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Disappointed with TWU

Strake didn't "spout" anything, rather, he asked someone (you), who sounds knowledgeable about amfa, a few questions. You took offense and got insulting - you're a helluva salesman for your social club, aren't you? That rates right down there with the group of amfa supporters that walked through the turbine building years ago telling the machinists they wouldn't have a job when amfa was installed.


What he asked is regarding the impression most everyone that hasn't gone to one of your precious meetings has asked at one time or another - it's a fair question - the verbage may not please you but you do have the right to berate him for that - not for asking a valid question.

If you standard answer to a legit question remains an uncalled for barb, many - me included - will have to assume there's some legitimacy to what's being implied.

Now - quit playing Secret Squirrel and answer the man.

I personally believe the insulting someone is a "Good" way to make sure someone is against your cause, being nice to someone regardless of their opinions will encourage them to keep their guard down so you can actually get some information to them, once you start insulting someone the shield/guard goes up & nothing gets through, it becomes war & nothing else at that point.
Strake didn't "spout" anything, rather, he asked someone (you), who sounds knowledgeable about amfa, a few questions. You took offense and got insulting - you're a helluva salesman for your social club, aren't you? That rates right down there with the group of amfa supporters that walked through the turbine building years ago telling the machinists they wouldn't have a job when amfa was installed.


What he asked is regarding the impression most everyone that hasn't gone to one of your precious meetings has asked at one time or another - it's a fair question - the verbage may not please you but you do have the right to berate him for that - not for asking a valid question.

If you standard answer to a legit question remains an uncalled for barb, many - me included - will have to assume there's some legitimacy to what's being implied.

Now - quit playing Secret Squirrel and answer the man.

Even though it has nothing directly to do with me, I would like to thank you for your post Frank. Nice job !
I agree most of the people there were there for support not to ask questions & yes that is typical of any card drive for any union & will be the same for the Teamsters, the turnout was typical for an Informational & does not indicate support level.

Oh I like AMFA better just don't think they can get enough cards to file, I've always said that from the first day I came to this forum, the Teamsters are getting ready for a shock & Awe campaign that will really be impressive in the next couple of weeks, you won't be able to miss it, it's not about who is best for Mechanics it's about who can win, since the line stations say they won't support Teamsters I now don't think either will get enough, guess TWU will have to do.

If the membership has an election can all three unions be on the ballot?

I disagree, it is about what is best for the mechanics. If you really believe what you say concerning the ability to win, then the membership must be stupid and I do not believe that to be the truth.

If your ultimate decision is that the TWU will be fine, then why waste the effort to support a union like the IBT who has been proven to be liars? The issues concerning AMFA at Northwest, are the same lies coming from both the TWU and the IBT, both industrial catch-all unions. As you heard today the IBT "Modus Operandi "is to gain new dues to prop up the union owned pension fund which is operating the red..
All that comes from your Elected Union officers so any Union officer could say the same, not much point in confusing Individual Union officers with a whole Union.

At least with AMFA, I could recall and fire them.

With the twu and the teamsters you can't fire them.

raptor, you come out of nowhere and produce dirrhea posts.

You have got to be either anamoly or hss.

Or, you truly are a "useful fool".
The Union Bust at NWA started well before AMFA took over.The administration at the time (2004-2005) was totally Repub.
The labor Sec at time was surprise,surprise Elaine Chao,former NWA board member.And its well know that IAM crossed picket line,and outright did everything they could to F the AMFA.I have nothing but respect for the men and women that walked the line there !
And to the SCABS ,thats what they will be know as till the day they DIE !
If the membership has an election can all three unions be on the ballot?

I disagree, it is about what is best for the mechanics. If you really believe what you say concerning the ability to win, then the membership must be stupid and I do not believe that to be the truth.

If your ultimate decision is that the TWU will be fine, then why waste the effort to support a union like the IBT who has been proven to be liars? The issues concerning AMFA at Northwest, are the same lies coming from both the TWU and the IBT, both industrial catch-all unions. As you heard today the IBT "Modus Operandi "is to gain new dues to prop up the union owned pension fund which is operating the red..
I'm not wasting the effort Buck, not since I learned that the line stations weren't going to support the Teamsters, I'm pretty well resolved to the fact that we are going to be stuck with the TWU, since the Mechanics can't make a choice.
At least with AMFA, I could recall and fire them.

With the twu and the teamsters you can't fire them.

raptor, you come out of nowhere and produce dirrhea posts.

You have got to be either anamoly or hss.

Or, you truly are a "useful fool".

You got me i'm anomaly High speed & anybody else you want me to be .... doe's that work for your paranoia ??? LOL
Most know who I am it's no big secret.
Folks. If we don't stand up and fight for our skill and craft this instant, neither us or our children will have anything left. A craft union is the last chance we have to save our profession.
Folks. If we don't stand up and fight for our skill and craft this instant, neither us or our children will have anything left. A craft union is the last chance we have to save our profession.

Craftsman is right. The only union where we could ever hope to have some accountability would be AMFA. Sell outs like Videtich, Gless and the like - would eventually have to come back to the floor, and work under the conditions they helped negotiate. That would give them incentive to have an allegiance to the dues payers as opposed to the almighty (UNACCOUNTABLE) International. These people would have to look you in the eye, and attempt to explain why they cornholed you and your fellow workers six ways from sunday. This will never happen with the TWU or even worse the Teamsters.

These antagonists on this BB: High Speed Steel, Anomaly, Reality Check, Overspeed, and a few others are all TWU shills - most likely they are some of the parasites I mentioned above. Their unwavering defense of the TWU is sickening - yet not surprising. Would any of you want to get off that gravey train? What are Gless and Videtich pulling down now - pretty close to $200K after next years raise, and expense account, dues payers paid for luxury lease car. That explains the hundreds of posts and multiple alias' in such a short time frame. Time to pull the plug on the slugs.
Craftsman is right. The only union where we could ever hope to have some accountability would be AMFA. Sell outs like Videtich, Gless and the like - would eventually have to come back to the floor, and work under the conditions they helped negotiate. That would give them incentive to have an allegiance to the dues payers as opposed to the almighty (UNACCOUNTABLE) International. These people would have to look you in the eye, and attempt to explain why they cornholed you and your fellow workers six ways from sunday. This will never happen with the TWU or even worse the Teamsters.

These antagonists on this BB: High Speed Steel, Anomaly, Reality Check, Overspeed, and a few others are all TWU shills - most likely they are some of the parasites I mentioned above. Their unwavering defense of the TWU is sickening - yet not surprising. Would any of you want to get off that gravey train? What are Gless and Videtich pulling down now - pretty close to $200K after next years raise, and expense account, dues payers paid for luxury lease car. That explains the hundreds of posts and multiple alias' in such a short time frame. Time to pull the plug on the slugs.
Couldn't have said it better !
... snip

Time to pull the plug on the slugs.

Even if the twu were "walked out" as a result of one of the card drives going on, one must consider, "How did things get to this point?"

Simply look at the numbers - it's far cheaper to grease the palms of certain individuals in the proper positions than it is to pay what we consider a fair wage to 10,000+ mechanics and related. It's called "insurance" - replacing a large but uncertain loss with a lesser but more predictable loss.

It's been said by some anonymous rocket scientist that "Every man has his price", and this ongoing cluster#### is proof positive of that observation. Basically, if the new representation isn't bought off by the time they're installed, they will be in short order as no corporation, regardless of what we're told, is short of the cash necessary to make a safe bet re: cutting the compensation of their "most valuable asset". Ever.

The botton line is nothing will change.

We are promised the right to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - we are NOT GUARANTEED SAID HAPPINESS. We have to work for ourselves to make that happen doing so individually and not collectively - but it's rather obvious we're getting no help in that regard anyway but hearing the same lies from both ends of the room.

Many in Tulsa have already voted with their feet and many more that I'm aware of are planning to vote in the same manner but at a later date.

I'm tired of fighting - the company and twu deserve each other - feed them a fish.
If strake strake wanted his question answered, why did he include the anti-AMFA rhetoric?

What AMFA can do right now for you at AA is very little. That ship has sailed. You can elect officers that will work for you rather than the company after AA is done having their way with you.
If strake strake wanted his question answered, why did he include the anti-AMFA rhetoric?

What AMFA can do right now for you at AA is very little. That ship has sailed. You can elect officers that will work for you rather than the company after AA is done having their way with you.
You poor thing - did someone speak ill of your preferred social club?

Quit worrying about a few words like a damned little girl - remember the "sticks and stones" thing from 1st grade? You weren't harmed in any way so man up and give him an answer.

I know the standard PC bullshit requires a penalty of 30 days in the electric chair for each minor occurance of perceived disrespect to another for not buying in one's thought process but I promise growing up and providing an answer won't hurt you at all.

It may even be beneficial to those who were initially put off by your ego trip.
You poor thing - did someone speak ill of your preferred social club?...

...It may even be beneficial to those who were initially put off by your ego trip.

I don't know what you are talking about. Is there a question in there somewhere?

AMFA does not have much to offer for someone who sits on the sidelines and pisses and moans about "the union". I have no idea if that describes you. Most who understand the AMFA will understand what that means, and can assign that definition to those they know. I am sure it applies to some keyboard warriors here.

It seems as though you are somewhat irritated with me. So here you go:

I have an MBA. Now you have something to run with. (;-/

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