Craftsman is right. The only union where we could ever hope to have some accountability would be AMFA. Sell outs like Videtich, Gless and the like - would eventually have to come back to the floor, and work under the conditions they helped negotiate. That would give them incentive to have an allegiance to the dues payers as opposed to the almighty (UNACCOUNTABLE) International. These people would have to look you in the eye, and attempt to explain why they cornholed you and your fellow workers six ways from sunday. This will never happen with the TWU or even worse the Teamsters.
These antagonists on this BB: High Speed Steel, Anomaly, Reality Check, Overspeed, and a few others are all TWU shills - most likely they are some of the parasites I mentioned above. Their unwavering defense of the TWU is sickening - yet not surprising. Would any of you want to get off that gravey train? What are Gless and Videtich pulling down now - pretty close to $200K after next years raise, and expense account, dues payers paid for luxury lease car. That explains the hundreds of posts and multiple alias' in such a short time frame. Time to pull the plug on the slugs.