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Disappointed with TWU

Even if the twu were "walked out" as a result of one of the card drives going on, one must consider, "How did things get to this point?"

Simply look at the numbers - it's far cheaper to grease the palms of certain individuals in the proper positions than it is to pay what we consider a fair wage to 10,000+ mechanics and related. It's called "insurance" - replacing a large but uncertain loss with a lesser but more predictable loss.

It's been said by some anonymous rocket scientist that "Every man has his price", and this ongoing cluster#### is proof positive of that observation. Basically, if the new representation isn't bought off by the time they're installed, they will be in short order as no corporation, regardless of what we're told, is short of the cash necessary to make a safe bet re: cutting the compensation of their "most valuable asset". Ever.

The botton line is nothing will change.

We are promised the right to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - we are NOT GUARANTEED SAID HAPPINESS. We have to work for ourselves to make that happen doing so individually and not collectively - but it's rather obvious we're getting no help in that regard anyway but hearing the same lies from both ends of the room.

Many in Tulsa have already voted with their feet and many more that I'm aware of are planning to vote in the same manner but at a later date.

I'm tired of fighting - the company and twu deserve each other - feed them a fish.


You bring up a good point. Everybody can be bought is absolutely correct.

BUT!!!! With AMFA, once the membership realizes the leader is bought and paid for by the company, he can EASILY be voted out. With these industrial unions, the membership has no control and can't vote out anybody.

That right there is EXACTLY why every A&P at every airline NEEDS AMFA.

So you yourself just proved the point of why we need AMFA!
I don't know what you are talking about. Is there a question in there somewhere?

AMFA does not have much to offer for someone who sits on the sidelines and pisses and moans about "the union". I have no idea if that describes you. Most who understand the AMFA will understand what that means, and can assign that definition to those they know. I am sure it applies to some keyboard warriors here.

It seems as though you are somewhat irritated with me. So here you go:

I have an MBA. Now you have something to run with. (;-/
Glen, does your MBA grant make you a better craftsman in your field of study? Do you use your MBA? I believe that an MBA is a qualification for management at AA at headquarters? I would submit that waving your sheepskin at skilled craftsman is not a proper course of action. If the MBA grants you privileges, you could use them to either get us out of this mess or get yourself out.
My education got me out of the mess. I left the industry 8/2005 when NWA and I disagreed on the value of my service. I voted to strike and made good on my promise. I am no longer an airline employee.

I will throw my one-cent opinion in now and then.

And the MBA thing was petty on my part. BTW, I went back to college immediately after my affirmative strike vote. I knew the IAM, AFL/CIO was going to screw us.

I hope you guys toss the TWU and get in AMFA. It seems like you have some good people who can step up and provide the leadership necessary to make it work.

Good luck to you all. I will bow out of this topic now as to not distract you.
I don't know what you are talking about. Is there a question in there somewhere?

AMFA does not have much to offer for someone who sits on the sidelines and pisses and moans about "the union". I have no idea if that describes you. Most who understand the AMFA will understand what that means, and can assign that definition to those they know. I am sure it applies to some keyboard warriors here.

It seems as though you are somewhat irritated with me. So here you go:

I have an MBA. Now you have something to run with. (;-/
I for one agree with many of your opinions, not all, and have not even spent time to read them all.

I am offering no magic bullet as to the AMFA desire and movement, I also know that if apathy continues as it is with the TWU when we change Unions, then there will still be issues. I am under the opinion that the apathy comes from lack of membership control, which leads to loss of involvement, and that there are many ways under a member friendly Union Consitution to reverse the apathy. It is a fact though, that getting the cards signed is the easy part, and after certification the hard work would begin at that time.

I am willing to spend my time and effort into both the activity towards change and whatever leadership position I best fit into once the real change begins.

I have actively been studying plans and ideas to assist in changing the culture of our profession at American Airlines once we get a new Union. In contrast, there is absolute zero chance of positive change as long as the TWU remains. It is sad the TWU cannot defend the track record and history that is owned by the pathetic and mostly apppointed leadership of the TWU. When any organization has to rely on lies, fear, and outside influence to remain on the property, is there any chance that Union will ever succeed? NO

I don't view most of your views as anti-AMFA, or anti-Union, but some find that any negative truth about the harsh reality of how difficult effective change is as an attack on the idea, but only because they have not thought ahead and invisioned the problem and the solution from beginning of the problem, the current status, and what it would take to reach a effective conclusion or overall victory for the craft and class and AA, and the whole profession. This is a huge task, we are attempting to make happen.

Thank You for your input.
My education got me out of the mess. I left the industry 8/2005 when NWA and I disagreed on the value of my service. I voted to strike and made good on my promise. I am no longer an airline employee.

I will throw my one-cent opinion in now and then.

And the MBA thing was petty on my part. BTW, I went back to college immediately after my affirmative strike vote. I knew the IAM, AFL/CIO was going to screw us.

I hope you guys toss the TWU and get in AMFA. It seems like you have some good people who can step up and provide the leadership necessary to make it work.

Good luck to you all. I will bow out of this topic now as to not distract you.
Glen, it was not my intention to ask you to leave. I was just wondering why you have not used your MBA,but you have.
Even if the twu were "walked out" as a result of one of the card drives going on, one must consider, "How did things get to this point?"

Simply look at the numbers - it's far cheaper to grease the palms of certain individuals in the proper positions than it is to pay what we consider a fair wage to 10,000+ mechanics and related. It's called "insurance" - replacing a large but uncertain loss with a lesser but more predictable loss.

It's been said by some anonymous rocket scientist that "Every man has his price", and this ongoing cluster#### is proof positive of that observation. Basically, if the new representation isn't bought off by the time they're installed, they will be in short order as no corporation, regardless of what we're told, is short of the cash necessary to make a safe bet re: cutting the compensation of their "most valuable asset". Ever.

The botton line is nothing will change.

We are promised the right to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - we are NOT GUARANTEED SAID HAPPINESS. We have to work for ourselves to make that happen doing so individually and not collectively - but it's rather obvious we're getting no help in that regard anyway but hearing the same lies from both ends of the room.

Many in Tulsa have already voted with their feet and many more that I'm aware of are planning to vote in the same manner but at a later date.

I'm tired of fighting - the company and twu deserve each other - feed them a fish.

I'm tired of fighting too Frank & ready to Parachute out .....LOL
With the Mechanic divide at AA doubtful their will be an Election soon if ever so don't hold your breath Frank.
Once again it comes down to the Line vs Overhaul .... Ugh.

Funny, you would say line vs ovhl that's exactly how the TWU would like it.
With the Mechanic divide at AA doubtful their will be an Election soon if ever so don't hold your breath Frank.
Once again it comes down to the Line vs Overhaul .... Ugh.
That's exactly why you are here, to divide. Thanks for your help with the AMFA drive!
With the Mechanic divide at AA doubtful their will be an Election soon if ever so don't hold your breath Frank.
Once again it comes down to the Line vs Overhaul .... Ugh.
You could be correct. Maybe it is time to replace the TWU and stop the divide and work that issue at another time. Let's have an election.
With the Mechanic divide at AA doubtful their will be an Election soon if ever so don't hold your breath Frank.
Once again it comes down to the Line vs Overhaul .... Ugh.

I just do not understand why the TWU would push a yes vote on this POS so called T/A. They are digging there own grave. With this T/A you lose so many jobs in Tulsa that you might not have a vote soon but you will have it eventually when the Best Overhaul Facility in this company and this Country sadly will not be an issue. Thanks to the same union that is pushing this POS contract. So I wouldn't say never. It will happen sooner than you think.

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