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Definition Of A Moderator

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I have an idea! Since this has nothing to do with aviation, why doesnt someone just close the thread? If theres a problem then it should be discussed in a closed forum. I mean this is entertaining, but taking up band width! 🙂
If Bill closes the thread, that would be a biased, and pregudice move against certain posters. After all, we are all on topic.
usfliboi said:
I have an idea! Since this has nothing to do with aviation, why doesnt someone just close the thread? If theres a problem then it should be discussed in a closed forum. I mean this is entertaining, but taking up band width! 🙂
So now we need to decide what constitutes proper bandwidth do we....

This is becoming bizarre, pretty soon we will need to erect a catwalk for moderators to walk shotgun.
Hmm, I take it that your comment is yet another example of "unbiased"?

You can take it any way you want, which you seemed quite willing to do.

So, If you are considered "bad", than I get draged along with you? That's not discrimminating?

Calm down, breathe in, relax, and realize that not every post on this board is serious.

Tell you what Mr. Moderator, I assume by your remarks that I will be getting the fine once over look at everything I post. Make sure you make the "right call". :angry:

Incorrect again. Unlike others, IIRC, you've received no formal warnings arising out of the blanket warning given to all at the start of the month. This I can assure you. The normal rules apply to all. Obviously though, if one flaunts the board's rules and guidelines on a normal basis, one can assume that they should be more careful in the future.
I have an idea! Since this has nothing to do with aviation, why doesnt someone just close the thread?
I started this topic for a specific reason and I believe it's served it's purpose. I for one would like to see it closed as well.
PITbull said:

There is a difference between "wit" and "sarcasm". Moderators need to be able to distinquish which is being used. And being sarcastic is not necessarily insulting.

Some are more "witty" than others....you catch the drift B)
It's all subjective, but I know the difference. Often for example I laugh out loud reading Lightyear's posts. I see her as very witty, sharp, slightly sarcastic, but still kind. For those of some others I wince. I guess I just have a different threshold for what's considered appropriate.
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