriers don't play along).
My guess is a mix of increases in employee-borne costs, and harder to quantify things like "productivity improvements." We're already seeing some of that now in the wake of the 14.5% increase. If ALPA is able to secure a 40% gain for the pilots, I can't see that slowing down...
Just add 40% to the rates:
The picture wont post of their scale so here is some examples of what it would be:
Topped out rates
747/777 Capt is currently at $271.74*40%=$108.70+$271.74=$380.44 an hour.
764/A330 Capt is currently at $256.68*40%=$102.67+$256.68=$359.55
767/757 Capt is currently at $227.45*40%=$90.98+$227.45=$318.43
739 Capt is currently at $219.25*40%=$87.70+$219.25=$306.95
737 Capt is currently at $218.11*40%=$87.24+$218.11=$305.35
A319/320 Capt is currently at $210.46*40%=$84.18+$210.46=$294.64
MD90/88 Capt is currently at $206.69*40%=$82.68+$206.69=$289.37
B717 Capt is currently at $196.26*40%=$78.50+$196.26=$274.76
700UW said:
Just add 40% to the rates:
The picture wont post of their scale so here is some examples of what it would be:
Topped out rates
747/777 Capt is currently at $271.74*40%=$108.70+$271.74=$380.44 an hour.
764/A330 Capt is currently at $256.68*40%=$102.67+$256.68=$359.55
767/757 Capt is currently at $227.45*40%=$90.98+$227.45=$318.43
739 Capt is currently at $219.25*40%=$87.70+$219.25=$306.95
737 Capt is currently at $218.11*40%=$87.24+$218.11=$305.35
A319/320 Capt is currently at $210.46*40%=$84.18+$210.46=$294.64
MD90/88 Capt is currently at $206.69*40%=$82.68+$206.69=$289.37
B717 Capt is currently at $196.26*40%=$78.50+$196.26=$274.76
Great dream rates. By the way that is in the year 2020
metopower said:
Great dream rates. By the way that is in the year 2020
Um no, it states rates effective April 2015.
So explain how it its 2020?
So the 40% is life of the contract? Still see that as entirely unsustainable, since airfares haven't ever correlated with the rate of inflation, and neither has revenue.
eolesen said:
All the comments still beg the question of where that 40% pay raise is coming from. It might not come out of Kev's pockets directly, but that's not something you can make up with a fare hike (especially if the other carriers don't play along).
Pretty sure some investors will also be asking that very same question. If the Pilots do get the raise being asked for it will touch each and every employee.  Although it is not directly removing cash from Kev's pocket it is removing cash from Kev's and ALL employees profit sharing, including the Pilots to the tune of about 1/2 billion.  
700UW said:
Pilots got 20% from 6/12-12/14 non Union got 2%-4% and got their profit sharing cut by 33%.
I don't for see the Pilots getting the 40% raises in just 3 years.  More realistically, 22-28% increase with more work rules changed as well as the lower 401K.  But you never know.  I have seen Delta do some pretty stupid stuff like this in the past, and yes it was with the very same Pilot's group...


Seeking Alpha

Will The Pilots Derail Delta Air Lines?

Delta’s pilots motivated by relative pay
Pilots have done better than their peer employees, with average total compensation rising 25.9% from $185,133 to $233,100 between 2010 and 2014. But Delta’s pilots outstripped the market entirely with total average compensation rising a remarkable 40.6% to $261,773 from $186,099, allowing Delta’s pilots to surpass those at Southwest Airlines to become the best compensated in the industry.
metopower said:
My pay is gauged against Other Airlines Pilot Pay
Your pay is gauged against Other Airlines Ramp Pay
f/a, mechanic etc etc.

Now ask a former DL employee or your buddy 700 who has all the numbers to find an example where a DL employee took a pay cut to finance a PILOTS pay raise.

I have no idea what or if alpo will get any part of that 40% . It has been infected by the northwest mentality of us vs them .
THANK  GOD  for the ' BIG  RED ' people !
I hope and pray that DALPA's MEC is controlled entirely by NW Pilots !
By the way. Anyone know the pedigree of the current DALPA MEC ?  In other words is the President DL or ex NW, and so on, down the line ?
eolesen said:
So the 40% is life of the contract? Still see that as entirely unsustainable, since airfares haven't ever correlated with the rate of inflation, and neither has revenue.
Eric,   " TOUGH ('you know what ') " ! !
You'd think by now that Anderson, Despite his abhorrence of UNIONS would WAKE UP to the Fact that his lone UNION is his pilots, which are Now (Thank God) half ex NW guys, and this lone UNION is capable of bringing-him-to-his-knees, despite his mindset that  DENIAL is a river-in-egypt !
Should this (hypothetically) mean LAY OFFS for Non Union people, well I've got two answers for that.
1. Let each work group WAKE UP and Organize.
2. ' Last in, FIRST OUT '  !!  (Then again, with No UNIONS, Anderson wouldn't have to honor seniority)
WAKE UP ...DL people.  You can PAY NOW,...or PAY LATER  !

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