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Dallas asks U.S. court to solve gate fight at Love

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and you still will be surprised like a whole lot of people at what the DOT can do to shut the whole passenger operation down if it comes to the point that DAL doesn't want to play by the federal regulations it agreed to and in which DAL said it would provide gate space to DL.

This case on multiple levels involves real money and real charges of obstructing business and interfering with commerce.

Someone is going to walk away bruised and with their tail between their legs and I am strongly betting it will not be the DOT that has managed this same type of airport access issue in dozens of other airports and also is well aware of what is involved with the unique nature of DAL history and operations.

Complying with DOT regulations is completely compatible with WARA and every other issue that covers US airports as well as DAL - but very likely only if WN is effectively limited to 16 gates and the two gates which UA transferred to WN become common use and a good chunk of space at them are awarded to DL as the only carrier that has a valid unfilled accommodation request in place.

We'll see who is really ignorant of all the intricacies that are involved in this case and what has to be done to defuse this situation within days on a temporary basis and perhaps as long as a few months on a permanent basis.

I have a feeling that people like 700 who routinely tell other people how unqualified to speak on one subject after another will be the one that will have been documented with the most incorrect statements when all is said and done.
700UW said:
The DOT isnt in charge of the TSA, you are truly clueless.
Correct. The only funding I'm aware of that FAA provides with conditions attached are for infrastructure projects (e.g. AIP).

FAA could demand DAL reimburse them for past AIP grants, but air traffic control is provided without strings attached. A private airport like TEP, BFI, and PWK still have FAA controllers even though they're closed to commercial traffic. BBG (privately operated) had private local controllers, but still receives ATC services.

Fees/taxes collected by the airlines for TSA and CBP are remitted directly to those agencies, just as PFC's are remitted to the airports involved.

I think it's a bit rich to believe that the TSA will walk off the job. I would expect them to deny DL customers to pass thru the security checkpoint, though.

If DL lands without a gate to park at, they'll be sent to the penalty box to wait for one.

Somehow, I don't think DL's going to call that bluff. They'll cancel and/or divert to DFW.

There certainly won't be any Federal marshals waiting to escort DL passengers thru the terminal.
Dude (WT) your bonkers if you think the DOT will shut down DAL when DL gets shut out, lol!
And yes the WARA supersedes other laws and its is a law passed by Congress specifically addressing how it will be handle, but you cant learn to accept that.
or we can believe that the DOT actually is able to take a nationwide perspective while DAL and the COD is simply trying to protect WN's interests - which is what Delta said in the lawsuit it filed - that COD and DAL are engaged in collusion and antitrust - pretty heavy charges that carry some pretty severe penalties if proven to be true.
What lawsuit did Delta file?

Didn't Delta only threaten to file a lawsuit to seek an injunction so far?

Can you provide a link to this alleged lawsuit so we can all read what Delta said in it?

Or are you just making stuff up again?

Delta intervened in the lawsuit WN filed to review the first DOT letter.
Is that the one you mean?
DL sent a letter to the COD Friday afternoon saying they will file a lawsuit. Terry Maxon, despite being unable to calculate seat seats even though he posts traffic shares, does have a bead on DAL news

And those who think that DAL will not be unimpacted should remember that DOT years ago threatened to withhold federal highway funds because Texas did not comply with federal speed requirements.

The DOT won.

This isn't the first rodeo that the DOT has had with Texas regarding transportation.

Texas highways are now some of the more tranquil in the south and west.

This is a local/federal issue. DAL can choose to do what it wants - but at the cost of losing federal funds.

I can absolutely assure you that DAL will not be a viable commercial airport if DAL has to pay for the cost of it without federal funds.

and if you don't know how much of the federal government is seen all over DAL and every other airport, you are in for a rude surprise.

Without federal funds, WN's operation will not be viable at DAL.

remember that COD tried to shut down DAL to commercial operations decades ago and didn't succeed because of WN. Maybe this all will turn out to do the same thing now.
WorldTraveler said:
.....or we can believe that the DOT actually is able to take a nationwide perspective while DAL and the COD is simply trying to protect WN's interests - which is what Delta said in the lawsuit it filed - that COD and DAL are engaged in collusion and antitrust -
WorldTraveler said:
DL sent a letter to the COD Friday afternoon saying they will file a lawsuit.
You could have saved all the babbling about Texas highway speeds and highway funds, and just admitted you were BS'ing again about what Delta said in a lawsuit that they haven't even filed.
It's all deflection. DOT ultimately lost the highway kerfuffle when the 55mph speed limits were repealed. TX, UT and several states now have limits exceeding 75 in places.

Why? Because legislation outranks a Federal agency's rulemaking.
Federal laws always supercede local desires and laws if the feds foot the bill
WorldTraveler said:
DL sent a letter to the COD Friday afternoon saying they will file a lawsuit. Terry Maxon, despite being unable to calculate seat seats even though he posts traffic shares, does have a bead on DAL news
WorldTraveler said:
Federal laws always supercede local desires and laws if the feds foot the bill
The WARA is a FEDERAL LAW, that supersedes anything in regards to other airports!
That is why it is in existence.
Thanks for showing one more time that you will be prove wrong

PS. try to get funding for DAL with WARA
You are the one who will be shown to be wrong, once again with your made up information and lies.
(a) In General- The city of Dallas, Texas, shall reduce as soon as practicable, the number of gates available for passenger air service at Love Field to no more than 20 gates. Thereafter, the number of gates available for such service shall not exceed a maximum of 20 gates. The city of Dallas, pursuant to its authority to operate and regulate the airport as granted under chapter 22 of the Texas Transportation Code and this Act, shall determine the allocation of leased gates and manage Love Field in accordance with contractual rights and obligations existing as of the effective date of this Act for certificated air carriers providing scheduled passenger service at Love Field on July 11, 2006. To accommodate new entrant air carriers, the city of Dallas shall honor the scarce resource provision of the existing Love Field leases.
(d) Enforcement-
(1) IN GENERAL- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration may not make findings or determinations, issue orders or rules, withhold airport improvement grants or approvals thereof, deny passenger facility charge applications, or take any other actions, either self-initiated or on behalf of third parties--
(A) that are inconsistent with the contract dated July 11, 2006, entered into by the city of Dallas, the city of Fort Worth, the DFW International Airport Board, and others regarding the resolution of the Wright Amendment issues, unless actions by the parties to the contract are not reasonably necessary to implement such contract; or
(B that challenge the legality of any provision of such contract
Federal Law.
You are wrong once again, so go retreat and come up with more lies, misinformation to counter reality.
By Terry Maxon ltmaxon@dallasnews.com
Published: June 18, 2015 2:02 pm

Southwest Airlines issued a statement Thursday backing the city of Dallas lawsuit that attempts to settle the gate situation at Dallas Love Field.
Of course, Southwest also backs the idea that it doesn’t have to share its gates with anyone, i.e., Delta Air Lines, because Southwest will be fully utilizing the gates this summer.

[SIZE=1em]Here’s its statement.[/SIZE]
Southwest supports the City’s efforts to manage Love Field in accordance with its obligations under airline leases and the Wright Amendment Reform Act.  Southwest disagrees with guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation regarding the use of Love Field gates by non-tenant airlines like Delta.  That guidance not only violates Southwest’s legal and contractual rights but would also reduce competition, costing consumers millions of dollars in higher airfares.
Delta’s temporary license to use gate space at Dallas Love Field expires at midnight on July 6, 2015.  Beginning August 9, Southwest will fully utilize its 18 Love Field gates by operating 180 flights a day to 50 nonstop destinations resulting in an industry-leading gate utilization of ten flights a day per gate.  Southwest will therefore be unable to accommodate any other airline, including Delta, on its gates after that date.  Tickets on these Southwest flights have been for sale to our Customers since February or earlier.
The lawsuit filed by the City of Dallas allows the City and Southwest to ask the court to properly interpret applicable law as well as the contractual agreements entered into by the City and Southwest relating to Love Field, which clearly give Southwest the right to expand upon and maximize the usage of its leased gates in the best interest of the citizens of Dallas.  Every other air carrier serving North Texas, including Delta, can grow without restriction at DFW Intl. Airport, which Delta currently serves.  Southwest is restricted from growing beyond its 18 Love Field gates, which is a small fraction of the total 185 gates in the Dallas Ft. Worth market.


Southwest Airlines backs the city of Dallas lawsuit
Southwest says Delta is 'trespassing' at Love Field

" I have this July 7 vision of Delta Air Lines jets blocking Southwest Airlines gates and
    Southwest Airlines employees locking the jetbridge doors at Dallas Love Field. "

For that fear a judge needs to slap an injunction on DAL and WN
The sides in the debate are well known
The only question is the size of damages that WN and DAL will pay given charges of collusion and antitrust violations which I said months ago would come.
The general counsel of the DOT is not going to be shown wrong
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