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Delta running Usairways out of GSO!

deltawatch said:
Exactly tadjr, I remembered reading it last year. Nothing has changed. Delta today flies GSO-ATL hourly with the larger Boeing and MD80 equipment. They fly non-stop to LGA, CVG, DFW, MCO, and now JFK and BOS. US Airways has cut its mainline down to two flights to PHL and I think 4 to CLT. Delta has found it can under cut CLT fares and redirect passengers from CLT back to Delta this way. Someone posted on here once that U didn’t serve GSO better because that would encorage more CLT passengers to go to GSO. Delta loves that logic!
Don't kid yourself. The only places that DL undercuts US pricing out of GSO is to markets that Airtran flys. Once you get out of those markets, DL gouges you just as badly.

I've been on DL the last six weeks flying though ATL at least 20 times. I haven't had a flight leave on time yet and about half were the first or second bank of flights in the mornings. How can you possibly be an hour late taking off and number 30 in line at 10:00 am in the morning with sunny blue skies? I'll take CLT over ATL anytime and for a number of reasons.

BTW, I'm beginning to beleve that Delta really does stand for "Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport" on time. :blink:

And I'll almost take a barbie jet over a MD-80. DL's coach has got to be the worst product in the indusrty, and their first class seats are so close together if the person in front of you reclines their seat, you can not open a laptop and work. One point in their favor though, they still use real glasses up front, and they have one of the best group of front line employees in the indusrty, right after the industry'sbest. US Airways
Listen up Bruce!!!!!!


Not much I can do...just got my resume off to Independence Air!!!!!!

Superjames said:
This is why CLT O & D traffic is not as great as it should be. Many of the people who live in the CLT area live north and northeast of the city. That puts them a short one hour drive to GSO. That coupled with GSO-INT area having over 1,000,000 residents, makes and has made the GSO airport an attractive target. PI knew it, U screwed it up as usual.
I live 45 minutes to CLT and 90 minutes to GSO. I fly weekly and average 6 legs a week. I fly out of GSO unless I'm on an award ticket. Why? Two reasons.

1) I compare rates out of both cities and I average saving almost $500 a week flying out of GSO. It's a longer drive and then I get on a plane, lay over in CLT, and then get on the same plane I would have been on if I flew out of CLT. This is crazy until you multiply the savings by 40 weeks of flying each year. Now your talking real money.

2) The GSO airport is much easier to get into and out of. The staff is smaller and I know them all and they know me. They are in my opinion the best staff in the system.

To my GSO friends, you are the best !!!!!!
longing4piedmont said:
How can you possibly be an hour late taking off and number 30 in line at 10:00 am in the morning with sunny blue skies?
If you have been flying through ATL the past few weeks you have not had "sunny blue skies". I have been doing at least one three day trip a week out of ATL for the past four weeks and the weather has been horrid with morning and afternoon thunderstorms. Hardly what I would characterize as sunny blue skies.
luv2fly said:
If you have been flying through ATL the past few weeks you have not had "sunny blue skies". I have been doing at least one three day trip a week out of ATL for the past four weeks and the weather has been horrid with morning and afternoon thunderstorms. Hardly what I would characterize as sunny blue skies.
Well I hate to burst your bubble, but on three different trips though ATL in the last three weeks, this is exactly what happened on flights leaving from 8:30 AM till 10:00 in the morning. It defies reason and logic. I was told it was because of the ramp construction. Hog wash !!! A 100 foot section of a ramp being torn up does not cause this type of mess. :unsure:

I know blue skies and sunshine when I see it, although I will admit that we haven't seen much of it in the southeast in the last month. 🙁

In any case we don't seem to have the same issues at CLT. Yes we do experience delays there, they just simply are not as pervasive as ATL. Last night was a good example. To my knowledge, there were no storms in ATL yesterday. But last night at 9:00 PM, the majority of the flights were running in excess on an hour behind. Yes there had been some light showers and low clouds later in the evening, but no storms.
longing4piedmont said:
It defies reason and logic. I was told it was because of the ramp construction. Hog wash !!! A 100 foot section of a ramp being torn up does not cause this type of mess. :unsure:

To my knowledge, there were no storms in ATL yesterday. But last night at 9:00 PM, the majority of the flights were running in excess on an hour behind. Yes there had been some light showers and low clouds later in the evening, but no storms.
Hogwash??? Really?
With the airport in an east flow the traffic coming off the east runways turn off into ramp exit points. The shutdown of that inner taxiway causes a stop and go effect coordinating traffic outbound with inbound arrivals on one taxiway. Again, if you understand the traffic flow in ATL you would know it is not an easy task.

Yes, ATL experiences more delays than CLT. I would say that ATL normally does a very fine job of handling such an enormous amount of traffic. The ramp construction however, constitutes more than just hogwash.

Relax...Take a deep breath. I like DL, especially now that Leo is gone. 😀 The issues in ATL are not the fault of DL specifically. It not all the ramp's either. There is no doubt that it is screwing ATL up to some degree. On those three flights the ramp wait time may have accounted for 10 minutes of the delay. The rest was being number 15 or 10 or 30 in line.

My personal guess is that all the Barbie Jets are also apart of the problem. i.e. high traffic, smaller planes = a lot more planes trying to take off and land. Unfortunately DL is the industry leader in the use of RJ's.

Regardless, when I fly, I try to do it as early in the morning as possible. If I have an appointment in JAN and need to get there on time, it is very frustrating to sit on a runway knowing you are now going to be late for no apparent reason. It is just a simple fact that ATL has been a mess in the past month or so and yes most of it has been weather related. CLT doesn’t have as many problems. For those of us who fly out of GSO every week, we understand this and plan according. DL is not going to eat US alive out of GSO as suggested by Delta Watch and that was the whole point of my post.
I'm not to concerned about GSO, we are adding about five new stops to the caribbean and central america, Deltas not
ISN said:
Daily USairways Flts from GSO to CLT hub after 12 noon.
US Airways lv gso 2:00P Dash 3

US Airways lv gso 4:10P Dash 3

US Airways lv gso 6:05P Dash 8

US Airways lv gso 7:45P RJ
Daily Delta flts from GSO to ATL hub after 12 noon.
Delta lv gso 12:00P 727-200
Delta lv gso 1:25P MD-88
Delta lv gso 2:50P 727-200
Delta lv gso 4:35P 727-200
Delta lv gso 5:55P MD-88
Delta lv gso 7:20P 727-200
Delta also flies NON-STOP GSO-MCO, GSO-LGA
DL stopped flying 727s years ago your data is subject.
javaboy said:
DL stopped flying 727s years ago your data is subject.
Check the date on orig post. Things have gotten worse. Today Delta flies GSO-ATL hourly with the larger Boeing and MD80 equipment. They fly non-stop to LGA, CVG, DFW, MCO, and now JFK and BOS. US Airways has cut its mainline down to two flights to PHL and 3 or 4 to CLT.
deltawatch said:
Check the date on orig post. Things have gotten worse. Today Delta flies GSO-ATL hourly with the larger Boeing and MD80 equipment. They fly non-stop to LGA, CVG, DFW, MCO, and now JFK and BOS. US Airways has cut its mainline down to two flights to PHL and 3 or 4 to CLT.
No they don't. The DFW, LGA, MCO, and the CVG flights with one exception are barbie jets. JFK and BOS are both barbie jets too. I'm not even going to look up where US flys the barbie jets and props. It wouldn't make any difference to this discussion. To your credit there is one 732 and one CRJ and the rest of the ATL flights are MD-80's deaprting on average every 90 minutes.

While I don't care for and will not fly the US RJ's, they are much more comfortable than the CRJ's Comair flies. It could be worse. they could be operated by ASA (america's sorriest airline)
RowUnderDCA said:
I swear, at one point, I flew nonstop between GSO and IAH. Or was I just dreaming... PI of course.
Sounds like it was CO you flew. They had a big presence there in the early 90's until Gordo' streamlined and yanked 'CALite'.
Get used to RJs. They keep coming. No one will say where they will fly out of.

But, they are the only new planes U is getting for the next couple of years
US Airways has a terrible track record of ignoring the changing market until it's to late. Then it's forced to play defense to capture a percentage of what still remains. They have been burned many times in the past with this strategy on the east coast, and the North Carolina market will be no different if they continue on it's current course.

With American closing it's hub in RDU and Continental Lite failing in GSO in the 90's, US Airways had an ultimate opportunity to use it's CLT hub to it's full potential and attract as many passengers from those cities with decent fares out of CLT. This would have improved it's O&D stats in CLT dramatically, and might have reduced or delayed the expansion and new construction in RDU and GSO.

US Airways did the opposite however and continued to gouge customers. Now low fare airlines have planted their roots in RDU, and now AA continues to expand back there as well, while Delta is taking over GSO as low fare airlines are on the horizon. As a result, a consistent stream of Charlotte passengers, drive away from the hub in CLT towards those other cities in search for cheaper fares.

What does US Airways do in CLT in response to all this? Nothing, except throw an E Savers out every once in a while to NoOneCares, USA. They may be able to milk CLT for all it's worth now, but sooner or later as is the case in PHL, it will be forced to deal with tough competition at home in CLT combined with what's already a reality at RDU and GSO.

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