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Definition Of A Moderator

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oh my god, people, get some perspective, please! take a breath! It's a bulletin board!
I have been thinking the very same thing since I first started lurking and posting on this sight. I even pm'd someone else to ask the very same question. It is SO obvious.

If it weren't for the 15-20 posters on here day in and day out posting their knowledge, concerns, frustrations, facts and bringing about conversation for debate and reference, there would be no need to even be here.

I for one, have enjoyed the different personalities and thoughts and feelings and yes FACTS that posters have taken the time to share. If this is just going to be a forum where it becomes insulated, redundant and obviously placating to the "teacher's pet", I for one can find more thrills with playing Majohng Solitaire.

I have gone back and read every single post in the thread(s) locked and I find nothing so abhorent as to have taken such action. Just my OHO. 🙂
oh my god, people, get some perspective, please! take a breath! It's a bulletin board!
Row your right it is just a BB.
BUT this board allows the individuals that have something to do with U (not necessarily employees) to vent, share ideas and get a better perspective on different aspects of the airline then for a moderator whose supposed to set an example come on here post something than disagree with the direction the topic is going because if his post, chastise another member because that individual made a remark about serving a coke, than lock the topic so no one else can respond is IMO is flat out irresponsible. :down:
Some people get better treatment because they don't violate the rules. I don't think that either I or any of the other moderators have ever seen Usflyboi or some others call posters shills, spineless, or publicly demean their job.

The same cannot be said for others. Incidently, many of those who have been called to the mat for those types of board violations have admitted to doing so and have apologized for having done so. As such, there is a clear track record of those posters for having violated the rules. Having done so, they do receive closer scrutiny for their postings - and, notably - several of them continued to violate the rules.

We have one poster on here who has been warned SEVEN different times in the past six months - from two or three different moderators. Do you believe that type of behavior to be condoned?
Row your right it is just a BB.
BUT this board allows the individuals that have something to do with U (not necessarily employees) to vent, share ideas and get a better perspective on

There is no problem with the sharing ideas and getting a better perspective. There is a serious problem with the "vent{ing}" when the only response to a post is to call somebody a name or to insult them. There is a very serious problem with that.

different aspects of the airline then for a moderator whose supposed to set an example come on here post something than disagree with the direction the topic is going because if his post, chastise another member because that individual made a remark about serving a coke, than lock the topic so no one else can respond is IMO is flat out irresponsible.

Interesting viewpoint, but again it was clearly the intent of the poster to demean the other poster by essentially likening that poster to a sky-waitress.
PITbull said:

I reported you to THE moderators.

And if you took out the 15-20 members YOU don't like, you wouldn't have a public forum left. <_<
You got that part right. The same people, stating the same thing over and over.
Veteran Member

Group: Moderator
Posts: 1,089
Member No.: 8
Joined: 19-August 02

QUOTE (PITbull @ Mar 9 2004, 09:41 PM)
I vote that Bill go to the cornfields for a week for discrimimnating against certain posters.

Only if you come with me...

Did ya get the memo concerning the Dark Side of the Force?


She's completely out of your league, first graduate to the minors, and then on to your apprenticeship, then you will be lucky to qualify____son.
BillLumbergh said:
Row your right it is just a BB.
BUT this board allows the individuals that have something to do with U (not necessarily employees) to vent, share ideas and get a better perspective on

There is no problem with the sharing ideas and getting a better perspective. There is a serious problem with the "vent{ing}" when the only response to a post is to call somebody a name or to insult them. There is a very serious problem with that.

Interesting viewpoint, but again it was clearly the intent of the poster to demean the other poster by essentially likening that poster to a sky-waitress.

Saying that a certain provoking poster needs to "crawl back under their rock, where the light won't get you", IS NOT INSULTING. But, you warned me you would ban me off the boards. That's plain simple ludicrous and you are using some kind of power you think you have to control the posters very thought an writing to fit some purpose you have.

You have the ability to misconstrue even the simpliest, benign attempt. If we wanted to be like you...we would be you!
Darth the Emperor is upset with you.
PITbull said:
Saying that someone needs to "crawl back under their rock, where the light won't get you", IS NOT INSULTING. But, you warned you would ban me off the boards. That's plain simple ludicrous and you are using some kind of power you think you have to control the posters very thought an writing to fit some purpose you have.

You have the ability to misconstrue even the simpliest, benign attempt. If we wanted to be like you...we would be you!
Pit bull ! I think this is that "tude" he may be referring to. "the power you think you have"??????????/ You see If i were moderator you wouldnt have had the chance to say that . This board isnt yours. If your so concerned about the union why is it your on here arguing and insulting anyone who disagrees with you. As with most margeting projects you must pick and choose your avenues to roll down This isnt an avenue where you can do any good. You have constantly shown its your view or no view, unfortunately for you this isnt your board or anyone posting on heres board. There are rules plain and simple. As with in our own company by seeing the anger and insults and name calling. one can see why our airline is in trouble. With a one sided attitude a company, group ,or club can never make it. There are rules here . Im not sure why you or the "few' OTHERS FEEL THEREs favortism here, its as plain as the nose on anyones face. The people who insult curse namecall etc are the ones who are warned and banned. You cant get warned for speaking your opinion. You can however be warned for how you express it. There are other boards out there you may transfer to all be it youd have to pay. If some dont like it here im sure others would welcome you and your money with open arms. The nice thing about it is you have a choice. A choice to stay and follow the rules or leave and forget about it. A nice choice many dont have. Stick to what you do know and thats defending "your" union and fighting for what "you" believe is rt or wrong. Just to do it with someone who can make a difference. Iassure you, no one on here can !
ktflyhome said:
I have been thinking the very same thing since I first started lurking and posting on this sight. I even pm'd someone else to ask the very same question. It is SO obvious.

If it weren't for the 15-20 posters on here day in and day out posting their knowledge, concerns, frustrations, facts and bringing about conversation for debate and reference, there would be no need to even be here.

I for one, have enjoyed the different personalities and thoughts and feelings and yes FACTS that posters have taken the time to share. If this is just going to be a forum where it becomes insulated, redundant and obviously placating to the "teacher's pet", I for one can find more thrills with playing Majohng Solitaire.

I have gone back and read every single post in the thread(s) locked and I find nothing so abhorent as to have taken such action. Just my OHO. 🙂
I think if you were to "lurk " a little more , youll learn a whole lot. I suggest you go back and read posts to get the "full" picture". There are great posters on here. Some if not most with opposing opinions. Nothing wrong with that at all . I respect anyone who takes the time to post their opinion. It shows passion! That can be easily done with out insults. What about that statement could you possibly disagree with ? You or I have never met. You dont know me. So why is it you make your "comments" towards me or anyone you choose to disagree with . ?Its your world and can do what you wanna. But maybe next time pay closer attention to the message without the insult and youll get a different perspective. Youll see it means more to a person reading it without seeing an agenda or anger.
ktflyhome said:
II have gone back and read every single post in the thread(s) locked and I find nothing so abhorent as to have taken such action. Just my OHO. 🙂
Thats because it was deleted lol !
Thats because it was deleted lol !
Beings USfliboi finds it so funny that a particular post was deleted its obvious that the post didnt/wouldnt bother him.
With Bill Lumbergh's permission and if 700UW wouldnt mind I for one would like to see what the post said.
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