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Dennis Burchette is now head of negotiation

Call the TWU International Office in New York on Monday.

Ask for publications.

Then ask the publication department to mail you copies of the PROCEEDINGS of the 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, and 2005 Conventions.

Or send formal correspondence to: Publications, TWU, 1700 Broadway, Second Floor, New York, NY 10019.

By the way, while you have been bitching about AMFA the Association, notice the TWU now offers ASSOCIATE Membership. They do take parts of AMFA that will allow them to collect dues money, but not the accountability part.

Letter sent to the TWU International for copies of proceedings.

Re: the TWU associate memberships - quit playing on words.

Even without reading the proceedings from the years you mentioned, it's no surprise that the International would not care to cede any authority to the membership knowing full well they'd be unemployed; not unlike the present Bush administration's attitude toward the electorate (we're such children, you see). "You're out of order" comes to mind.

Given that, it's not hard to understand why replacing the TWU would be easier than repairing the damage that saves the present "leadership" from going back on the box. I would agree if there were an alternative that would fairly represent all. You're not offering one.

Before you begin the diatribe about all the wonderful things amfa has done, remember there are many in TUL that remember being told "when we get in, your job is history". Remember that? Is that a way to build support? All it accomplished was loss of credibility. You're not offering credibility.

Credibility also suffered when NWA went out on strike with no hope of winning - friends in high places (Elaine Chao, former BOD member of NWA and Secretary of Labor and married to a US Senator) ensured that, not to mention amfa pissed off almost every labor group/organization imaginable with their elitist attitude. If one gets in a fight, having friends around is a plus.

amfa is still around because people wishing to be represented had no other viable choices. The Teamsters have since withdrawn from the AFL-CIO adding a second choice, but as the other poster (CH53?) pointed out, they've no interest in AA, or so they say. Your only option is not necessarily the best option or even a worthwhile option at all.

Let the flack begin.
Letter sent to the TWU International for copies of proceedings.

Re: the TWU associate memberships - quit playing on words.

Even without reading the proceedings from the years you mentioned, it's no surprise that the International would not care to cede any authority to the membership knowing full well they'd be unemployed; not unlike the present Bush administration's attitude toward the electorate (we're such children, you see). "You're out of order" comes to mind.

Given that, it's not hard to understand why replacing the TWU would be easier than repairing the damage that saves the present "leadership" from going back on the box. I would agree if there were an alternative that would fairly represent all. You're not offering one.

Before you begin the diatribe about all the wonderful things amfa has done, remember there are many in TUL that remember being told "when we get in, your job is history". Remember that? Is that a way to build support? All it accomplished was loss of credibility. You're not offering credibility.

Credibility also suffered when NWA went out on strike with no hope of winning - friends in high places (Elaine Chao, former BOD member of NWA and Secretary of Labor and married to a US Senator) ensured that, not to mention amfa pissed off almost every labor group/organization imaginable with their elitist attitude. If one gets in a fight, having friends around is a plus.

amfa is still around because people wishing to be represented had no other viable choices. The Teamsters have since withdrawn from the AFL-CIO adding a second choice, but as the other poster (CH53?) pointed out, they've no interest in AA, or so they say. Your only option is not necessarily the best option or even a worthwhile option at all.

Let the flack begin.

"when we get in, your job is history".

I don’t ever remember that statement be made. I’ve been at every meeting put on except the two in the last 12 or so years.

As for options. You have stated you’re not really happy with the TWU and you surely are not happy with AMFA. What do you suggest we do?
"when we get in, your job is history".

I don’t ever remember that statement be made. I’ve been at every meeting put on except the two in the last 12 or so years.

As for options. You have stated you’re not really happy with the TWU and you surely are not happy with AMFA. What do you suggest we do?

That's the part that's aggravating. There's nothing out there that's any better than what's in place.

Don't say "not really happy with the TWU" it's more like extremely pissed and "not pleased at all".

The comments I referred to were made years ago as Dave Stewart and minions were walking through the turbine building attempting to stir trouble, hate and discontent, not at any meeting. Just trying to point out the things done to "gain support". That nonsense left many with a very negative attitude towards amfa. Regardless of the reform issue, the militant supporters shot themselves in the foot, then and many times since.
That's the part that's aggravating. There's nothing out there that's any better than what's in place.

Don't say "not really happy with the TWU" it's more like extremely pissed and "not pleased at all".

The comments I referred to were made years ago as Dave Stewart and minions were walking through the turbine building attempting to stir trouble, hate and discontent, not at any meeting. Just trying to point out the things done to "gain support". That nonsense left many with a very negative attitude towards amfa. Regardless of the reform issue, the militant supporters shot themselves in the foot, then and many times since.

Thanks for clearing up the comment.

I’m not here to stick up for Dave on comments made. I’m sure I’ve even made comments I should have not in frustration. I will assure you with AMFA or our on union the membership rules on issues not an individuals comment. I can also assure you that if we get rid of the TWU and AA tries getting rid of any work group it will be war.

If you help get our own union on the property you will find that you can not pick who helps organize. You will have to deal with who steps up to plate because it does take balls. In Tulsa it takes even bigger balls. If you step up you will also make mistakes especially since you’ve never organized before.

So when are we going to step up as a group and get the ball rolling since we all can agree there’s a problem.
The comments I referred to were made years ago as Dave Stewart and minions were walking through the turbine building attempting to stir trouble, hate and discontent, not at any meeting. Just trying to point out the things done to "gain support". That nonsense left many with a very negative attitude towards amfa. Regardless of the reform issue, the militant supporters shot themselves in the foot, then and many times since.

Did you personally hear Dave Stewart or any other person make those comments? Or are you reporting what was spread by the fear spreaders?

If you want to personally claim you heard Dave Stewart say this, then I challenge to indentify yourself either here publicy or through a PM to me so that I can come to the horses mouth who has been claiming this for years without proof. I am not attempting to ferrot you out, and I will keep your identity private if you choose to PM me.

But I am now tired of this same years long rumor being spread and I am ready to put it to bed once and for all. Will you help me? Or are you better off with the unsubstantiated rumor mongering, that others like to fall back on when challenged with the facts.

To date, I have tracked down and had face to face meetings three times between those who claim to have heard this, and those they claimed to have said it. And guess what? Just as with you also, this has never been proven when all accusers and so-called guilty parties are summoned to a face to face meeting.

Think of the not-logic in this Goose.

First you claim this was done to stir trouble, hate and discontent. Then you suddenly claim this was said or done to "gain support". WTF? I have done stupid things in my life, but this is a complete attack on simple brain functions of a sane human being.

How many idiots would support someone who is claiming they will eliminate their jobs? The whole damn claim is so illogical I cannot understand why anyone would believe it as a rumor, and why anyone would say it to begin with.

Is there something I am missing that would lead someone to support or follow an individual or professed organizing leader that is promising to eliminate someone's job once on the property?

Please explain....if you can.

My belief is that someone who feared AMFA generated this lie amongst Machine Shop Personel to create a group of anti-AMFA fantatics. Said to say, they succeeded and the machinist were hoodwinked once again. How many lies, and how many big skill premium and other shafts will the machinist swallow before the truth light bulb finally turns on? How many times will they be mislead by fear tactics?

I refuse to aplogize or take responsibility for something that I never did myself, nor have I ever been able to confirm as factual.
Hey goose just thought of something. How about Yingst going up to MCI during the last card drive and saying that we as M&R had a system wide vote to staple TWA Seniority to the bottom of the Seniority list. That was a complete lie instead of a ledge comment.
It is quite amusing to me that if the rumor doesn't "fit" you, you are outraged (to say the least) but if a rumor will help your "cause" you are all over it.

A bit hypocritical to me, but then again just one of your MOs that you so proudly exhibit from time to time.
It is quite amusing to me that if the rumor doesn't "fit" you, you are outraged (to say the least) but if a rumor will help your "cause" you are all over it.

A bit hypocritical to me, but then again just one of your MOs that you so proudly exhibit from time to time.
So Bill, please clear up the Yingst rumor. Why is his travel suspended, and why was he traveling to Hawaii on his "bad hips?"
It is quite amusing to me that if the rumor doesn't "fit" you, you are outraged (to say the least) but if a rumor will help your "cause" you are all over it.

A bit hypocritical to me, but then again just one of your MOs that you so proudly exhibit from time to time.

"OUTRAGED", do you call attempting to clear up a rumor an outrage? How about you get some outrage about the truth about Yingst then and bring it forward for us all to see?

What exactly is "My Cause" Bill? 😉

Do you have a clue?
So Bill, please clear up the Yingst rumor. Why is his travel suspended, and why was he traveling to Hawaii on his "bad hips?"
Here is the official update, minus the fact that is travel is now suspended, etc., etc. etc. Remember if you tell a lie enough times, someone will believe it. 😉

Air Transport Division: Director's Update

by Joe Gordon Acting Air Transport Division Director

It gives me great pleasure to report that Air Transport Division Director, Gary Yingst’s surgery was a success and he is now at home recuperating. I am sure that he is following his doctor’s orders in hopes of a speedy recovery. We miss him and wish him the best while he is on the mend.

The following doctor's order part is great... :up: :up:
It is quite amusing to me that if the rumor doesn't "fit" you, you are outraged (to say the least) but if a rumor will help your "cause" you are all over it.

A bit hypocritical to me, but then again just one of your MOs that you so proudly exhibit from time to time.

Bill try this in RES.

E*+22804 (+ is the key next to the enter key on a saber key board)
The entry above provided by CH53D may be restricted to some duty codes in Sabre.

I just confirmed it with a friend, and both his AA20 eligibility and his A5P/A5B travel are definitely showing as suspended in Sabre. To do that, you really need to f*** up on a trip. When APFA's treasurer and someone else were accused of misconduct on a flight last year, their Sabre E* wasn't touched (I checked...).

Perhaps one of the folks who works at SOC could check with the CCRO desk. Whenever there's an onboard incident, it usually goes thru those folks after the dispatcher hands it off to the SOC MOD.
Perhaps one of the folks who works at SOC could check with the CCRO desk. Whenever there's an onboard incident, it usually goes thru those folks after the dispatcher hands it off to the SOC MOD.
Considering the captain had to get involved along with FA's and the police upon arrival, I figured there has to be some paperwork on it.

I think it's time for Mr Yingst to come clean, admit the truth, and resign from his appointed position once for all.
Considering the captain had to get involved along with FA's and the police upon arrival, I figured there has to be some paperwork on it.

I think it's time for Mr Yingst to come clean, admit the truth, and resign from his appointed position once for all.

You have a second on that motion.

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