CS Policy

It's called shift swaps, when I get home I will post the exact language, if I remember correctly you get 20 per quarter and can only do one "back to back" each work week.
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700UW said:
It's called shift swaps, when I get home I will post the exact language, if I remember correctly you get 20 per quarter and can only do one "back to back" each work week.
Ok, as I posted on the AA site, I have a hunch that what US does will be the norm at AA. It's funny you mention ONE back to back a week. At AA, it seems to be unlimited.
(M) Shift Swaps

An employee may authorize another qualified employee within the same bid area and classification to work his scheduled work day/shift in accordance with the following provisions:

1. The request must be in writing to the authorizing employee's immediate supervisor using the appropriate form and signed by both  employees involved.

2. The request must be submitted not less than five (5) working days prior to the day/shift to be worked.

3. Employees are personally responsible for work on the day/shift involved and will be considered normally assigned for all purposes.
4. An employee who fails to report or is tardy on the day/shift involved for any reason, other than sickness supplemented by a physician's statement, may be restricted from utilizing these provisions for one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of the absence or tardiness.
5. Employees working in probationary periods are not eligible to participate under these provisions.

6. No overtime payment or premium payment will be paid to an employee as a result of working another employee's day/shift under these provisions.

7. No request under these provisions shall be honored in jurisdictions in which the laws or regulations either preclude such as a result of hours restrictions or require the compensation of such day/shift at overtime rates. This paragraph shall immediately apply in any jurisdiction, which may hereafter impose such restrictions or require such payment.

8. An employee who has agreed to work for another employee under these provisions is obligated to work the day/shift as agreed and may not exchange this obligation with any other employee.

9. Only the employee authorizing another to work his day/shift will be charged for the authorization. A minimum of twenty-six (26) such authorizations per calendar quarter will be permitted by an employee .

10. Employees participating under these provisions will be eligible for overtime on the shift preceding and following the swap, but not on his regular shift (i.e., the shift he swapped off) and will be paid and charged at the time and one-half (1 1/2x) rate of pay. These employees will not be eligible for paid rest and will be responsible for disqualifying themselves from any overtime that would result in paid rest.

11. Employees may work a maximum of sixteen (16) consecutive hours (excluding unpaid meal periods) during a twenty-four (24) hour period as a result of shift swaps. Employees will not be permitted to work double shifts on any consecutive days as a result of shift swaps. Where employees swap and there is a duty free period of at least fourteen (14) hours between the end of one duty period and the start of a new duty period, such swaps will not be considered as consecutive days for application of this provision.

12. Employees who have a swap scheduled 1 within twenty-four (24) hours of a field service trip are ineligible for that field service trip. If an employee is on a field service trip and it becomes evident that the field service trip will extend into a scheduled swap, the employee will notify management and the employee will be paid at the straight time rate of pay
during the swap period. No overtime payment or paid rest will be paid as a result of working the swap.

13. Receipt of a PE-1 for violation of the swap provisions will not disqualify the employee from eligibility for upgrades.

14. Employees are personally responsible to remain in compliance with Federal Air Regulations at all times relative to personal duty time regulations.

15. If an employee agrees to work a double shift as a result of a swap and later calls in sick, he will be charged with sick leave) for both shifts missed. The employee returning from sick leave must also provide a doctor’s slip upon return to work or swap privileges will be suspended.

16. If an employee is denied a requested DAT/comp day due to needs of service, and subsequently arranges for another employee to work in his place, the employee shall be paid for the day at his appropriate straight time rate and a DAT/comp day will be deducted. This DAT/comp swap shall not count as a swap for purposes of the limitations in this provision.

Dear Mr. Freiberger:
The following will confirm our understanding regarding the company and union agreement regarding the allowance of back to back double shift swaps. This agreement is cancelable by either party subject to a thirty- (30) day notification:
1. Employees may shift swap to work back to back double shifts, once per  workweek.
2. The company may disapprove any back to back double shift swap for any employee where the company finds that there is evidence the employee's productivity, safety, or job performance is adversely  affected, as described in item 6 below.
3. There must be a minimum of 7 hours of rest between each of the  double shifts worked back to back.
4. Back to back double shift swaps will not be approved for any employee who is on a written warning or higher of the attendance control  program.
5. In circumstances where shift trades have been approved (single shift or double shift) and where the employee who is scheduled to work for another employee is unable to do so (e.g., due to a leave of absence (paid or unpaid), transfer, termination, jury duty, schedule re-bid, occupational injury), the Company reserves the right to cancel an approved shift trade provided seven (7) days notice is given to affected employees.
6. In the event that the company finds any evidence of an adverse impact to the employee’s performance, productivity or safety the employee’s supervisor shall discuss the concerns with the employee. Following the discussion, should the company again find further indications of an adverse impact to the employee’s productivity, safety, or job performance then the employees back to back shift swaps will be suspended for six (6) months.  Any grievance filed as a result of the suspension of back to back double shift swaps will be limited to the factual question of whether the employee was advised of the company concerns over the adverse impact to their performance, safety or productivity and such grievance will end at the Review Board step of the grievance process.
Well its in the M&R and Fleet Service CBAs at US, but fleet's language might be different.
And there are slight improvements in the M&R CBA in regards to swaps.
Guys I'm curious. If you work a CS or Swap Shift with someone are you required to work for that individual on another day or he be required to work for you?
They are one way swaps.  But most people have a swap partner and give each other three days off each week.
700UW said:
They are one way swaps.  But most people have a swap partner and give each other three days off each week.
It sounds like under your new TA you guys are getting closer to what we have in policy?
WeAAsles said:
It sounds like under your new TA you guys are getting closer to what we have in policy?
What you have is a privilege to swap that can be revoked at any time without recourse