An old timetable shows you could also fly non-stop from GSO to Louisville, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk and Fayetteville and Wilmington, NC. The Piedmont Triad Airport at GSO used to be full of Piedmont/USAir flights and passengers. Now, it seems like they just have a lot of wasted gates.
GSO is a short car ride from CLT RDU INT & ROA, GSO is dead center! Jetblue will be able to serve all four from GSO soon!
GSO is under going a MAJOR expansion right now, will have two 10000" Parallel runways soon. New Interstates and outer beltway will be completed at the same time and are design to bring traffic in from CLT RDU INT & ROA. All roads lead to PTI (GSO), about 5 million people within 75 miles.