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DL CEO hints at PVG hub

eolesen said:
Frankly, if DL were never mentioned again outside the DL forum, and AA were never mentioned in the DL forum, these boards would be a much more civil environment.
Also, moderator(s) would be beneficial too.
WorldTraveler said:
have we mentioned before that DL is adding more seats at PVG by Aug compared to year ago than any other non-Chinese carrier
While this may be true, in the grand scheme of things it really is a meaningless factoid.
It is precisely because DL is succeeding in the market place while AA and its fan twits here simply make a bunch of noise that irritates the crap out of you.

IN one market after another, DL has proven that it is the carrier that the market wants to travel

on the date of the NW merger, DL had no flights on its own metal to Asia/Pacific from LAX. AA had been flying LAX to NRT for years. same thing at JFK. within years, AA is out of JFK to Asia completely and now AA is the also-ran in the LAX to Asia/Pacific market.

meanwhile the AA fan twits have been carrying on endlessly on here about how AA would grow while DL would be finished in the marketplace - and yet DL is the one that is growing while AA's int'l network has shrunk and continues to do so.

you want moderation? how about you and others admit that DL is simply a better run company and dispense with your endless attempts to try to bash DL or me and admit that the AA/US merger simply created an enormous domestic airline that is full of competition and the price for the merger was to give away a lot of AA's top markets.

AA isn't and won't be the top int'l carrier to either Asia or Europe and it is still watching its domestic and Latin networks be picked apart by low fare carriers.

add in that AA's service is 2nd tier on many levels and AA's people have swallowed Parker's sales job hook line and sinker and are the lowest paid legacy carrier employees and the merger is exactly what most of us said years ago.

those are the facts and they will continue to become more and more evident in the coming years - whether it be in N. Texas, LAX, or China.
WorldTraveler said:
IN one market after another, DL has proven that it is the carrier that the market wants to travel
ORD-LHR too?
Or just seasonally in SEA-HND?
Oh, that doesn't fit your narrative?
So sad.
WorldTraveler said:
you want moderation? how about you and others admit that DL is simply a better run company and dispense with your endless attempts to try to bash DL or me and admit that the AA/US merger simply created an enormous domestic airline that is full of competition and the price for the merger was to give away a lot of AA's top markets.
You couldn't handle moderation!
I don't have a problem admitting DL is a good company. I have said so on several occasions previously.
I do have a problem with your DL rules the world narrative.
Moreover, I'm not obsessed with trying to convince others of it.
You know, you keep on rambling on and on how AA/US is a large domestic carrier. Sounds like a case of envy to me, but like I said, I'm not obsessed as you are.
WorldTraveler said:
AA isn't and won't be the top int'l carrier to either Asia or Europe and it is still watching its domestic and Latin networks be picked apart by low fare carriers.

add in that AA's service is 2nd tier on many levels
Hate to burst your bubble,but DL isn't the top carrier to Asia or Latin America, and to Europe it is heavily reliant on AF/KL as well as VS.
And DL is second tier on many levels too, from onboard product (e.g. their crappy A320s - and those are your words) to SkyPesos.
You see, everybody can sling words back and forth. But guess what? I don't have a problem with that, and frankly I don't care as long as they offer a cheap fare for me (which they often do).
Spin away!
no, I did not say that DL's 320s are not crappy. I said they need to be updated. I don't think there is a fleet at any of the big 4 US carriers including AA that is not in need of refurbishment.

and I am well aware that UA for now is the largest of the big 3 in terms of revenues to Europe and Asia.

it doesn't change that AA is no. 3.

EVERY US carrier's network is dependent on their partners - you and others can't tout that AA has a great JV relationship with one carrier after another and not acknowledge that DL does in fact generate huge amounts of revenue ON ITS OWN NETWORK.

there is no spinning.

You simply can't acknowledge that DL is indeed running a better business.

and DL's financial results that were just released show it.

DL GREW passenger revenue by 3.2% despite the Pacific being a drag. Let me know how well AA does overall and in Latin America.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
You couldn't handle moderation!
Clearly, that's been demonstrated on another site already.

The best form of moderation is to just ignore and not respond, followed by reporting the off-topic posts.
This site is moderated and they do a pretty good job at it.

The reason why posts you want pulled don't get pulled is because they are the truth.

in this case, DL has moved in a very short period of time to generate the highest percentage of US originating passengers to/from PVG and also has the highest average fares.

For whatever reason, China is working very well for DL.

and given the overcapacity issues in Asia, it simply means that the strongest carriers will retain their strength and the weaker carriers will be the ones to suffer.

and it is clear that DL's capacity cuts will come via gauge and frequency and will they likely will not do anything that will give up anything competitively.
WorldTraveler said:
- and yet DL is the one that is growing while AA's int'l network has shrunk and continues to do so.

- and admit that the AA/US merger simply created an enormous domestic airline that is full of competition and the price for the merger was to give away a lot of AA's top markets.
Looks like 2 more of WT's theories (DL growing internationally and big domestic carrier is bad) are shattered:  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-15/for-u-s-airlines-home-is-where-the-money-is
Spin away!
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
Looks like 2 more of WT's theories (DL growing internationally and big domestic carrier is bad) are shattered:  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-15/for-u-s-airlines-home-is-where-the-money-is
Spin away!

as usual, you are confused and simply looking to evoke a response.

I never said that having a large domestic network is bad. NEVER.

DL has long been a more domestic carrier and has generated stronger profits on its domestic system.

I have said that the AA/US merger produced a big domestic carrier that hasn't succeeded at breaking into key int'l markets.

and given that part of the reason for the merger was to create the size to compete in int'l markets, it perhaps might permanently decide AA's fate in the int'l marketplace that overcapacity to Europe and Asia and bad economies in AA's key Latin America markets may mean that AA may NEVER see the int'l benefits of the merger and will continue to be #3 in both Europe and Asia while also watching more of its market share in Latin America given up to DL and UA who are managing to successfully grow there.
Lets see here   so  if AA intl route has shrunk  or is on the shrink mode,  how the flip do you explain DFW to..  HKG  ICN  NRT etc etc etc   unless its really on DL metal and operated by a jv in connection with AA  :lol:
I have never said AA shouldn't pull capacity... in fact I specifically noted that it was positive for them to cut capacity to Europe last fall.

I have said that AA's attempts at building its int'l network have been continuously met with competitors who aren't giving AA any breathing room. And just as AA thinks it has a plan to grow its int'l network, the markets begins to fall apart.

so, there is nothing wrong with AA being a large domestic airline. Just don't tell us that AA intends to be a real global carrier.

Unless AA and UA can prove that they can keep capacity in the market at acceptable RASMs, it will be pulled.

given that AA's network strategy particularly is based on low yield, high volume foreign originating traffic in a number of the markets that are experiencing currency weakness, AA will undoubtedly be pulling capacity.
What WT is saying, robbed, are 2 things:  first, AA should know it's place, and that is obvoiusly DFW.  Second, as far as adding or decreasing capacity, winning is defined by whether the airline is DL.  It's called a double standard.  DL could do no wrong, ever, whereas others, well it all depends on how the DL rules the world narrative is being spun that day. 😛
I must of been on that special dl crap   oh forgot to mention PEK starts too!   thanks Frugal!   🙂
there is no double standard.

The only thing that IS is a failure by some here to understand that DL and UA did their mergers before AA for a reason and a big part of the reason was to gain a market advantage which they don't intend to give up.

DL knew full well that UA would not be happy to see DL set up a SEA hub but DL and UA have managed to coexist on the west coast to Asia

two is company but three is a crowd and DL and UA aren't interested in entertaining.

It should be obvious that AA can develop DFW to Asia if they want but have to deal with the geographical disadvantages and higher costs.

but DL and UA absolutely aren't going to sit by while AA builds an Asian gateway from LAX and we have seen DL and UA both act to protect their networks and grow into the little space that AA occupies.

given that DL and UA have both added a great deal of capacity to Latin America - AA's strongest region - at the time that Latin America is sucking wind for AA, the chances that AA is willing to continue to push at any cost is not reality.

so, feel free to play the victim role (mommy, he's beating up on me again) but the simple fact is that the airline industry is highly competitive and AA isn't going to achieve the goals it wants without a high cost.

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