so what's left for the APSA to accomplish?
Justice Department Backs NMB, Election
In a brief supporting the NMB’s decision that an election should proceed, the Justice Department argued, “the Board’s actions in representation disputes are generally unreviewable, and therefore outside of this Court’s jurisdiction, because of the necessity to resolve such disputes expeditiously.”
Both the Justice Department and the NMB’s general counsel asked that the case be dismissed and the election be allowed to proceed. Agents throughout the system couldn’t agree more, and we’re wearing our CWA pins and circulating a petition urging CEO Tom Horton to stop the delaying tactics. You can download and print out the petition
here or you can sign an electronic petition
“We know that you are grappling with financial problems and are in the midst of corporate bankruptcy proceedings. For your workers, too, this is a time of great uncertainty. It is important that there be no barriers to their ability to exercise their legal rights to decide whether they want to collectively bargain and why we strongly encourage you to provide the information to the National Mediation Board.”
The NMB has given American Airlines until Tuesday, May 22, to respond to CWA’s request that the election be held using mailing labels submitted by a group of agents on Tuesday, May 15. In a letter to NMB General Counsel Mary L. Johnson, CWA President Larry Cohen argued that precedent established by the Board in 2004 allows elections to proceed without the cooperation of an employer.
Worse, when it becomes obvious that a CBA couldn't stop the axe from swinging with the union workgroups, is there still going to be support for bringing in a union?
There you go. All union employees at AA should get rid of the unions