Delta (finally) adds -8 to the CF34 line

thats goood to hear.. i think you said it was the iam that going for both kev? any idea as to when there might be an announcement
despite what many here may believe, I have never said that DL has the best pay or benefits package in every category. Your assessment of DL lagging in QOL issues for many workgroups is indeed accurate, and many of the issues involve time off programs/benefits. Yet, DL has specifically detached its comparison of those benefits from what is available at other airlines and compared them with general industry as a whole and on that basis DL is very competitive. Most significantly, DL follows general industry instead of the airline industry on time off programs where airline employees have traditionally had benefits that were far in excess of general business/industry as a whole.
DL employees recognize that pay and benefits is a package just as it is at a unionized carrier. You may get your chance to tell your negotiators what matters to you at a unionized carriers but DL does the same research internally. The majority of DL employees would rather have higher pay than their peers than industry topping benefits because not all benefits are equally used by all employees.

For some groups of people, DL will clearly not be the leader in terms of the total pay and benefits package for the majority, DL either is or they don't believe they could get a better deal elsewhere.

And I don't really believe that most people WANT conflict but that is the model that has been used to most successfully achieve what is wanted in the past; the difference is that the OH pilot strike, the UA pilot work slowdown, and the AMFA strike all proved that mgmt. had enough tools at their disposal not only to deny the gains those groups sought but also to ensure those groups would be severely if not permanently limited in their ability to become leaders in obtaining labor cost increases.
Correct. Workers from both groups have solicited the IAM's support in organizing.

As for announcement, what do you mean specifially?
kev is there going to be any kind of announcement as to when the card drive might be over and they file with the nmb and then so forth
If you're going to quote me, at least get my name right...

RTW proponents always frame it as an issue of "choice." If that's the case, how come no one ever gets to vote on it?
It's easy to eliminate dissent in an at will environment.
#1 Sorry, long day. My apologies to Dell !
#2 there's always a choice ! Vote on it with your feet !
#3 Apparently, it's easy to eliminate dissent, in a union environment..............looked at the AA threads lately? The Evil company does not even have to get involved, with all the union in-fighting !
F/A campaign is going strong and has some real momentum right now

Ramp campaign is slow and steady, but coming along nicely.

Kev, at what point does DL provide base rate increase and/or changes to work rules to keep the IAM off the property? If history is any guide don't they usually wait until just after the union files their cards for the election?

kev is there going to be any kind of announcement as to when the card drive might be over and they file with the nmb and then so forth

Good question. There's no definitive date, since it's a matter of getting cards signed...

Kev, at what point does DL provide base rate increase and/or changes to work rules to keep the IAM off the property? If history is any guide don't they usually wait until just after the union files their cards for the election?


It's usually a pre-emptive strike, so we'll see what happens this go 'round...
How is it injustice when it is in the CBA, and well known, and they were given every chance to pay the dues?

And the company agreed and the letters show the whole process.

Unions like the IAM exist to protect workers and their jobs, no? Seems they are nothing more than a business hungry for revenue when they go around terminating people who are dues objectors. Had you read the link, they were protesting a reinstatement fee and as dues objectors only wanted to pay what was associated with representation expenses (what is "germane" to the CBA).

RTW proponents always frame it as an issue of "choice." If that's the case, how come no one ever gets to vote on it?

I'd be all for a referendum on RTW, if WI recall election is any guide it seems the public at large isn't interested in compulsory union membership. And of course 89% of US workers don't have representation, nothing is stopping them from organizing and unions continue to lose members and influence.

Can you not understand?

They werent terminated for being dues objectors, did you not even read what you posted in your links?

They failed to pay dues, it is a condition of employment, its in the CBA and the company agreed as did the union and the member when they came to work for US.

Keep lying josh, no wonder why no one likes you on the board.

They can be dues objectors all they want, the Supreme Court ruled so in two case, Beck vs CWA and Machinists vs Whirpool.

USAPA has gone after members who failed to pay their dues also, as do all unions who have a Union Security Clause in their CBA.
I'd be all for a referendum on RTW,

Same here. I'm not saying it'd be 90/10 in favor, but regardless of how Americans feel about organized labor, most are not fans of things being given and/or taken away w/o a vote.

if WI recall election is any guide it seems the public at large isn't interested in compulsory union membership.

...If the uprising(s) in WI and OH are any guide, it nods to what I noted above. People may be ambivalent about a lot of things, but when their rights are infringed on, look out...
...If the uprising(s) in WI and OH are any guide, it nods to what I noted above. People may be ambivalent about a lot of things, but when their rights are infringed on, look out...

Uprisings as in unions busing people in from all over the country in protest? I mean seriously Michigan, once a stronghold for organized labor is now a right to work state, Indiana has also recently come online too. Unions are hanging on by their finger nails. As Bob said earlier, the IAM-TWU association nonsense is basically an admission that both unions wouldn't retain representation as they have both failed their members repeatedly.

Sure the UAW may organize a few odd teaching assistants and the SEIU may make some headway on their committee of interns and residents but on the whole organized labor is just trying to keep what they have.

Uprisings as in unions busing people in from all over the country in protest?

A terrible exaggeration peddled by anti worker groups/media. Next you'll tell me that palm trees really do grow in WI. Lol.

I mean seriously Michigan, once a stronghold for organized labor is now a right to work state, Indiana has also recently come online too.

Precisely my point. Who got to vote? OH citizens did, and SB5 was mostly rolled back, but in WI? MI?

You know the "once upon a time unions might've been needed, but now laws are in place to protect workers" talking point? If RTW laws can be crammed down w/o a vote, whose to say other workplace laws can't?

Labor as a counter balance is more necessary than ever.
Why should a union be forced to represent someone and they not pay for the cost of the representation?

That is why there are dues objectors.

When I was a member of the UAW and the BCTGM, the union was forced by law to represent employees who werent members, is that fair?
Why should a union be forced to represent someone and they not pay for the cost of the representation?

That is why there are dues objectors.

When I was a member of the UAW and the BCTGM, the union was forced by law to represent employees who werent members, is that fair?
Fair and legal are not necessarily the same thing sometimes. Much of that depends on one's belief system.