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Deal May Foreshadow A Us Airways Sell-off

usfliboi, where are the insults??? I was responding to someone telling me that I needed to talk to mgmt. and "talk" about concessions when everyone is in a different position. Don't dictate to me what I need to talk to Mgmt. about. You can have your issues and I can have mine. Don't ask me to save your ***, when you can afford to pay for your own.
If you want to give, go ahead. More power to you. This is a personal issue and some feel like they have been 'mugged' enough and they chose not to say 'yes' to any more.

--Please do not attack me.
Read the rules now and tell me what this is !!!!

quote of baja4u
"a320, You crack me up. You're so worried about your cush job behind the yoke, you can't stand the rest of us are not giving in to mgt demands. You have a spine like a rubber band!! At least the mechanics are more employable than you!!! See you at the cheese line!!!!"

Are you implying that what was said is not true? I think what the poster may have meant was attacks against 'you' that you are always talking about.
AND, your point is???? This is a forum, a discussion with others, I'm sorry i can't type as fast as I think. We can agree to disagree, how"s that? By the way usfliboi, I know people in the hangar too, let's feel the love from the south.......wish we were there.......
PitGuy, I'm kind of new at expressing my opinion in public, but, I do appreciate your comments.
Baja4U said:
give me a break!!! Personal attack, how about "others" telling others what to do....We should, we should, we should, LISTEN to mgmt and "others"..... I chose to have my own opinion, is that OK???? or am I living in another country?????
It makes me laugh when I read the drivel the IAM diehards put on this board. Grow up and learn to accept that which you cannot control. Of course, myself and the rest of the people who really want to see this company prosper will be laughing our arses off when CCY completes their end run around the IAM and the majority of you hacks are on the street. The childish personal attacks on A320Pilot and the absolutely ridiculous insistence that "the concession stand is closed" show your true age and immaturity. It's time for Dave and Jerry to "shut off the money spigot" and put the IAM in their place.
Pit the attack wasnt at me ! It was an insult to him calling hime spine less!!! Theres nothing contructive that it adds to this topic... Am i the only one that sees it NOT ! BAJA read the rules it is indeed a forum but with rules!
pitguy said:
If you want to give, go ahead. More power to you. This is a personal issue and some feel like they have been 'mugged' enough and they chose not to say 'yes' to any more.

--Please do not attack me.

If this is a personal issue for you, then keep it private and don't continuously beat the dead horse on these boards in the hopes that others will agree with your point of view. There are two sides to this issue and frankly, the public should not be dragged into an internal company fight.
Spin Doc, you must be behind the yoke.... Hate it for you when push comes to shove. What are the rules usfliboi, you can "express your issues" but, I can't. Don't preach to the "working" class.
I'd suggest that it shows incredibly bad judgment to post images of violence on this thread. Rethink that move, pitguy.
SpinDoc said:
pitguy said:
If you want to give, go ahead. More power to you. This is a personal issue and some feel like they have been 'mugged' enough and they chose not to say 'yes' to any more.

--Please do not attack me.
There's something else that I find a little bit strange. Why is it that the SAME 5 union cronies always seem to be the only ones who post on these forums? Think about it, 5 of them versus the thousands of employees who work for US. If there truly was the amount of dissention these 5 posters would like you to believe, then why don't we hear from more union members? It's simple, they keep their opinions to themselves and would rather let internal processes resolve their issues. Rock on gentleman. Your rantings are quite entertaining, but not much else.
It's all entertaining Spin Doc...that's why we're here.... NOW, I SAID, DROP AND GIVE ME 20

What say you to the fact that U has more ground employees per aircraft that the LCC? It is obvious that the pilots are willing to help to see the company survive and prosper. Why is it that you folks, who say they can earn the same money or more outside of aviation, continue on your "scorched earth" policy? Are you willing to have cross utilization that enables U to be as productive as the other carriers?

If jobs that pay what yours does were so commonplace, why do many of the IAM workers commute long distances when their station is closed so they can continue in the employ of the company? Why not just hang it up and go get that other job?

Boomer <_<

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