Lo and behold, there is a search - though for keyword only, thank God I sign most of my posts - so here's some more:
I'm certainly no expert on LOA 91, but to me it appears that the only way to guarantee more than 50% J4J's on the planes going to Republic is for the transaction to constitute a "change of control" of MDA. Without that, it depends on Republic's goodwill
Prior to last July or thereabouts, MDA was actually Services Company (d/b/a MidAtlantic Airways), a subsidiary of US Airways Group, Inc. That could have allowed this to be something other than an asset sale. But at that time, Services Company was merged into US Airways, Inc (mainline).
I started to say that I have absolutely no idea what Republic/Chataugua pays, but that's not quite accurate. One of my nephews has been there flying right seat on the Emb-170 (as UAL express) for 6 months or so and makes around $27 per hour. But that is all I know.
As for everything else, I can only hope that it works out for the folks at MDA. I fear, though, that anything over 50% J4J's will depend on the good intentions of Republic.
I've had the same thought/worry/concern bouncing around in the back of my head.
Per both agreements (AWAC & Republic), the only way for someone to get more than 50% of the stock (and hence voting control) is to invest more than $200 million in equity. Less than that, AWAC/Republic get 50% of the stock.
There is one thing in both agreements that I haven't got a handle on and it isn't "defined" anywhere.
In the chart (in both agreements) that defines how much of the stock AWAC/Republic get, there's several columns.
1 - the investment under the agreement ($125Mil)
2 - total investment by others (varying amounts)
3 - more in a moment but it's a constant $250Mil
4 - total of the first 3 amounts
5 - % of stock that investor (either AWAC or Republic) gets (from max of 25% to min of 19.26%)
Now for column 3. It called "Pre-Cash Equity" and, as I said, is a constant $250Mil. What it represents, I don't know. But it is close to Bronner's original $240Mil investment. Just food for thought.....
Here's what the actual Republic agreement says:
"Preferential Hiring.
Republic will comply with the terms of Letter of Agreement #91 to the US Airways - ALPA Collective Bargaining Agreement with respect to the flight crews currently employed by US Airways' EMB-170 Division ("Mid-Atlantic"), and will offer preferential hiring to any flight attendants and mechanics currently employed at Mid-Atlantic. Furthermore Republic will comply with such Letter of Agreement #91 associated with any additional aircraft."
According to LOA 91, sale of MDA assets triggers 50% J4J's on the aircraft at the acquiring carrier (one of the "non-concessions" according to Garland). Of course, Chataugua (Republic Air Holding's only operating division though I understand they're still trying to get Republic Airlines off the ground)abides with the J4J's program as far as their current flying for us.
Other tidbits of the agreement:
To get their hands on any money prior to exiting BK (when the $125 million becomes available) will require the asset sales, so they could come quickly after the judge approves the agreement (hearing scheduled 3/31). Not necessarily good for the MDA folks.
On the other hand, the transfer of planes will be at the rate of 3 per month. That means that all MDA flying won't disappear overnite (good for MDA folks if they all don't go with the airplanes) but gives Republic/Chataugua ample time to hire/train their own folks for 50% of the jobs (not necessarily good for MDA folks).
While I certainly don't have a crystal ball, the AWAC agreement calls for only one class of "new" stock after exit from bankruptcy and all "new" stock will be "one share - one vote" (so nothing like Bronner's B shares that gave him a majority vote without the majority of shares). Pure speculation, but maybe they were concerned about putting money into this place and Bronner remaining firmly in control.
AWAC also gets 3 board seats (more under specific circumstances), from media reports it appears Republic gets the same (I haven't seen the actual agreement yet), the CEO is on the board (as is pretty normal) and the CEO gets to appoint at least one board member.
Assuming we get the $100 million in additional equity investment called for in the Republic deal, it is starting to appear like no one entity will have a controlling vote.
"And I wonder how much of a cut we made to Republic's money they get from us."
So far all that been made public is that their ERJ contract is cut to cost + 5%. That's for 35 airplanes, of which 15 can be removed by U or them. Oh, the ERJ's are operated by their Chataugua subdivision.
Republic had a conference call on the agreement today. As you would probably expect, they made the agreement sound as good for them as the company made it sound for U.
Actually, that's what I was beginning to think. The motion to reject the leases on the 24 planes was filed back in mid-Nov, with the rejection date "to be determined". When the hearing kept being postponed, I figured filing the motion was a negotiating tactic.
With the announcement of the 11 737's leaving, I'm not so sure anymore (though without tail #'s there's no way to be sure that these 11 are part of the 24).
One thing for sure, time will tell.....
"You don't think there's a pilot staffing problem about to rear its ugly little head now do you?"
Interesting you should say that. I'd been wondering for a while how many pilots (not counting reserves who have no choice in their schedule) were flying the extra time each month.
Rode home today from CLT with someone you know that's in a position to have the info. He said "Not many."
I know that over the last couple of months I've only talked to a couple of pilots flying to the pay cap, but that's a small sample size.
In short, I don't think the pilot staffing problem is "about" to rear it's ugly little head - I think it already has....
Is that enough or should I post more?