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Deal May Foreshadow A Us Airways Sell-off

Capt. Boomer, You can do the same, and yet you want other "employee" groups to take up the slack. STAND for yourself with the concessions, don't bring others down. There are some employees who can afford a cut, other's do not deserve it!!!!!
spindoc writes
It makes me laugh when I read the drivel the IAM diehards put on this board. Grow up and learn to accept that which you cannot control. Of course, myself and the rest of the people who really want to see this company prosper will be laughing our arses off when CCY completes their end run around the IAM and the majority of you hacks are on the street.

Keep taking the high road - I know anything with oil and gears can be fixed by a mechanic and while the $$$ is not as good as top pay at an airline, garages and auto dealerships jobs are always avaialble. Hell being a backyard mechanic for friends and neighbors has been pretty good for a quick buck. Old chipper and the other topguns may have a tougher time of it. Everyone wants the airlines to be successful, but as the article stated the end is probably near and there are no amount of givebacks or sucking up that will change that. Good luck.
Remember now the Mechanics are the lowest paid in the industry (reference Wall Street journal article posted a few months ago). Now the pilot group is still in the middle of the pack, but they could fly more hours and still need to take a pay cut some might say. To get at 1.5 billion dollars you can figure flying maximum hours and taking about another 25% pay hit minimum. One reason for higher number of Maintenance employees is we do more work in house. As far as the ramp folks you will have to talk to them. There was another article talking about the top ten overpaid jobs and a pilot job was on it. So one may conclude your pilot group may need to even give more than the flying of max hours and 25% hit in W-2. Maybe Dave will need about 40% or more to make it work here. Are you dedicated enough to give. It is better then starting over. Right?

--Me I have nothing left. Sorry, I am not giving my job. See you on the other side.


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Baja4U said:
Spin Doc, you must be behind the yoke.... Hate it for you when push comes to shove. What are the rules usfliboi, you can "express your issues" but, I can't. Don't preach to the "working" class.
baja i have a feeling your gonna find out soon about the rules.
boomer, FYI, maint over staffed?? In Phl sun night, 33 RON acft , 30 mechs on shift, Clt Heavy maint, A330 check, in hanger, among other acft , less than 12 mechs on shift!!! Sounds over staffed to me!!!!
pitguy said:
Remember now the Mechanics are the lowest paid in the industry (reference Wall Street journal article posted a few months ago).
--Me I have nothing left. Sorry, I am not giving my job. See you on the other side.
I think if im not mistaken and rarely am, 🙂 were not talking about pay here. Were talking about productivity !!! Why dont you sacrifice the cleaners in your group. Between you guys and all of us couldnt we save millions? Do we actually need them ? Increase productivity with the flt crews. I personally get tired of the 3 hour Productivity breaks daily! Just a couple of ways that the southwest guys beat our pants off.
SpinDoc said:
It makes me laugh when I read the drivel the IAM diehards put on this board. Grow up and learn to accept that which you cannot control. Of course, myself and the rest of the people who really want to see this company prosper will be laughing our arses off when CCY completes their end run around the IAM and the majority of you hacks are on the street. The childish personal attacks on A320Pilot and the absolutely ridiculous insistence that "the concession stand is closed" show your true age and immaturity. It's time for Dave and Jerry to "shut off the money spigot" and put the IAM in their place.
So we are to bend over and let Dave and Jerry Screw us Again?

Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me, there is NOT gonna be a third time.
USfliboi says:"Why dont you sacrifice the cleaners in your group!"

Why don't we sacrifice you? Apparently, unity is not one of your strenghts!
Dizel8 said:
USfliboi says:"Why dont you sacrifice the cleaners in your group!"

Why don't we sacrifice you? Apparently, unity is not one of your strenghts!
Sounds like people have mad some phone calls and told buds to come on and help ! There are a few needless jobs on our property. In the end tuff calls have to be made. Not saying your needless just the job!

Sorry, no phonecall was made. I do not even work for U, so not sure anyone would know to call me. While I do not have a dog in this fight, I also find it very disgusting what is going on, on the U property. You are willing to sell everyone out, as long as you get yours. Kind of reminds me of a few other posters. It saddens me, to see people willing to sell their friends down the river.

If it was your job about to by the wayside, I think you would sing a different tune!
Obviously you dont know me nor the story. All of our jobs are in big trouble. Thanks for clarifying your position It puts things in perspective. Outsiders are welcome of course but we need to educate you ! 🙂

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