British FAs are really not much lower paid, if at all, than DL FAs.
despite the fact that you want to latch onto something that has no basis in reality, DL is not even considering outsourcing DL int'l flying to foreign FAs.
again, as noted, NW as by far the most aggressive at pushing the proposal but they backed off.
AA and UA both have longhaul flying done by foreign crews while DL has none.
It is clearly far easier for you to dream up wild and unsupported ideas than it is to defend agreements that unions have allowed to happen. DL FAs don't need a union that will deteriorate the current ACTUAL protections that they actually have.
All of the "it's on paper" blabber that we hear is offset by the reality that DL FAs fly more of their own int'l flights than any other airline.
and, again, let's note this topic is about pilots and DL pilots are taking back more domestic flying than AA or UA pilots and the VS agreement is just one more step in that direction in the int'l arena.