- Dec 29, 2002
- 7,784
- 456
USFliboi,usfliboi said:Pit bull ! I think this is that "tude" he may be referring to. "the power you think you have"??????????/ You see If i were moderator you wouldnt have had the chance to say that . This board isnt yours. You have your avenues in the pit to get your message out. If your so concerned about the union why is it your on here arguing and insulting anyone who disagrees with you. As with most margeting projects you must pick and choose your avenues to roll down This isnt an avenue where you can do any good. You have constantly shown its your view or no view, unfortunately for you this isnt your board or anyone posting on heres board. There are rules plain and simple. As with in our own company by seeing the anger and insults and name calling. one can see why our airline is in trouble. With a one sided attitude a company, group ,or club can never make it. There are rules here . Im not sure why you or the "few' OTHERS FEEL THEREs favortism here, its as plain as the nose on anyones face. The people who insult curse namecall etc are the ones who are warned and banned. You cant get warned for speaking your opinion. You can however be warned for how you express it. There are other boards out there you may transfer to all be it youd have to pay. If some dont like it here im sure others would welcome you and your money with open arms. The nice thing about it is you have a choice. A choice to stay and follow the rules or leave and forget about it. A nice choice many dont have. Stick to what you do know and thats defending "your" union and fighting for what "you" believe is rt or wrong. Just to do it with someone who can make a difference. Iassure you, no one on here can !PITbull said:Saying that someone needs to "crawl back under their rock, where the light won't get you", IS NOT INSULTING. But, you warned you would ban me off the boards. That's plain simple ludicrous and you are using some kind of power you think you have to control the posters very thought an writing to fit some purpose you have.
You have the ability to misconstrue even the simpliest, benign attempt. If we wanted to be like you...we would be you!
Now that I can agree with...
Do you prefer a duel? Or are you more comfortable being beaten at a game of Chess perhaps?